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my experience with hypnosis


(27-02-2012, 10:00 PM)mm7 Wrote:  I’m sorry if my post sounded offensively, it wasn’t my intention at all. That is the problem when you are using a language which is not your nativeSad
Actualy your experience was the most inspiring for me on this forum, because I think that you are the one who really found out what works for you, and that is great. I’m also very spiritual person, used to practice yoga and meditations, which are not exactly like hypnosis but I think that experiences are giving me possibility to relax more and accept better all this hypnosis thing. I really believe in great power of our minds. But you can’t denied that other things you were using improved all process. I don’t think that your result would be so great (I really believe in your results without any pictures) if you were only doing hypnosis. At least it won’t be happening so fast. I can understand why is for some girl difficult to really accept this experience and to achieve some results. I think that after some months they just giving up because hypnosis didn’t bring them what they expected (in this case to be happy as you are) and I think that is wrong.
Your post with link for PetitMorte’s MP3 was revelation for me. After that I found also forum where this guy PetitMorte was active while he was making this MP3 back on 2003. It is useful to read, because it is important to understand what we are doing with hypnosis. A specially for girls who are basically are not that spiritual. I think it is important to read as much material as you can about subconscious mind, that you can be more familiar with the topic, and that you can accept better what you are doing. So the link is
He is also writing about his own experience with his wife, and you can see that he didn’t do it for commercial purposes, which is great. For those who think it is too much to read I just cut one part, that I think would be helpful, and is related with any hypnosis session:
“When you listen to the induction, you have 2 options. The first is to actually do what you're told to do, following the instructions, imagining the things you're asked to imagine, feeling the things you're invited to feel, etc. Or, if you're having difficulty, say for example, feeling yourself with big boobs, then instead of actually feeling that your boobs are big, you can pretend that you do. Or pretend that you see... This is the path that you need to take, to get the effect.

The other is to just listen passively and let the whole thing wash past you. This, in all probability will NOT get you the effect. This is why anyone can listen, and not get emboobened.

Your subconscious is not impressed with intention, or words, or willpower. Your subconscious is impressed by effort. ONLY when you put effort into something, will your subconscious act on it. You can sit there, wishing your boobs would get bigger, over and over and over, and nothing is going to come of it. But once you start actually imagining yourself WITH bigger boobs, how it would feel, how you would look, then your subconscious says "Oh wow, she's serious about this. Let's crank out some boobage!" And the more you do that, the more real you can make it, the more often you do it, the easier it becomes for your subconscious to make it your reality. “
All the best,

Wow! Thank you for this information!

Living with myself every day since I was born, I pretty much have a good feeling of what is mostly working for me Wink, but thank you for your input. Infact, if you notice, I mostly wrote on the hypnosis Forum, not on the Herb or Massage one, not even PM. If I felt that PM was doing the trick for me, don't you think that I would have wrote at least a post or two about it? I didn't.

Oh, I didn't realize that you have been offensive, until you told me! Wink

I wish you the best.

I am sorry that most of the people in this Forum is not getting results of any kind. It is very sad to me, and that's why I want to help. I usually have good instinct, and my instinct often tells me not to share my results too much in this forum, because my information comes across as a lie Sad. In fact I noticed that you make more friends if you are miserable. Sad.

It's ok, because I need to stick around positive people anyway Smile, positive just like me.

Than we’ll left those miserable to get together and we found the club only for positive persons and believers Smile even if it has only two members Smile Sadly that kind of persons are always minoroty, in many life areas.

And just to add something, hope that can be helpful. As I said I never had a problem with relaxation part, but that part of imagination was and still is little tricky for me. But as Kell9 wrote it is very good to find some pictures of girls with breasts or bodies that you want to have and to connect them with you (as much as odd that can sound). Put your head on that pictures and look them until they become your reality. Also what is helping me later in imagination is to watch the videos of that girls, that you can see how bodies should look when it’s moving. I know that sounds weird, but it’s not like we want to became them, it just give us opportunity to imagine our self easier as we want to be. And find some girls with real breasts not the silicone ones Smile

And Kelly9 I’m really happy for you and don’t bother what me or anyone else is saying. The truth is that you achieved something and we didn’t so who cares what others are saying... For me it’s very inspirational to hear that someone else achieve results because it's saying to me that is achievable. Just I have to find the way that is working for me the best.

Have a nice positive dayWink

Hi Kelly,

please what is EFT?

(27-02-2012, 04:03 AM)char Wrote:  excellent reply :] i am trying to really do the hypnosis and massage more regularily, but i have had results with just hypnosis. i have used several different hypnoses. definitely liked petit morte better than blake talks, although blake does have an awesome "imaginary placebo" hypnosis that helped me with a cold. i don't even know what he says in it cause i fall asleep with these people's relaxing voices! i think that most of the time, i have heard that success comes with having a routine. sometimes i forget or ignore it for a while. but even when i just tried hynosis, i have felt results. i think the key is to really go for about several months dedicated like they recommend. good luck to us all! i am starting a new routine!

Great, there are more believers! Your words are also very inspirational, thank you for that and wish you great results!

(28-02-2012, 08:50 PM)Nila Wrote:  Hi Kelly,

please what is EFT?

Please, visit this link:

Somebody uses this technique for BE (please, browse this Forum).

If you look in the Internet, you can download free manuals about using EFT.

Hope it helps.


Erm. What do I say here?!
First I say, I wish teleportation was available and very affordable so we could all sit having tea, do high-five and big hug. No matter we are not together, I am very glad to know y'all!
Wooo weee! I too am a spiritual person. I have some shamanism in my bloodline and have recently dedicated myself to being mystic Smile And part of the reason I found this forum was because of what I think is divine intervention. I cried out for help for many things at that time and then Source/God of my Understanding/Universe brought me to it (I was learning EFT Hahaha for other things!!). I think that was very important because like it has been mentioned, maybe sometimes we feel like we shouldn't be concerned with appearance in this way, like it is a vanity or like we don't deserve to be helped by Cosmos/Angels/Higher Consciousness to get bigger boobies. I used to be more embarrassed/feel shameful about it. I have learned if we choose to really believe and welcoming, Yah, that can help Wink Growing from just herbs! Yes! Just massage?Yes! Just hypnosis? Yes! I also knew people that grew on birth control alone, soy milk only, accidentally, pure visualization, praying... Where do I stop? Everything is possible as long as we can't see the end of Space/Time/ Reality! I have tried several methods myself over the years and I can assure y'all that I am thankful that my bra size and shape has changed. In fact, hypnosis has been my favorite because I didn't have to do any other work and I was seeing results when i just fell asleep. Haha. I just let my brain be trained and forget the rest until suddenly I am in pain and I remember I am growing breasts bigger. As I am very cerebral, I have used "mental methods" for many things since I was very young. People forget the powers of the mind! I have accidentally affected electronics when I am stressed just be touching them. I have practiced energy healing on people that didn't know I did it and then they sensed it. So yep, I can grow breasts with my mind and the infinite energy available in the galaxy. Hee hee. We can! We are!
So should we worry? Naw. We already did!
So now we are moving on to happy thoughts and happier life no matter what size we were at another time.
I think the positive club is awesome. It gives hope!
Blessings come in many fashions. Many Areas. I think that deep down we all Know that we all have the opportunity and privilege to Embrace and Be Happy. When we connect with that Divinity within us, we break down the beliefs that keep us in the past, suffering, and wanting. We allow good things, people, experiences to flow into our lives! Thank goodness! And therefore we have more success because we really allow the good things to benefit and stay with us. There are infinite possibilities in this vast Existence! I am still amazed by what I hear today after I thought "I have heard it all" years ago. So many things can happen and are happening right now all the time! We are here in this forum for a reason. Yes we are lucky and grateful to have each other and the internet. And yes we are lucky to grow breasts, friendships, faith, experience! Bless you my fellow travelers!Big Grin
Peace. May it be well with you and may you be well with it! Hallelujah!
PS: love this-> "But once you start actually imagining yourself WITH bigger boobs, how it would feel, how you would look, then your subconscious says "Oh wow, she's serious about this. Let's crank out some boobage!" And the more you do that, the more real you can make it, the more often you do it, the easier it becomes for your subconscious to make it your reality.“
All the best,"
and i enjoy! ->"we found the club only for positive persons and believers even if it has [MORE] members."

Char great post! and yes it’s amazing that we can met here, from countries which are miles away and share common interests, beliefs and experiences. And it would be great to teleport and get together for a coffee (without caffeineSmile), tea, or one group session. I believe that our gathered power of minds could achieve great results even make a peace in the world Smile But anyway I’m happy that I met you all, and even if we are not really together, I think on your achievements when I’m not that much in the mood to do hypnosis, and they are giving me big inspiration to move on.
I total believe in your power to accidentally affect electronics because my colleague from work also does that. It’s unbelievable how devices are acting when she’s using them while she’s stressed. It’s a pity that she can’t control that power and use it for some better purposes than just to give to our technical support a headacheSmile
I’m right now finishing my first week with PetitMorte’s hypnosis and see some good changes. Still today is my first day of my period and hope that this sensations, roundness and tensions that I have won’t disappear after it. Or better to say I know that they won’t disappear and would be even better!Smile
Before this for almost a month I was downloading different sessions from the Internet. Some of them were interesting and give me some tingling, some were annoying, but I couldn’t connect with any on them Then I found Kelly9’s post about PettitMorte and decided to stick to it for some time. Listening him gives me that sensation that something is happening, even when I’m not listening his MP3. He included so many triggers to restart the process of growing using some everyday situations. And that is exactly what I needed.
Wish us all great results!


can you downlod the steven jones mp3 for free somewhere? what site ? thanks.

(02-03-2012, 10:04 PM)cocoairam Wrote:  can you downlod the steven jones mp3 for free somewhere? what site ? thanks.

I don't know about any Steve G Jones free mp3. I bought them.

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