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Progress, plans and other ramblings

(27-03-2021, 01:16 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Have you got the pelvic tilt and loss of height, yet?

About my height, I'm not sure... But my posture is somewhat different. I should take a picture to demonstrate some time. Big Grin

(27-03-2021, 01:16 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Have you got the pelvic tilt and loss of height, yet?

What's that? Not sure if it seems dangerous or interesting.


(27-03-2021, 03:36 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  

(27-03-2021, 01:16 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Have you got the pelvic tilt and loss of height, yet?

What's that? Not sure if it seems dangerous or interesting.

Ever notice how women often have their pelvis tilted backwards when they sit/stand with upright posture? Big Grin

(27-03-2021, 07:00 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:   
Ever notice how women often have their pelvis tilted backwards when they sit/stand with upright posture? Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Oh you mean something like this? 


Something along these lines.

Supposedly it has to do with how phyto/estrogens affect cartilage that causes shrinking of transgender women. I’m exhausted from four hours on a tractor and the wife is yammering nonstop right now and I can’t think straight. But the shrinking of cartilage also causes a reduction in height in TGs. It also makes your hands and feet look slimmer, etc. I’ve lost two inches in height due to NBE/HRT. It’s fairly common.

(28-03-2021, 01:01 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Something along these lines.

Supposedly it has to do with how phyto/estrogens affect cartilage that causes shrinking of transgender women. I’m exhausted from four hours on a tractor and the wife is yammering nonstop right now and I can’t think straight. But the shrinking of cartilage also causes a reduction in height in TGs. It also makes your hands and feet look slimmer, etc. I’ve lost two inches in height due to NBE/HRT. It’s fairly common.
It does happen really? I thought hands and feet kept the same size for TG girls, i mean, i heard people saying it's not true. That's awesome by the way. Male proportions are kinda gross ahaahah


It seems to be a “thing”. While bones don’t necessarily shrink, cartilage does. That, and combined with fat-shifting does lead to slightly different proportions. I think I lost a full shoe size. I’m not 100% sure, but I know my shoes are looser. I believe Lotus touched on some aspects of bones changing in the Project-X thread, but that was a while back. My memory is not 100% on that. (think in the cheeks). I do know TGs getting smaller noses is common, and that goes back to the whole thing with cartilage. 

(28-03-2021, 01:01 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Something along these lines.

Supposedly it has to do with how phyto/estrogens affect cartilage that causes shrinking of transgender women. I’m exhausted from four hours on a tractor and the wife is yammering nonstop right now and I can’t think straight. But the shrinking of cartilage also causes a reduction in height in TGs. It also makes your hands and feet look slimmer, etc. I’ve lost two inches in height due to NBE/HRT. It’s fairly common.
WOW, 2"s thats a lot, but I've heard the same, just didnt realise that it could be that much!
I couldn't afford to lose 2" as I'm already a short arse Smile 
Like you say, its the cartilage as we all are a little taller in morning after lying down for a few hours sleep Smile

What I can tell is that my posture has indeed started to change... I notice it when ever I straighten my back.

And good morning. I'm having a brain splitting headache and feel moody and unmotivated. Its one of these days again. I should be happy about where my life is going, but all I see is more obstacles. Came out to two friends yesterday and one cousin and they were all super nice with me. Along with one guy who just went ice cold and didn't talk much. Either he's an idiot or didn't know what to say. I'm afraid he will start a rumor mill... OTOH, at this point, I don't give a fuck. I'm so far down that if someone starts to gossip and that removes morons from my life, good riddance.

Oh damn, I shouldn't even post when I'm feeling like this. Its better to just swallow it up or vent somewhere else.

Btw, I just measured the shortest band length I've ever had so far.

Ok, its time to rant once again and then change the tone and tell some very nice stuff...

First of all, why in the hell do I have to be so overly sensitive? It seems like the universe is always trolling me when ever I feel too satisfied... Then I see the grass being greener and meet fantastic people who are way further down the road I'm barely taken my first steps into? Only to obliterate my already weak confidence by just being so awesome? Its so hard to be happy for them, when in their success I see where I don't hack it... Its difficult. And yet maybe a reality check and rude awakening is in place from time to time? I don't know, but its troubling me.

And then, those who are the closest can hurt the most, no doubt about it. I've heard it from two people today, more or less directly that I can not become passable. I was called a handsome 'man' today and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm no man. But I don't want to look like a guy in a dress either. Then I was told by none other than the closest person in my life that I will never look like a cis woman and that's a fact. Literally she said that. I broke down... I was already sad and moody and feeling like I'm ugly, clumsy no good forest troll.... A cat in pigs body trying to purr and be graceful.

Where does that stuff come from? As if others are in greater denial than what I am? I'm doing my best to get out of self denial, change my life, make myself so that I'm comfortable in my skin and not constantly irritated with million and one things. And then get told that no matter what I do, I will just always fail? Wtf??!! I'm not trying to prove them anything, just prove to myself. But I need that reflection from outside, I really care what the close friends and my SO think. They're the ones who mean the most and its them who come out to say inconsiderate things that are a punch below the belt where it truly hurts.

Then some nice stuff. Outing myself is going really smooth and nice. Two friends yesterday who were just awesome, two more today and these are the ones who mean a lot to me. My guitarist friend for twenty years, he took it so well, I was surprised. And I never knew his sister is lesbian and he's somewhat familiar with LGBT+ people already. Totally cool! And then my young friend who had made some nasty remarks in the past, also totally cool with stuff and he even complimented my looks. Even though I guess I am a clumsy overgrown masculine forest troll in some peoples minds.

Oh and the measurements, I'm on a roll. slimmest band length ever. I hope I will loose even more of that, bust the same as days before, this is very positive change. Boobies clearly growing nicely as they're not shrinking along with the band length. And my pathetic little nips, they're getting better too albeit worlds away from my dreams for now, but seems I'm getting there thanks to Lotus's fantastic advice on what to do about it. I wil post a picture here which I'm quite proud of... I heard someone say yesterday that hips don't lie. No you tell me, do they?

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