Thanks Lisa the Phoenix?, Sammie the Thespian, Clara the Pioneer,
Samantha you know you just opened a can of worms with being an actor and all, lol
Mom was a singer/actress/director, memories of being dragged around from one stage production to another have been dormant. My sisters and I would frequent the wardrobe dept. all the time. I loved the post production parties, not that we were allowed to stay up for it, just long enough before the alcohol kicked in. We pretended to sleep and would eavesdrop to the drunken talk and laugh hysterically. So I've been a hopeless classic film buff ever since, mom drove me nuts with her film knowledge. Oh that's so and so, and did you know how he got the scar (Bogie), I'd be listening to the movie and her at the same time. Are you listening to me?, ya mom!, then what did I say?...
P.S. Huge Bogart fan- To Have and Have Not, Key Largo, The Maltese Falcon