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Progress, plans and other ramblings

(05-03-2021, 05:13 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(05-03-2021, 03:24 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Didi my love,
Your in a tough time right now, sometimes a lady.
Your mind and body are in conflict because your happiest enfemme but the boy needs to still be there for work and other stuff.
Once you have opted out of male mode and are able to take on DiDi 100% life will get very hard and then suddenly wonderful.

I'm not sure if I've preached this to to you before but here it goes again.
It takes exactly the same amount of effort to convince your self life is poo as it does to convince yourself its amazing!
Try it
take a week, and every morning when you wake, enjoy the beautiful woman you are becoming, enjoy your beautiful breasts, and feminine features.
Enjoy the warm bed, enjoy the sun, or rain, or snow. Enjoy the beauty of it all. Enjoy the breakfast, enjoy the day and say thank you to whom ever you want for being alive to enjoy these wonders.
After week you'll find all of life will become easier and easier.

Report next week
1 page 200 words, single spaced  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

Love ya

Such a lovely post, I don't know what to say. <3

Very good, sound advice right there. That's pretty much what I try to do, but keep on failing it... I'm just too harsh on myself and terrible with over thinking.

One big big change will be coming down the line btw, and that is ending of my job contract. This means that what ever is the next job I may apply for, I can go there as me and play no roles what so ever if its a place with new people why don't know me yet. But this is likely to be somewhere far in the future as I'm planning to take at least few months off work, concentrate on myself, music, fishing, my transition, life. Hopefully I will be able to make ends meet without too much problems. Perhaps I'll start doing something as a side business to get some coin.

Btw.... I got a cool new shirt. With my name on it. xD I mean I would be HelloTitty here too if it were not for the moderation rules.... That's my nickname on several other sites. Wink" alt="Wink" title="Wink"> And I think I got a nice picture snapped. Messed up hair and all. After rehearsal look. Somehow I get a punk vibe from this, but that's me baby.


Hi there. Nice to see you dear HelloTitty. You look pretty beautiful. you can now completely change gender to female. you will be sexy n beautiful with feminine body. we all accept you as a female. No need of male part. Female is better than male. so i suggest you to complete transition from MTF.

Best wishes for your new future.

we all love you HelloTitty.


Ohkay, time to up the ante. My Reishi caps just arrived, the dosage should be right as having one cap per day and the bottle is enough for 6 months without breaks. The game is on! I just had the first one, I updated the way I keep my diary on these things to make more sense than before and its now easier to read...

I will not have off weeks any more, but instead, cycle the dosage, but not as dramatically as before. I will now limit the highest PM dose to 2000mg/day, that will last only few days around day 12 of the cycle and then lower again. I'm thinking of keeping the dose at 1000mg/day on average. i may ditch cycling completely, but so far it has been very successful strategy so I'm keeping it going for now.

Program as it is now:
PM 1000-2000mg/day 1-2 early morning, the rest in the evening with few hour interval
Reishi 1 cap a day (20:1 extract)
calcium + magnesium supplement 2caps/day morning/evening
Vitamin D3, two pills a day, equals 100% of daily intake
MSM, about a teaspoon a day mixed with water, evening
Progestrone cream, evening, once every 3 days
Noogle when ever I feel like it
Supple nips for 1-3 hours when ever I feel like it
Lymphatic massage, any time my hands are free.

To top off the calcium + vitamin D intake, I drink quite a lot of fatty milk and dairy in general, cream cheese is my favorite. Smile

Now if Lotus or some other experienced member here wants to chime in and give me any advice on how to further improve my program, feel free to.

Ok, first reishi cap taken over an hour ago and I feel my mood vastly improving. Earlier today I felt absolutely shitty about everything and now.... Feeling so much better. I didn't expect this. I think those who said about a high chance of lower DHT improving my mental state, that was correct and it hasn't even kicked in decently yet. Perhaps it's psychosomatic, what ever it is, I like this. Feels almost like "pm high" I some times get if I take 1k in one go.

Oh come on, now its happening to me too, can't see my latest post. Lets see if this helps.

Wait a sec.... My lasts post has completely disappeared? Awww... Dammit. It was a long one, took some effort to write all that. Well, some other time thenn. Sad

(06-03-2021, 08:27 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Oh come on, now its happening to me too, can't see my latest post. Lets see if this helps.

Wait a sec.... My lasts post has completely disappeared? Awww... Dammit. It was a long one, took some effort to write all that. Well, some other time thenn. Sad

Small suggestion.  If you have a long posting, try writing it in a simple word processor.  Windows has notepad and wordpad.  You can save the posting in case it gets lost.  You can then copy and paste the words into Breastnexum.


(06-03-2021, 10:16 PM)thegirl1951 Wrote:  

(06-03-2021, 08:27 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Oh come on, now its happening to me too, can't see my latest post. Lets see if this helps.

Wait a sec.... My lasts post has completely disappeared? Awww... Dammit. It was a long one, took some effort to write all that. Well, some other time thenn. Sad

Small suggestion.  If you have a long posting, try writing it in a simple word processor.  Windows has notepad and wordpad.  You can save the posting in case it gets lost.  You can then copy and paste the words into Breastnexum.

Great idea, I some times do that when I have a text I might post in several websites. I'll be smarter next time, would be nice to keep these writings saved on my computer too for later reference.

Ohkay, "official" day one of the cycle now, second day on reishi and the calmness I experienced since yesterday seems to be continuing. I'm feeling quite well this morning. Big Grin It appears so far, what was suggested about the effects of adding AA into the program is doing exactly that. I said about updating the way I keep my diary and I mentioned weekly measurements, today  I took them and there's change/fluctuation towards way nicer numbers compared to month - two months back. (The latest measurement is down in my signature.)

I decided to start taking measurements once every three days, I should have done this since I started, but better later than never. Doing this for a while will give a nice insight into how things go on, heck I might make a graph out of it as I love statistics and playing with numbers. Looks like I got a nice seven inch difference between band and bust measurement now which is very nice result. I'll try to remember not to noogle before measuring so that swelling wont distort the data... This will tell right away what effects there are if and when I change my program somehow. If I'm motivated enough, after few months I may make a graph out of it and write down how the program correlates with the numbers. And of course post all that here for everyone to take note of. Funny how as time goes by, I get more and more scientific and analytical with NBE. Can't help it, its a lot of fun.

I should dig up a text editor and rewrite my long post from yesterday that got lost...

(07-03-2021, 08:07 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Ohkay, "official" day one of the cycle now, second day on reishi and the calmness I experienced since yesterday seems to be continuing. I'm feeling quite well this morning. Big Grin It appears so far, what was suggested about the effects of adding AA into the program is doing exactly that. I said about updating the way I keep my diary and I mentioned weekly measurements, today  I took them and there's change/fluctuation towards way nicer numbers compared to month - two months back. (The latest measurement is down in my signature.)

I decided to start taking measurements once every three days, I should have done this since I started, but better later than never. Doing this for a while will give a nice insight into how things go on, heck I might make a graph out of it as I love statistics and playing with numbers. Looks like I got a nice seven inch difference between band and bust measurement now which is very nice result. I'll try to remember not to noogle before measuring so that swelling wont distort the data... This will tell right away what effects there are if and when I change my program somehow. If I'm motivated enough, after few months I may make a graph out of it and write down how the program correlates with the numbers. And of course post all that here for everyone to take note of. Funny how as time goes by, I get more and more scientific and analytical with NBE. Can't help it, its a lot of fun.

I should dig up a text editor and rewrite my long post from yesterday that got lost...
Glad to hear that you are back on the ship in calm, peaceful waters now Smile 
The one thing that has amazed me reading and following your posts is that you have made such awesome progress with NBE, both boob wise and in your mind, especially to think that you only started this back in 2020, you can clearly see the difference and results, this is what you are meant to be.... release that gorgeous woman in you Smile  
I for one, don't have any plans to be more feminine other than (hopefully) having a pair of small woman breasts, so if I can achieve just half of what you have, that would be fantastic, you are such an inspiration, thanks.
PS: if you don't have Microsoft Word, or just don't want to use it, try LibreOffice, (this is not a sales pitch, just for information) if you don't know about it, it is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Word, Excel etc and it's open source licensing so is completely free to download and use.
Have a fantastic Sunday Smile

(07-03-2021, 10:01 AM)wee2er Wrote:  Glad to hear that you are back on the ship in calm, peaceful waters now Smile 
The one thing that has amazed me reading and following your posts is that you have made such awesome progress with NBE, both boob wise and in your mind, especially to think that you only started this back in 2020, you can clearly see the difference and results, this is what you are meant to be.... release that gorgeous woman in you Smile  
I for one, don't have any plans to be more feminine other than (hopefully) having a pair of small woman breasts, so if I can achieve just half of what you have, that would be fantastic, you are such an inspiration, thanks.
PS: if you don't have Microsoft Word, or just don't want to use it, try LibreOffice, (this is not a sales pitch, just for information) if you don't know about it, it is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Word, Excel etc and it's open source licensing so is completely free to download and use.
Have a fantastic Sunday Smile

For now at least, it seems so far, that adding reishi was a great idea if this kind of mental stability keeps on going. Very welcome change, makes me suspect that DHT has quite strong mental effect on me and while it goes down, the mind clears and mood improves. Another tick of a box on evidence that it's obvious that this is what my body wants to be, more I push it towards feminine, the better I seem to feel.

Yea, PM started around April last year, its been heck of a ride is such short time. And I think I have just now started. Heck, I'm doing Lotus's program almost to the letter. I'm really grateful for her advice, has helped me a ton.

Oh yea, I'm now 'officially' at E cup, any way I turn the measurements around, that's what it is. I'm yet to t do the accurate method though. And I just realized that I'm the first MTF trans extreme metal drummer in Finland. At least from what I know, I have never seen ANY band have a trans person as a member here, if there are some, they pas too well to be recognized. That's quite a controversial honor, I think in time it will be known even though I do not publicly say anything about it.

Should I start to sign my posts?

(07-03-2021, 10:34 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(07-03-2021, 10:01 AM)wee2er Wrote:  Glad to hear that you are back on the ship in calm, peaceful waters now Smile 
The one thing that has amazed me reading and following your posts is that you have made such awesome progress with NBE, both boob wise and in your mind, especially to think that you only started this back in 2020, you can clearly see the difference and results, this is what you are meant to be.... release that gorgeous woman in you Smile  
I for one, don't have any plans to be more feminine other than (hopefully) having a pair of small woman breasts, so if I can achieve just half of what you have, that would be fantastic, you are such an inspiration, thanks.
PS: if you don't have Microsoft Word, or just don't want to use it, try LibreOffice, (this is not a sales pitch, just for information) if you don't know about it, it is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Word, Excel etc and it's open source licensing so is completely free to download and use.
Have a fantastic Sunday Smile

For now at least, it seems so far, that adding reishi was a great idea if this kind of mental stability keeps on going. Very welcome change, makes me suspect that DHT has quite strong mental effect on me and while it goes down, the mind clears and mood improves. Another tick of a box on evidence that it's obvious that this is what my body wants to be, more I push it towards feminine, the better I seem to feel.

Yea, PM started around April last year, its been heck of a ride is such short time. And I think I have just now started. Heck, I'm doing Lotus's program almost to the letter. I'm really grateful for her advice, has helped me a ton.

Oh yea, I'm now 'officially' at E cup, any way I turn the measurements around, that's what it is. I'm yet to t do the accurate method though. And I just realized that I'm the first MTF trans extreme metal drummer in Finland. At least from what I know, I have never seen ANY band have a trans person as a member here, if there are some, they pas too well to be recognized. That's quite a controversial honor, I think in time it will be known even though I do not publicly say anything about it.

Should I start to sign my posts?
I'm waiting for my bloods to get sorted before I start on PM and will do a pretty similar program to yours(/Lotus's). Although for now I've had some great results with just PM gel/pumping/(lots of)massaging, budded, much fuller and grown 2inches,  so think I could respond well to PM. My target is far a far more modest female shaped A/B cup, think shape over quantity, I couldn't imagine me with E cup breasts OMG!!!  but they certainly suit you well, that's for sure.
Now that's a great claim to fame, you should use that to your advantage and promote the group as trans friendly, you bring in a whole new set of fans Smile 
Not sure that Larissa is very rock n roll though, it's certainly no Slash (he he) but heck he's not you, he's not unique, you are you, be yourself, we only get one chance so shine as brightly as the moon and let the world see who you truly are.
 So Larissa  it should be Smile

(07-03-2021, 01:57 PM)wee2er Wrote:  I'm waiting for my bloods to get sorted before I start on PM and will do a pretty similar program to yours(/Lotus's). Although for now I've had some great results with just PM gel/pumping/(lots of)massaging, budded, much fuller and grown 2inches,  so think I could respond well to PM. My target is far a far more modest female shaped A/B cup, think shape over quantity, I couldn't imagine me with E cup breasts OMG!!!  but they certainly suit you well, that's for sure.
Now that's a great claim to fame, you should use that to your advantage and promote the group as trans friendly, you bring in a whole new set of fans Smile 
Not sure that Larissa is very rock n roll though, it's certainly no Slash (he he) but heck he's not you, he's not unique, you are you, be yourself, we only get one chance so shine as brightly as the moon and let the world see who you truly are.
 So Larissa  it should be Smile

If I'd played really smart and planned things out, I should have got blood work done too before I started and then later to compare what's changed. But too late for that now, but at some point I will get that done and ask people here to help me interpret the numbers.

Hmm, if I had smaller chest or smaller frame overall, what I now got would look huge already.... I'm still quite ways away from what my goal is, I want a full G cup as I think that would give me the look I really want to have. But then again, I will let them grow as big as they want to. If I'm super lucky and they become even bigger, then so be it, I love big titties. Then ofc I need a lot of curves elsewhere to balance things out. Wink And I'm ok with that too.

Using this for promotion would be quite controversial move as its still so rare, specially in metal underground which on the surface is surprisingly conservative.

Yea, its not a stage name for sure, but have you read the story on how I got that name? It happens to be that my given name is a nickname for Larissa in many countries, only three letter difference. My bullies used to call me Larissa when I was kid, long hair, girly face, girly demeanor, I was so kind and sensitive and stuff they bullied me for it... Called me a girl and nicknamed me Larissa. It just felt right, the irony there is strong. Big Grin

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