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Tried every method


using noogleberry everyday like I always do and still no growth.

How do people grow boobs?


I'm being called a troll for not being able to grow breasts. Nobody has gave me information on how a man can grow breasts. When you have naturally high testosterone there isn't any information on how to grow breasts.

Even with an anti-androgen, taking a herb like fenugreek would cause testosterone to go up. Bountiful Breasts does nothing. volufiline is a hoax. I put MSM and collagen in my lightly caffeinated instant coffee every morning.  I have tried domperidone and risperdal. I still use noogleberry for a few hours EVERY day.


(02-06-2022, 05:00 PM)HandofFate Wrote:  I'm being called a troll for not being able to grow breasts.

Would you mind sharing your detailed diet? Let's see what we can do to up your weight gain at the correct place. It would also help if we had your exact supplement program and your meds.

You're taking MSM, how much? What else do you take?

(26-01-2022, 06:12 AM)HandofFate Wrote:  

(26-01-2022, 02:12 AM)Kay Wrote:  

I have read that boron can increase testosterone.

Why would it matter if it's increasing testosterone when the Dutasteride and Bicalutamide block it from binding to the receptors?

see, this mindset won't help you. the body is extremely complicated and one thing just can't properly undo another thing. sure maybe the blocker is preventing the T from working in this way, butmaybe the T is still hanging around and doing something else. Going off of memory, dutasteride should be targeting 5ar reductase so DHT shouldn't be much of an issue, and bicalutamide is occupying the receptors for T, right? so that free T is just hanging about, unless it's being aromatised, which if fenugreek isn't working i suspect it isn't being aromatized. to me that sounds like a bad thing that could still be hurting your growth.
I think you should post blood levels, i'm pretty sure you have them somewhere on this board but i'd rather not search for them. if you don't have any, get some. they're your friend. if you have an abundance of free T i'd advise a pro-aromatase and look through your diet for anything that's inhibiting aromatase. and maybe cut out boron if you don't need it specifically. likewise with fenugreek.

lastly, you aren't being called a troll for not being able to grow breasts. it's only troling when you take your woes into other people's threads against their will, shutting down their discussion as well.


Don't throw your trash in my backyard
my backyard, my backyard
Don't throw your trash in my backyard
my backyard's full


Estradiol Valerate 10mg/week

Progesterone 200mg oral daily


DHT  <5 ng/dl

Testosterone total 39 ng/dl

Progesterone 1.31 ng/ml

Estradiol 248.8 pg/ml

Calcium 9.4 mg/dl

glucose 97 mg/dl

Doctor prescribed me dutasteride because I ran out a month before the blood test.

Insurance will only cover it for males so I can't get it through the doctor. And don't seem to need it.

I stopped taking bicalutamide before the blood test because I ran out and did not refill. I heard being on it for years causes the testosterone receptors to become more sensitive.

I tried taking fenugreek with 50% saponins, 500mg twice a day and my sperm came back so I stopped.

Current supplements:

MSM 4grams/day

collagen 7grams/day

slow release vitamin C 1gram/day

phosphatidylserine 400mg/day

ashwagandha 500mg/day (going to increase)

Bountiful Breast green pills 2pills twice a day

amino acid protein drink 30g/day

L-Arginine 1gram/day

calcium 600mg/day

melatonin 5mg

DHT blocker combo from amazon

current dosage:

Estradiol Valerate 9mg/week

Progesterone as suppository 200mg/week

My body temperature has been 99.2 F for over a month, most likely from hormones.
I started bountiful breast pills again because they might work when my body temperature is higher.
I don't have anymore GhRh only MK677. I tried taking CJC 1295 DAC 3mg twice a week with MK677 50mg daily, and Berberine 2400mg/day. No breast growth.

Of course I use noogleberry every day for hours.


That is... quite the regiment. and weight goes everywhere but your breasts still? are you gaining weight at all?

regardless, you do deserve better from all that, I wish I knew a magic bullet.

I hope this is a fresh start so I would consider re-evaluating your regime as if you was starting fresh but before we do that I need a bit of information.

  1. How do you take your Oestradiol in pill or intermuscular injection form?
  2. Would you be comfortable with removing the excess from this regime I can't help but think you need to pull back to basics just the E and your blocker until you hit about T3.
  3. I Don't think you should be doing noggleberry with a lack of development at this time the budding tissue needs time to grow and you might be hurting the tissue.


(03-06-2022, 05:55 PM)Mel87 Wrote:  

I hope this is a fresh start so I would consider re-evaluating your regime as if you was starting fresh but before we do that I need a bit of information.

  1. How do you take your Oestradiol in pill or intermuscular injection form?
  2. Would you be comfortable with removing the excess from this regime I can't help but think you need to pull back to basics just the E and your blocker until you hit about T3.
  3. I Don't think you should be doing noggleberry with a lack of development at this time the budding tissue needs time to grow and you might be hurting the tissue.

I have been in HRT for over 4 years. I have not tried breast supplements before HRT like others here.

I take a shot in my leg every week.

I think I am tanner 3 and I have lumps under my nipples. They feel like a ball.

I heard people go from flat to D cup in 4 years with noogleberry alone. But that’s not true with me.

Weight doesn’t goto my chest. I also struggle to gain weight because I need 3,500 calories EVERY day. Idk how to do that in a healthy way like some people.

And most importantly I noticed that you don’t need to gain weight to even grow boobs. So I make sure I get enough protein. I eat peanut butter daily, meats, and protein drinks.


Good day HoF,

I reviewed your last two posts and this is what comes to mind. The first thing is that your diet appears to be testosterone oriented. It's not bad for lean mass, but being trans we should try to get rid of it and let the adipose tissue and visceral fat take over. Your regimen seems to be lacking those materials but the fuel is there. Just don't leave it on the counter. I believe if you hit the gym with your regimen you would become Hulk in no time.

You have control over this.

Here is what I propose, you do whatever.

1. I would replace most meat with fatty fish like fresh salmon.
2. I would integrate some healthy carbs from organic juice, honey, fruits, etc.
3. I would replace phosphatidylserine with Krill Oil that will provide good n-3 fat AND the membrane.
4. I would eat coconut oil and cook with it, use olive oil and spices for dressing.
5. I would drop Bountiful, collagen and DHT blocker combo.
6. I would stop counting calories.

I could tell more but I think with this you'll be fine for a good while. I'll let the more experienced members speak about Pharma, but if you get my point you should receive a kick in your biosignature to let your body developp. Don't work against it ok ?

Blessings to you.

(03-06-2022, 07:37 PM)HandofFate Wrote:  

I have been in HRT for over 4 years. I have not tried breast supplements before HRT like others here.

I take a shot in my leg every week.

I think I am tanner 3 and I have lumps under my nipples. They feel like a ball.

I heard people go from flat to D cup in 4 years with noogleberry alone. But that’s not true with me.

Weight doesn’t goto my chest. I also struggle to gain weight because I need 3,500 calories EVERY day. Idk how to do that in a healthy way like some people.

And most importantly I noticed that you don’t need to gain weight to even grow boobs. So I make sure I get enough protein. I eat peanut butter daily, meats, and protein drinks.

Ok the thing that jumps out to me is a single shot to the Thigh I'm guessing? Try the abdominal area this needs a bit of fat to work also 10mg at once is a hell of a lot and like to suffer half life before it can be absorbed split up the dose twice in the week. But usually take 7mg every 5 days take this into consideration I strongly suggest this instead as I think your running out of E and pushing to high

I would provide them your endo even just images and ask them for information on your size the more accurate you are the better.

If your not truly T3 its likely a waste and your using it too soon

Manue has suggested a really good diet plan you want the whole food triangle leave nothing out just live normally and they will come.


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