Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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Oh I approach my first year on PM and feeling more femme everyday, this is what scares me.

My admiration for you both having the courage to follow your this point I cannot. But stand in awe of you that do,
Sammy and heather have abandoned us Huh
But at end of day your life is governed by your needs ,
Me personally will always have soft spot for you both .
Wishing you both happy and fruitious journey
(09-08-2015, 03:31 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote: [ -> ](I know...I should have a bra...but ...honestly...wearing one all day is soooo uncomfortable and when I do wear one I cannot wait to get it off after work so often I just skip it LOL).
This isn't QUITE what I had in mind when I started my search, but, maybe one of these might be the way to go.
I don't mind wearing bras, but, sometimes the shoulder straps actually make my fingers split open right at the edge of my nails and, if I'm not wearing an underwire, my tits will eventually start to fall out from underneath and, if I DO wear one, they either poke me in the sides or dig into my chest or if there's any material below that wires, it starts to curl under and becomes a bit of a pain! After a short while, the bra want to always do that and, no matter how often I fix it, it goes right back under in just a moment or two! :-(
Anyway, THIS is what I originally had in mind!!{ifmobile:-MB}-_-XWEBAFCSE15&sc=XWEBAFCSE15&zmam=11782639&zmas=1&zmac=21&zmap=VL620-A-BE
At $12.00 for 5 pair, they aren't much more expensive as the ones I bought around 1995!! 3 in a pack for just over $3.00!! At least with these, for $12.00, give them a try and if they don't work for you, you're only out $12.00!! Sell the other 4 to a friend for $10.00 or just give them away!! Or, find other creative uses for them! Use them as trim at the top of the wall in your shower, use them to pick lint off your dog, or, take up canning preserves and use them as fancy labels on the jars! Put one on your kid's mouth if they talk back to you! Put two of them together to make a nifty skull cap! Or, put two together, put a couple panty liners inside for lining and use it as a handy carrying case for CD's, or a bowling ball!