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Progress, plans and other ramblings

(09-02-2021, 04:43 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Comparing to what Lotus puts out, nothing from my keyboard will sound complicated. Big Grin 

By the way, I some time ago talked about having some trouble with jeans and my work pants and so on. I am not imagining it, I wore the summer pants at work today as I was working indoors and they were even tighter than before. When I got them in september, I needed a belt to keep them up decently, but now they sit tightly in place. Mind you that the waist still has about the same space there as before. I probably have gained some on my waist too, but mostly its my butt and thighs getting big. At least big on my standards. I don't think they've ever been this thick before.

The jeans I bought a while ago are size 48, picked from a plus size category and I wanted to be sure there's room to grow into and they're comfy enough, well, they're getting nicer by the day. And I think I know the reason. Check the picture. Cool
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

Remember what I told you about not coming home a virgin?
Well I guarantee it.
What a gorgeous picture!

So here is my guess about your growing butt. I had the same problem and I blame the PM.
My theory is that PM is doing its fat redistribution thing, and since we are not exercising enough (because of low T) the fat has no direction to go but to our ass and belly.
Think about it.
I used to be able to fit nicely in some very cute short shorts and now... well lets say it aint happening.
Anyhow I think you look AMAZING DIDI! If I saw you anywhere I'd be falling all over my self to get to be with you.

my work pants feel like absolute crap these days. I have to force them
as high as they go for the waist to be even close of being confortable.
And it feels like my butt is going to make them rip in two.
I'm sorry if it sounds rude, but the image makes me giggle a bit :P

Gotta say you have an awesome and absolutely glorious booty DiDi! Congratulations! Remember to keep on a safe dosage! Don't want to ruin everything with DVT huh.

I'm really sorry for your big bulky shape Didi, i wish there was a possibility for people who got large shoulder to reduce them, together with hands and feet and height in general. But remember not all cis-girls are short, there are some women who grow really high, and guess what? They are beatiful and gorgeous like a goddess (especially if you add some stellar curves :D ).

Keep believing in yourself, because we all do! And the more detailed post about your program sounds like a great idea!

- Alexis


(09-02-2021, 08:48 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  
(09-02-2021, 04:43 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Comparing to what Lotus puts out, nothing from my keyboard will sound complicated. 

It’s only complicated, if you let it be complicated. It takes time to figure out and follow. She shares science with us, and she’s the only person doing this freely on any forum that I’ve seen over the last many years. We should be grateful for her freely disseminated research. My way of getting over the knowledge term hump if I couldn’t understand 20 letter words, was to use google. Then cross reference the science sites, Wikipedia and medical dictionary explanations. Eventually it will make sense. 

Now, sugar bear, I gotta tell you .... That ass of yours is incredible. You certainly have nice tits, but DAMN!! DAT ASS!! 

Ahem. I delightfully consider myself a connoisseur and aficionado of delectable posteriors, and you my dear, are in possession of an extraordinary and impeccably alluring derrière. Ahem.


Yea, Lotus's threads are quite a treasure trove. Takes some effort to understand some of it without getting bogged into the swamp of medical terms.

Well now, I haven't had such exquisite expression used about my backside before. Hahahah, awesome. Big Grin

(09-02-2021, 09:11 PM)Happyme Wrote:  
(09-02-2021, 04:43 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Comparing to what Lotus puts out, nothing from my keyboard will sound complicated. Big Grin 

By the way, I some time ago talked about having some trouble with jeans and my work pants and so on. I am not imagining it, I wore the summer pants at work today as I was working indoors and they were even tighter than before. When I got them in september, I needed a belt to keep them up decently, but now they sit tightly in place. Mind you that the waist still has about the same space there as before. I probably have gained some on my waist too, but mostly its my butt and thighs getting big. At least big on my standards. I don't think they've ever been this thick before.

The jeans I bought a while ago are size 48, picked from a plus size category and I wanted to be sure there's room to grow into and they're comfy enough, well, they're getting nicer by the day. And I think I know the reason. Check the picture. Cool
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

Remember what I told you about not coming home a virgin?
Well I guarantee it.
What a gorgeous picture!

So here is my guess about your growing butt. I had the same problem and I blame the PM.
My theory is that PM is doing its fat redistribution thing, and since we are not exercising enough (because of low T) the fat has no direction to go but to our ass and belly.
Think about it.
I used to be able to fit nicely in some very cute short shorts and now... well lets say it aint happening.
Anyhow I think you look AMAZING DIDI! If I saw you anywhere I'd be falling all over my self to get to be with you.

Thanks Bobbi. <3 <3

Looks like my big ass is just getting bigger... I think you're right, I mean I loose weight quite easy if I do a lot of cardio exercise, in my case riding a bicycle. Also drumming does the same, playing for one hour feels like running for an hour, but ofc its different as its excessive amount of small movement instead of whole body working out. But over the years I have noticed it keeps my legs in fantastic shape, and butt too. Although I could use a little lift back there, would look nicer that way.

Now I just need to grow way bigger boobs for a good balance. Wink

(09-02-2021, 11:41 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  

my work pants feel like absolute crap these days. I have to force them
as high as they go for the waist to be even close of being confortable.
And it feels like my butt is going to make them rip in two.
I'm sorry if it sounds rude, but the image makes me giggle a bit  Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">

Gotta say you have an awesome and absolutely glorious booty DiDi! Congratulations! Remember to keep on a safe dosage! Don't want to ruin everything with DVT huh.

I'm really sorry for your big bulky shape Didi, i wish there was a possibility for people who got large shoulder to reduce them, together with hands and feet and height in general. But remember not all cis-girls are short, there are some women who grow really high, and guess what? They are beatiful and gorgeous like a goddess (especially if you add some stellar curves  Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin"> ).

Keep believing in yourself, because we all do! And the more detailed post about your program sounds like a great idea!

- Alexis

Hahaha, its just funny. xD I can already see it, I'm at work, bent down to pick up something and my work pants just split from the middle for not bearing the sheer size of my butt. Tongue No worries, I will, I have done my fair share of OD'ing already and too much pm makes me feel sick so it can't be good. And about the blood issue, I should pay attention because I've inherited my blood from my dad and he got issues with it in later age due to smoking a lot... I have naturally high hemoglobin so I don't want to risk making my blood into porridge and killing me.

Well, I just got to rock what I got and you're right, some ladies are big and bulky too. Reminds me of a friend I haven't talked for a while, she's really big for a woman, 195cm tall with wide shoulders and quite boyish looks, excluding her enormous I cup boobs. And she's stunningly beautiful. On her those massive breasts are in the right place, doesn't look out of proportions at all and makes her look like an amazon.

I will make a detailed post about my program when I have time. I might do it in a minute if I have the time... (Got to get back to work soon.)

Ok so I talked about making a detailed post about my program so I'll try to make some sense to it here.

I have done some sort of cycle since the beginning, based on the 21/7 day where the fourth week is off week, either a complete break or with greatly reduced dosage. I'm not good enough being consistent which I'm trying to get better at all the time, I'm sure my results would be better that way and I could have avoided some of the side effects which I think are due to over dosing on PM few times. The symptoms being identical with too high estrogen levels I've read about here on BN. Along with leg cramps which I've had few times, but that's difficult to tell as I get same kind of leg issues from having bad posture while drumming some times. Playing extreme metal is very taxing on legs and correct technique is highly important to avoid injuries in the long run.

Currently I'm on PM, Ainterol XX anniversary brand. Fenugreek, its pure FG powder without any additives.(Tastes horribly strong on its own!) MSM also as powder, Vitamin D3 and melatonin. The latter two I was taking for other reasons and later found a correlation with breast growing benefits so ofc I keep them going. D3 for absorbing calcium and lack of sunlight during winter, melatonin for ease of falling asleep. I have suffered from insomnia and difficulty falling asleep for years, on and off depending on my activities etc. And lastly the latest addition is Progestrone Cream.

The PM cycle works in the following manner,

1st week, moderate dose from 1000mg to 1500mg per day. Typically on the first two or three days I take 500mg more than the rest to get a sort of a kickstart.
2nd week, high dose from 1500mg to 2500mg. I used to do the second week at 3000mg/day but experience and reading the forums has made it obvious that its probably too much so I try not to exceed 2000mg or 2,5k max.
3rd week just like the first so back to lower dose again.
4th week either completely off or 500mg/day.

The way I keep track of this is a diary, date, number of the day in the cycle, next I write all doses of everything. The idea is to make it so that the estrogen level peaks at around day 12, then slowly winds down towards the end to near nothing on the week four. Quite simple.

I'm yet to be decided about fenugreek if I should take it steadily or cycle it also. But in case I cycle, then its 1st and 2nd week off, 3rd and 4th week on, simples. The dosing is a bit difficult, but I take a teaspoon of the powder a day, mixed with water. I gulp it down in one go and then quickly flush the horrifying taste away with something else. MSM the same manner as FG, mixed with water, the dose is about 1,5 teaspoons a day along with one pill of D3 which corresponds to 400% of daily intake. (Its not dangerous, Lotus has the details of this lined out well in her thread.)

I take FG, MSM and D3 all in the evening just before going to sleep. Pm I take early in the morning, then late afternoon and just before sleep, making it so that majority of the dose is taken in the evening. As I can't keep taking one cap every few hours while at work ( I would forget it!), I take 500mg-1000mg in the morning in one go and the rest few hours apart or sometimes also in one go. For some reason this seems to be highly effective to take a higher dose at once and then keep longer hours in between, I have no facts for you to back this up, but when ever I take 1k twice a day for example, it seems like my boobs react very strongly. Melatonin I take 1-3 hours before sleeping, typically 1 5mg pill although those are pharma grade and I've ran out of them, now taking weaker 1,9mg ones which I can get over the counter.

Latest addition is progestrone cream, daily, about 1/2 teaspoon. I will cycle the are which to apply it according to the advice on the label and what's being said here in BN.

To top this off, I do daily massage with coconut oil, I was surprised to find I'm doing pretty much the lymphatic massage outlined in Freya's F cups thread and now I'm learning to do it correctly. I massage every possible chance I have, use the coconut oil when ever I can mess my hands and otherwise without. I also pump with noogleberry once every few days, typically two hours in one go. I'm using noogle less as time goes by mainly for it being restrictive on what I can do with the domes on. I don't do it daily to avoid getting blistered from over doing and letting my boobs recover. I use supple nips daily, preferably one hour a day or so, but I'm inconsistent. Also seeing what hormones can do with the nipples, I think the cups are just supplementary method. But since I've had fantastic results (From flat to about B cup!) with physical stimulation alone, I highly recommend it, specially massage as its active and you get familiar with your boobies and can spot changes right away. My idea is to try to get the best out of all worlds, supplementing herbs/hormones with physical stimuli. I believe noogle & massage have been the key for the roundess I've got so I highly recommend everyone to do all or some of this alongside other methods.

So there you have it by far, oh yea, I take 2-5 week break from everything once every two or three months. I've done it from necessity after starting to feel sick for taking too high doses of PM and to have a sort of hormonal reset from time to time. Always listen to your body and don't rush things, Don't do like I do, do like I say. lol. Big Grin 

I hope this helps. So far I can say its been highly efficient program, ten months on PM + others and about 14 months physical stimuli only before that has taken me from flat to a D cup. The real deal hard core budding started less than six months ago so I tend to think I'm barely tapping into my growth potential, but who knows. My goal is to get two to three sizes more to reach really busty look. The dreamy goal is to let them grow as much as they want, see it all the way through. I will keep on NBE for the foreseeable future, but I'm planning a switch over HRT, I just don't know the timing yet.

Didi I haven't been online for a couple of days and I misses those new pics, well all I can say is WOW WOW WOW, fabulously sexy rear end and fabulous breasts.
With that rear you are firmly into womens jeans. no point in trying to squeeze into a typical straight cut guys pants now, so it's chuck them in the bin for good.
So inspiring to know what you have achieved since you set out on this journey.

(10-02-2021, 10:33 AM)wee2er Wrote:  Didi I haven't been online for a couple of days and I misses those new pics, well all I can say is WOW WOW WOW, fabulously sexy rear end and fabulous breasts.
With that rear you are firmly into womens jeans. no point in trying to squeeze into a typical straight cut guys pants now, so it's chuck them in the bin for good.
So inspiring to know what you have achieved since you set out on this journey.

Thank you. <3

I'm feeling so loved here again. Blush

I haven't bought guys jeans for years btw, can't stand them, no way they could fit me well. And as time goes by, the ladies jeans just feel better every day. As with bras too. The only men cut pants I have are the US woodland BDU camo pants I have, the only saving grace being the size, but the waist is painfully low on them. Too bad as I like to use camo clothing when I'm hiking in the wilderness. I should get some new ones and specifically look for something with higher waist. Those are rare those as the military stuff is almost solely for men.

Rock on to this lovelies. My NBE journey theme song. Wink  Cool 


(10-02-2021, 10:19 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Rock on to this lovelies. My NBE journey theme song. Wink  Cool 

I get that DiDi I have  to wear female clothes all the time as nothing else fits. Even my work uniform is the feminine version, which is a bit embarrassing as everybody knows I need to wear those. I call them my left handed trousers as the zipper is on the wrong side. It also doesnt go far enough down so I need to dig in deep when I need to pee to find the thigy and try to sorta get it out far enough to get it done or just give up, remove and sit to pee. Yes sit, i actually dont own a single item of male underwear so being caught at a urinal, trousers down presenting my butt and panties is quite unacceptable behaviour also,this may disturb some of you for life, if you manage to get the dangly thingy out far enough from your female trousers it will be kinda bent a bit so putting it back in may cause a bit of leakage.....eeeeew........I always wear sanitary pads in my knickers at work, always ultra as im terrified of damp patches ew that was all a bit disgusing. Yeah body changes can be a bit awkward when it comes to clothing and inappropriate anatomy.

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