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Update on 3 weeks of BO


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Hey I understand where you’re coming from, I don’t hate my male genitalia but would definitely prefer female parts down there anyways. I’ve heard a lot of nightmare stories of bottom surgery going wrong. For now I just hope my bits shrink so small they’re not noticeable. Plus what drew me to BO in the first place is the prospect of aromatase becoming permanent and not having to take the pills forever vs medical HRT having to take that your whole life. 

I got one more question since you said you took BO for 6 months and it sounds like you respond well to it like me. I know you said your male jeans don’t fit right, and that your semen is watery. Does your body seem to be and look a lot more feminine? Can you pass as a female fairly easily now? I just figured if I’m feeling such intense changes now by month 6 my body should be really feminized. Maybe that’s hoping too much. 

I’m already having to try and change how I walk. Where my legs go into my pelvis are tight and sore and my knees are popping. I have to take shorter steps and it’s hard to explain but I can feel my butt moving as I walk now. Idk I just figured at this rate I’ll be really feminized by month 6.

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Ok…let’s take this bit by bit…I couldn’t agree more about BO v HRT. The latter is faster and maybe more complete, but the dangers aren’t worth it.

Yes, my jeans are tighter in the hips and I do find myself taking shorter strides, and yes I’ve caught myself walking with a bit of a hip away. The last two have nothing to do with BO, IMO. I think it’s cultural, meaning that I’m very focused on women and their movements, and their language and I find myself copying what I see.

In my earlier posts, I stopped. Part due to the emotional rollercoaster, part due to the rapid transitioning, and part due to being mis-gendered quite often.

I wasn’t dressing fully in women’s clothes and accessories, it was more androgynous. At least two or three times a week I was addressed as a woman.

6 months? It really all depends on one’s starting point. If one is starting with more feminine features…then sure, how one puts themselves together, you might pass some, but not all. 

I’ve started back up with my regimen and in no time the familiar aches and pains have returned. Like I said in earlier posts…Aromatase doesn’t stop, ever. So if you build up enough, your body may just carry on.

When you hit that emotional stage, you’ll know it, ‘cause you’ll be all over the place! Have a therapist handy to help you through.

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Yeah I’m not saying I’m swaying my hips but I have a definite pain all in my pelvis that’s making me try different strides and walking movements. I just did 30 mins in the grocery store and my leg muscles and tendons feel like I just ran 4 miles. 

Thank you for talking with me. You’re like the only person I’ve found that has a similar experience to mine. The only other people I’ve read that’s been on BO long term is because they tried it for months and experienced nothing which still blows my mind. So I’m 30 for context and always looked younger anyways but the last couple days I noticed my face looking more boyish but thought it was probably in my head. Well my roommate saw me and was like did you just shave or something you look 22. So I believe my face is becoming androgynous looking so hopefully I have similar results. I’ll continue to post updates as I go and hope you do too. I’m excited to read about your progress and hope to keep in touch with you!!!

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I’ll add one more thing, as of right now I’m cannot wait for the emotional changes. I feel like the one thing BO isn’t effecting right now is my brain. I’m not expecting to wake up one day and feel all womanly, but I’m interested to see how my brain starts to run with estrogen as it’s primary hormone.

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Thank you. Yeah…forums are tough. Those with NO results are probably those with low body temps. I take help and multi vitamins to prevent that. There are lots of people that have lots of opinions, many that I don’t share. They’re not wrong or bad opinions…I just don’t share them.

Lots of people have very different styles and techniques…OK. 

It is really nice to speak with someone who is sharing similar results. Transition is tough…it’s puberty, but waaaay worse. Having said that, we need others to share and talk through our low spots. I’ll be following along.

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One last “nickel’s worth” of advice: one I started with the BO regimen, I also started socially transitioning, albeit fairly discreetly. There are MANY ways to get your “girl” on, even in man mode. Daily, I started wearing thigh-high stockings and lace panties of all colors and styles. If a bra wasn’t possible, then a soft frilly camisole. Sweaters that are more unisex, but in softer more feminine colors, like purple and teal. I’ve been wearing makeup for years. A very light foundation, concealer, and powder. Nothing that screamed diva, bimbo, drag, heavy enough to even out my skin tone, but light enough to not call attention to it. Same with mascara. I’m searching for an ankle bracelet, and maybe frilly or ruffled socks.

Passing is also about mannerisms. There are dozens of websites on etiquette for both cis gendered and TG. How you stand, walk, sit, move your arms, get in and out of cars or seats, how you speak, not so much pitch, but tone and musicality, facial gestures, and vocabulary. Trim and shape your eyebrows.

Again…there are dozens of sites to help, you just need to search them out. Passing has far more to do with how you carry yourself, than your figure. 

As your body transitions, you can transform your mind and mannerisms, and you’ll pass much sooner than you think.

Just chiming in, I started a thread under Herbal about switching from PM to BO. I'm surprised and maybe even a little scared how fast BO seems to work compared to PM. 

I also dress androgynously, even before NBE, stuff like leggings and hoodies, and I've noticed a cultural change in the reactions I get. Before the extreme TG activists became so visible, I was never treated very differently by randoms, at worst they might think I was a very effeminate man, now I think some folks expect me to be a dangerous groomer. Not digging it. It's made me much more wary.

But anyway, I think I'm liking BO. Even if my progress is simply linear, I could see needing to wear a bikini top to the beach in 6 months.  Blush

Jts… I totally believe you! Here’s why...

I have been away from this forum for a while but had to come back to comment on this thread in particular.

Back ground: I am 70 yo. I used to want to transition but dropped that idea. Don’t need to go into that now. Sometime in my 40’s I started experimenting with herbs like Black Cohosh. I later learned about Fenugreek, Fennel, etc. I tried all of these, individually and in combination and this was without any T-blocker. I saw some results and got worried about people noticing, so I used herbs on and off for probably 20 years. I had small gains, which was somewhat satisfying but I could never let myself go all the way.

When I retired, I decided to push it more. I was already on a script of Finasteride (5mg) due to prostate problems, so that would be a huge benefit. This time around I initially went with Pueraria Mirifica serum, but heard of some bad side-effects, so I alternated between Fenugreek, Fennel and Red Clover. All of those DO work for me. I got to a solid A-cup and could have just continued on that plan but then for the first time, I heard about BO. Well, I had heard of it before but the idea of ingesting cow’s ovaries kind of grossed me out. Long story short, I tried it.

BO experience: I purchased Swanson “Ovarian Glandular” 250mg caps.
It was very inexpensive so I really wondered if it would be effective.

1st Day: one cap, just to test any side-effects. No side-effects.
2nd Day: two caps, in the morning
3rd Day: two caps, in the morning

On the next morning, I was a little shocked. I was pretty sure that I could see some growth! I thought that it must be in my mind because that is just too fast for anything. That day, I discovered that it was more difficult to get and maintain an erection and my emissions were down from perhaps a teaspoon to maybe five drops of clear liquid. This was a very dramatic difference. Because of this, I am afraid to take any more BO because I do not want to lose all ability to become erect.

That was a few weeks ago, not exactly sure how long. To me, it appears that I am growing very slowly but noticeably, since. FYI, I do use soy milk on my cereal every morning, so that may help a bit. Sounds crazy but I think that I may be on the estro-train with only five caps of BO. Another three months should prove it, one way or the other.

Observations: When I used to take herbs, I would get serious soreness in my hip joints and tended to feel arthritic all over, especially my hands. I sometimes worried that I may be doing damage to my bones. I do not seem to suffer from that now.

I remember many years ago, in the very beginning, getting sore breasts but I have not experienced that since. I always wanted to get breast buds but have not experienced that either. In fact, if I press straight down on my nipple, it feels hollow (for lack or a better word). There is less density under my nipple and the surrounding tissue is much firmer. I am happy with the firmness of my breasts. One breast is larger and more sensitive than the other. I can’t keep my hands off of them.

Libido: Big mental change. I have already discussed the physical change but the mental change is also dramatic. I have lost the “driven” sexual feelings that I have had all my life. I do not think about sex nearly as often, nor as intensely. I rarely skipped a day of “testing my system” but now, I can easily go several days without it. It’s weird. Now that I have my boobies you would think that my libido would go through the roof but it is the opposite. I certainly get excited cupping my boobs in my hands and running my fingernails over my nipples (with a top on, not bare, ouch). But, I do not feel compelled to “finish” off. 

Final Thoughts: Since BO converts your hormone balance, perhaps an anti-androgen is unnecessary. I am coincidentally taking Finasteride but perhaps that is not even a factor.

Maybe I am just lucky but I have not worried about what time of day to take the BO, what my body temperature is or if I took it on an empty or full stomach.

It is difficult to imagine that there are people who have had little to no response to BO. Mine was so fast. BO seems to be the cheap and easy path having the breasts that I want. I spent a great deal of money over the years on herbs. So far, I have used about 66 cents worth of BO and may not need any more.

i have decided to restart my B.O. journey.  Amazon has them on sale for 8.03/bottle Swanson brand...i bought 30 bottles (i know it sounds insane, however i want to go in for the long haul, usually they are 13 something on amazon). 

I will probably restart by Bovine ovary vodka test again, however using DSMO as abi had recommended.  I will update my bovine ovary vodka thread for continuity.

As of now, i have been taking them internally (8 caps a day), and after being off of them for so long, for a few years, it seems my body has decided to resume its progress on them.

For a few weeks, i have been on extracts of White peony, Fenugree, Red Reishi , red clover, chinese licorice sometimes hops, and i think this might be key, is grapfruit extract. 

i found a bottle of bovine ovary that i had leftover, and decided to give that a go , ramp up internally. i dropped the red clover and the licorice,  I still use the white peony, red reishi and grapfruit extract daily, 1 per day a dropper full of each, sublingually. when i think of it i also use fenugreek.

I had read somewhere that grapefruit extract upregualtes oral estrogens in the system. I am thinking that it does.  I have noticed that my breasts feel fuller and a bit wider over the last two weeks that i have taken the bovine ovary and the wp, rr, gf extracts. 

I am taking them after ten minutes of taking the extracts sublingually. usually when i get up , since thats when T is most prevalent. I take the Bo pills on empty stomach, with a bit of water.

I think having takent my RR and Wp for a bit, it may have helped normalized my body temp. since i am sweating a lot (my dad who is 76 has the heat up to 75 in the house and it all goes upstairs to my room. i have to use air conditioner to make my room at least somewhat comfortable). 

as far as other physical changes, i think i can feel the lobules under my skin, inside when i massage my breasts. this may be from the fenugreek. 

to note: i did have some success with my BOV experiment previously. i dont recall what happened or why i stopped. i think i just got busy with life and didnt do upkeep.

I think alot of success/failure of bo experimentation aslo has to do with gut health. if your intestines are sluggish, it may be possible that your intestines wont absorp the properties of anything properly. anyway, sorry i hijacked this thread for this but figured i would put my two sense in. going to continue on my own thread.

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