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I started taking PM, very low dosage compared to others from here, but, even on small dosage i started to feel some things.

Its been 2 weeks and the dosage vary very much, i just decide on the day, like "well today i want to take 2, and tomorrow i will take 14", but on the last week of the month im trying to keep a high dosage, like at least 7.
obs. im talking about a capsule containing 100mg
And taking 1000mg SP everyday.
About a strange pain that i felt: There was 3 or 4 days in my life that i had a very strong pain on the left testicle and its veins, it was a totally random pain which last +-3h, today and yesterday (7,8 of june) i felt that pain again, today was weaker than yesterday, but its really stressing, someone already had such pain? its like it got nervous and inflated, it hurts when touched and when i walk.

I sometimes feel too much the desire to sexy walk, just when im sure no one is watching Tongue the desire to masturbate dropped during day, but, at night it got hard almost till morning when i wake up.
[There was a time that i gained a model course, but i started with a male instructor, but, later it was changed by a female and she walked and says "walk this way" and she walked like a woman model and it was so strange and humiliating for me because was happening a war inside my head (male x female) like i was losing the control of my body and i had such fear to start walk like her its like "if i walk like her all my life will change and nothing will be the same OMG" lol sometimes im too much stupid lol]

I have this feel that my legs are getting muscleless and starting to get fat, my breast was very thin, im very thin i have 1,78m and weight 52kg, but, i think i must weigh again to check. Mine cullote apears to be smaller or i just got more fat on my back, i dont know atm. My hair got better, its looking like when i was a teenage. My butt feels firmer. On the bag i had too much acne, now its with less acne. On the middle of my breast i had some small balls, i didt knew what was that, appeared like some irritation, that disapeared.

I still feels like a freak, but i will keep on, if my breast gets big i at least can say "i dont know... appears gynecomastya, doesnt it?"

I readed that PM shrinks, so i will tell about its size too, later i will measure my breast and post here, and maybe post some pics to make a record, i think it would be nice to see it here from the future.

P size 17cmx11cm
B size
Weight 52kg
Height 1,78m

Thanks for the attention Smile

I think ppl here isnt interested about shrinking so i will stop talking about that.

Here are my firsts pics of my pre-breasts, if they grow as breasts someday lol

From Right
[Image: esquerdo.jpg]

From Front
[Image: dsc00066bw.jpg]

From Left
[Image: direitoa.jpg]

I will make this thread a kind of a blog.

Well, so, i will talk a little of my feelings.
The meds im taking is really streghtning my feelings, i feel the feelings stronger, principally fear and affection and hunger, usually i was the kind of person that hadnt feelings for anybody else, i mean, im a nice person and like to help others, but, this dont make me feel that i need somebody near me and this feeling was going to lead me to a biiiiig loneliness, i dont know its good or bad because, for sure everyone needs someone, but, its someone decision to stay with someone else, its likely the most we fight to make someone wants to stay with us more will appear obstacles on the fight, but, if someone just decide to stay with us, then we are blessed, but, its hard to see qualities that we want to see on someone who decided to stay with but isnt the one we choose, for sure blessed is the couple who both thinks that the other is the one we were looking for and we are the one who the other was looking for. At least with Jesus we feel this Smile
So caring more and miss more someone presence will keep us more sociative, and when someone missing appears it will always be a party.

Sometimes, i think the meds are really making me a girl, its reaaaallyyy strange the feelings and thoughts. Its like, i look at my body and im male, i see my chest, my legs, my arms, my hands, i can hear my voice, but, sometimes all this doesnt appear to be truth, sometimes i feel so small and so girly that i even get afraid to talk and people would say "that guy talk like gal!" but what is this fear? Evil trying to shut my mouth? When i walk and there is people looking, i sense they are looking at me and then i feel like im going to shake (idk how to say this very well) like a girl, well i usually felt that almost all my life until these days, with the meds im starting to feel that im stoping to care for those thoughts.
I am that I am. Jeova once said.
So why should we care to much for who we are if we are who we are?
But its who we are that make our thoughts of what to do, so if we dont do what we want then we are going to not be who we are, finally its our duty to God to be who we are and do what we have to do, because we are His creation and as His creation He gave us thoughts to be done.
God loves the sinner thats why He is the God of Mercy.
Without sin there isnt learning, because we sin, but we repent then we learn that sin is bad.

1st i dreamed that Jesus said to me to eat cricket so i would turn into a woman. Then one day i found a cricket on my grandmas house and i eat that.
2nd i dreamed that Jesus gave me a big remedy to turn me into a woman, it was a remedy very great which got stuck in my throat but i managed to swallow. Later i dreamed that a friend said to me to eat saw palmetto and i was desiring that very much. One day i bought a Saw Palmetto capsule of 1000mg, it got struck on my throat and i thought i was going to die, but i swaloed that.
Today, before sleep i asked God "do i eat the mushroom of my garden?", because there apeared a lot of some big mushroom, then i dreamed that i was on a car with the women of my family and we sttoped somewhere on Thailand with a big tree of Kwao Krua (PM), those were little diferent, not like balls but like giant peppers in form, so a man hit the three and some fell of the tree i take tree and go back to the car and tasted one and that really seemed Kwao Krua, then i asked "do i eat this way?" and a aunt said that she will prepare for me. Well today when i woke i went to the garden and bite a mushroom if i dont feel bad, and if there is more tomorrow, then im going to eat one entire. Because i got some, but on the three are much more.

God charity and blessings for everyone.

1st picture i take of my back, i thought it was great, but, looks really common 4 me

[Image: dsc00071wej.jpg]

and 1s too of my hips, nothing much and if it wasnt me i wouldnt say thats girly

[Image: dsc00070li.jpg]

I can't express my feelings, im male.
Male are prohibited to show feelings.

Even doing this is showings something x'(

I hate your skinny body! lol. j/k... more jealous... and we can express feelings..... you just have to let yourself....


when i sleep with one leg over the other, it makes my kness hurt and to find nice pants is really hard to find my number, but im working on this :p i think that my body used to produces too much testosterone, so, the testosterone keeps on burning fat too fast.

i feel im really gaining some mass after a decade. Big Grin

Anyway, that was an elogio? *--*
so thank you very much, kisses ;*

(16-06-2013, 04:51 AM)vitoria2013 Wrote:  :<

when i sleep with one leg over the other, it makes my kness hurt and to find nice pants is really hard to find my number, but im working on this :p i think that my body used to produces too much testosterone, so, the testosterone keeps on burning fat too fast.

I also like to sleep on my side and I have had a similar problem. What I like to do is put a spare pillow between my knees to eliminate the discomfort. If you try this, be sure to get a pillow that doesn't easily lose its shape. I use a pillow I made in home ec class way back when.

(16-06-2013, 04:51 AM)vitoria2013 Wrote:  i feel im really gaining some mass after a decade. Big Grin

The one drawback I find with gaining weight, even if it is in a more feminine fat redistribution pattern is not being able to fit into my clothes as comfortably as before. Yeah, it makes sense this would happen as my body reshapes itself, but I still feel fat when some of my male clothes doesn't fit as good as before.

(16-06-2013, 06:04 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  I also like to sleep on my side and I have had a similar problem. What I like to do is put a spare pillow between my knees to eliminate the discomfort. If you try this, be sure to get a pillow that doesn't easily lose its shape. I use a pillow I made in home ec class way back when.
Thanks for the tip xD

(16-06-2013, 06:04 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  The one drawback I find with gaining weight, even if it is in a more feminine fat redistribution pattern is not being able to fit into my clothes as comfortably as before. Yeah, it makes sense this would happen as my body reshapes itself, but I still feel fat when some of my male clothes doesn't fit as good as before.

And female clothes fit better?

I dont know if its just my head, maybe im paying more atention on my back/hips or maybe im gaining big fat there

I have to weigh my weight. lol

kisses ;*

(16-06-2013, 03:21 PM)vitoria2013 Wrote:  
(16-06-2013, 06:04 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  I also like to sleep on my side and I have had a similar problem. What I like to do is put a spare pillow between my knees to eliminate the discomfort. If you try this, be sure to get a pillow that doesn't easily lose its shape. I use a pillow I made in home ec class way back when.
Thanks for the tip xD

Your welcome. Cool

(16-06-2013, 03:21 PM)vitoria2013 Wrote:  
(16-06-2013, 06:04 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  The one drawback I find with gaining weight, even if it is in a more feminine fat redistribution pattern is not being able to fit into my clothes as comfortably as before. Yeah, it makes sense this would happen as my body reshapes itself, but I still feel fat when some of my male clothes doesn't fit as good as before.

And female clothes fit better?

I dont know if its just my head, maybe im paying more atention on my back/hips or maybe im gaining big fat there

I have to weigh my weight. lol

kisses ;*

Oh yes, females clothes do fit better. Smile

For me it's a wonderful confirmation that pm is doing a lot more than just breast enlargement.

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