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Pandora's Program


Space - Space - Space

Hi and welcome back Pandora, those are lovely pics, congrats.  Hug

(23-04-2024, 09:59 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Hi and welcome back Pandora, those are lovely pics, congrats.  Hug

Awww thank you!!!

Hope you are well Louts! Thanks for giving a place to be connected. Always appreciate BN. A wealth of booby knowledge!

(23-04-2024, 09:12 PM)Pandora56 Wrote:  Been ramping up again, back on BO 

Bo - 500 mg morning 
Placenta - 400 mg  


Bo- 500 mg nighttime 
Placenta - 400 mg

Also rubbing flax oil, royal jelly and Solomon seal morning and night 

Progesterone Cream 3x a week at night or morning after shower 

Pituitary Glandular
Adrenal Glandular
Thyroid Glandular
Saw Palmetto
Red Reshi
Periodically I take Licorice in the afternoon to scrub T 

Also, I take a few days off from BO and switch to PM, Fennel, kudzu

Also been Experimenting with using orchic glandular after the ovarian glandular and placenta start their process and have been seen intense results, ultra sore and painful breasts with testicle shrinkage. I’m
Thinking the orchic glandular will supplement my shrinking testicles to keep estrogen conversion optimum. 

Been having good results and i will be adding uterus glandular soon as I really want to feminize the best way possibly. I think I found a good combo that works for me. Seeing a lot of areola expansion and the nipples are growing quick. 

I was on HRT for about 6 months in 2020 and was taking androcur ?  and 2mg prognova

That stuff dropped my Testosterone to nothing and was a bit scary but I believe it pushed my Breast development further, so I am not your standard case and my body after this reacts oh so well to estrogen now, when I took a long break even drinking a hoppy beer would make my nipples supple.

I’m also looking really feminine now and am delighted. 

 wow you have such a such great feminine figure great sexy out fit    beautiful  Heart Heart Heart Heart

(24-04-2024, 02:24 PM)Im Ninja. Wrote:  [quote pid='232721' dateline='1713903170']

 wow you have such a such great feminine figure great sexy out fit    beautiful  Heart Heart Heart Heart



that last picture of you in the black lingerie is STUNNING x

Thank you Lady Charlotte! 

Also some updates:

Added the Uterus Glandular to my program. 
Also taking a Orchic glandular in combination with my mid afternoon treatments, been noticing an increase in feminization, also I can feel a slight pressure in my head area that I normally contribute to the pituitary axis shift. I know when I feel this, something big is happening to my body. I will continue doing experiments with the orchic as I feel when I take that after an hour or so of the placenta, uterus and ovarian combined with pituitary, adrenal, thymus and thyroid I’m seeing a serious metabolic shift.  Also my hip area is very sore and have been using Solomon seal root salve to see if it grows in size, really need to get a tape measure as when I took uterine in 2017-2018 I notice my hips changes. I was 27 back then reaching the end of what biologist consider the end of puberty skeletal ossification, but I believe I was able to extend this, but then again it’s just a hypothetical.

If anyone else has tried this please let me know if you have had similar experiences. 

I believe I may be pioneering a new treatment, but will remain skeptical until more weeks and months pass by. It just makes sense as the orchic glandular probably is increasing my serum estrogen levels by stimulating production and it’s conversion. But then again I am no endocrinologist so the only way to verify is to get a blood test. Which I plan on doing after another month of treatment.

Quick update! 

Body has been really filling out, my hips are in discomfort, and my breasts are very sore. My ass is big again. Been doing those donkey kicks [Image: smile.gif]

Added Green Tea to the regiment and also nettle.

I have a high load of androgen's that need to be addressed. Wanted to get Androcur but not able to find it anywhere, probably get Dutas. 

Here is a photo update,


You're looking great.

Have you had to experiment with timing when you take your supplements? Have you noticed if some don't mix well with others and have to space them out so that you don't take two that don't combine well and upset your stomach or give you some kind of negative reaction? 

That seems like a lot of supplements in your program. I'd need to carry around like 5 pill cases just to keep track of it all and ensure I was taking them when I needed. Lol

When you were on HRT, you said that your meds made you test go way down, isn't that what the goal is to have levels of testosterone that would be equivalent to a pre menopause woman? I may be confused as to what the doctors are really trying to achieve, since I feel most of them don't really know what they're doing when it comes to hormonal replacement therapy of any kind (even for men that need test replacement therapy or women needing normal therapy and not just individuals that trying to transition)

Your progress is coming along nicely and I am intrigued by your program. I can't wait to see how it continues to have an affect on your body.

I have read in other posts about people saying they're experiencing hip discomfort and possibly shifting or rotating of the pelvis. Granted I don't believe they ever saw a doctor to confirm this but there were a few people I remember saying they were experiencing things of that nature while deep into a BO cycle .

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