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Progress, plans and other ramblings

Now I'm going to be the kill joy.
I do like reading your posts and witnessing your progress but..SLOW IT!!!!!
It seems as though you're desperate for high results in minimum time, what you are doing now seems right for you and your body, it's working so ignore bad advice about what else you should do to improve results such as going on the pill etc. Good intentions but if what you do works for you just stay with that, no need to go hardcore with prescription medications that may harm you.
Personally think you are doing it right with spectacular results. Just a personal opinion from me, I know I tried HRT and went totally bat shit crazy for a while, an emotional wreck, and that experiment made me no more feminine than I already am so, what you do Didi  works so please don't experiment. Don't want the DiDi we know and love to go bat shit crazy on us too Smile

(07-02-2021, 05:42 AM)Drew Wrote:  Now I'm going to be the kill joy.
I do like reading your posts and witnessing your progress but..SLOW IT!!!!!
It seems as though you're desperate for high results in minimum time, what you are doing now seems right for you and your body, it's working so ignore bad advice about what else you should do to improve results such as going on the pill etc. Good intentions but if what you do works for you just stay with that, no need to go hardcore with prescription medications that may harm you.
Personally think you are doing it right with spectacular results. Just a personal opinion from me, I know I tried HRT and went totally bat shit crazy for a while, an emotional wreck, and that experiment made me no more feminine than I already am so, what you do Didi  works so please don't experiment. Don't want the DiDi we know and love to go bat shit crazy on us too Smile

The udders and the hourglass, give them to me, now. Big Grin

Jokes aside, yea, I want to be there already about my body changes, yea I'm really eager for it. But I'm not in a hurry about hrt, just knowing me, I would regret if I didn't go all the way at some point. On the other hand it seems that herbs on their own work on me so well that I don't need anything stronger... Perhaps I'll do the HRT route this year, perhaps I wont. I'm undecided about it at this point.

Hmm... Maybe a good plan is to see how it goes for the next few months, if my development goes on as it does right now which has been really fast, I think I'll keep on doing the herbs and that's it. I was looking at the dates I took measurements yesterday, between Dec 19th and Jan 31st my bust measurement grew by 1/2" which is quite something. I wont be doing any drastic change to my approach before summer, that's for sure. I got too many things going on right now to get even more stuff to worry about.

Day1 of a new cycle. I will keep on going as usual pretty much, but limiting the highest dose to 2k this time. Lets see how soon my boobs pick up the pace again. Expecting buds to swell and get sore in a week. Big Grin


I think I'll put in some effort with massage, I got fantastic advice on this from Freya's F cups thread. The point for this edit is that I noted my breast buds being not that obviously swollen and big as some time ago, namely about one month back. Then I went on to compare pictures and my cycle diary and there is a clear correlation between areola puffiness and interestingly, nipple size, with taking MSM & D3 along with PM. Also its obvious that the same effects pop up when ever I've been on 20000mg to 3000mg dose of PM. This time around I think I will keep the dosage highest at 2000mg or perhaps 1500mg. Trying to find the sweet spot where I wont start to feel like shit after a while.

[quote pid='214502' dateline='1612625456']
My progestrone arrived already, but the post messed it all up completely. They sent me the note for the arrival way too late, the tracking number on it was not written correctly and some moron decided it was a good idea to send it back by now. All because they didn't provide me the notification early enough. Also I didn't know the tracking number beforehand. Totally sucks... I sent email to where I ordered it from and see if they can send it to me again or something. Or if it goes wrong, I'll just order from some other place. I'm really interested in looking for estradiol cream too, perhaps I'll find some on ebay.

I get my estradiol from Inhouse Pharmacy through the mail.  They have the cream (or used to as I bought that from them).  Very good service and dependable.  I use estrofem pills.  Use echeck to pay.l

(07-02-2021, 09:11 PM)taxer Wrote:  [quote pid='214502' dateline='1612625456']
My progestrone arrived already, but the post messed it all up completely. They sent me the note for the arrival way too late, the tracking number on it was not written correctly and some moron decided it was a good idea to send it back by now. All because they didn't provide me the notification early enough. Also I didn't know the tracking number beforehand. Totally sucks... I sent email to where I ordered it from and see if they can send it to me again or something. Or if it goes wrong, I'll just order from some other place. I'm really interested in looking for estradiol cream too, perhaps I'll find some on ebay.

I get my estradiol from Inhouse Pharmacy through the mail.  They have the cream (or used to as I bought that from them).  Very good service and dependable.  I use estrofem pills.  Use echeck to pay.l

So... I ended up ordering PC from Biovea as they're trust worthy and their deliveries work. I took it tracked and insured this time.

Thanks for the tip, someone elsewhere also linked a very interesting shop for getting pharma grade stuff, HRT stuff... I bookmarked it in case I choose to get going with HRT and run in problems with the 'officials'. Seems that I'm well set right now. Smile Will continue NBE for the foreseeable future at least until summer.

If it works fine and the urge to go on hrt wont totally overwhelm me, I might postpone my plans even. Lets see. I'm on the day2 of the current cycle and holy smokes how my breast buds are sore today. Poked my right boob this morning, ouch. Hurts so good. Seems like they get 'active' quicker and quicker each time. Last time it took about a week to get to this point. I think my breast growth has really been triggered big time and now its time to keep hammering as the iron is hot. Cool

I'm feeling great today. Really happy mood and I'm all smile... Even the weather cleared, cold and sunny.

It's illegal to order pharma drugs from another country DiDi. Finland is notorious for its customs control, where I idiotically ordered my hrt from Portugal they even recommend Finland customers to order patches, not pills to ensure they get through. Maybe???
I have tried various sites which will offer me a persciption from a doctor making it legal to buy, but a genetic male trying to get estrogen,  doesn't work,  need to lie to get it....also illegal. Alright i could lie and pretend to be female as my real name 'Drew' is sorta unisex but no... its illegal. Can only get hrt by breaking the law...not an option for me, will lose my job as enforcing the law of the land is my job, or by going gender therapy and that's more than a bit scary.

(08-02-2021, 11:12 AM)Drew Wrote:  It's illegal to order pharma drugs from another country DiDi. Finland is notorious for its customs control, where I idiotically ordered my hrt from Portugal they even recommend Finland customers to order patches, not pills to ensure they get through. Maybe???
I have tried various sites which will offer me a persciption from a doctor making it legal to buy, but a genetic male trying to get estrogen,  doesn't work,  need to lie to get it....also illegal. Alright i could lie and pretend to be female as my real name 'Drew' is sorta unisex but no... its illegal. Can only get hrt by breaking the law...not an option for me, will lose my job as enforcing the law of the land is my job, or by going gender therapy and that's more than a bit scary.

Ye, I know, even ordering PM I was a bit worried they might confiscate it... But there's ways to get around this, small packages often get a free pass even if its something.... Volatile. Anyway, I'm just gauging the options. I know a way how to get stuff here which isn't really over the counter, but I wont say more as this is a semi public platform.

Yea, I was going to post here something really cool. I just came home from driving lessons, I'm renewing my license to get on the road first time in ages. I had two hours driving + two hours simulator and something really cool happened which I haven't experienced before. My driving teacher was this near 40's lady, few years older than I and a really classy kind. Everything went as normal, but I did notice some looks... Until we were about to drive back to my place. She apologized for taking a while as she had to fix a nail she broke, taking the effort to show me her cool black nail polish which I ofc noted to be a bit rare thing to see, she told me she's a metal head too and then we went on to discuss nails for a bit, about colors and how to deal with them at work and so on. I'm convinced she was clued in that I might want to talk about girl's stuff.

I have never went out to do stuff like this dressed up. I even did my hair a bit. Had a necklace, that grey tanktop, my fave bra and the long leather coat which doesn't hide much from the top, I was so blatantly obvious.... And she clearly picked it up and was soooo cool about it. I think she was curious, perhaps that thing about nails was an attempt to bring this stuff up in a nice way? But considering this and the looks she gave me, I'm sure she knew that something's up. Soooo cool! Never before has a random lady bring up stuff like this with me before, they've always been close friends.

I love this stuff, I want more. I will definitely go out dressed more often. Such a nice experience. Blush

I think this is sorta normal. 
I get on way better with women than with males, conversation and empathy connects. But I grew up as a girl so ....yeah that's weird so not going there is a bit sick parenting wise and no, not going there....but connecting with females, not only your body is changing, accept that. Actually makes you a better person. My opinion but I'm crazy so you have a reason to igore Wink

(08-02-2021, 05:05 PM)Drew Wrote:  I think this is sorta normal. 
I get on way better with women than with males, conversation and empathy connects. But I grew up as a girl so ....yeah that's weird so not going there....but connecting with females, not only your body is changing, accept that. Actually makes you a better person. My opinion but I'm crazy so you have a reason to igore Wink

I've had it too all my life, come along with ladies way easier. And many friends have brought up such things women usually discuss among themselves so I guess I have that vibe around me. Before today, they've always been friends though... I didn't expect this. To many this would look like nothing to even sneeze at... To me it was special. Blush

(08-02-2021, 05:09 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(08-02-2021, 05:05 PM)Drew Wrote:  I think this is sorta normal. 
I get on way better with women than with males, conversation and empathy connects. But I grew up as a girl so ....yeah that's weird so not going there....but connecting with females, not only your body is changing, accept that. Actually makes you a better person. My opinion but I'm crazy so you have a reason to igore Wink

I've had it too all my life, come along with ladies way easier. And many friends have brought up such things women usually discuss among themselves so I guess I have that vibe around me. Before today, they've always been friends though... I didn't expect this. To many this would look like nothing to even sneeze at... To me it was special. Blush
Nothing to sneeze at, though im not sure what that means? Think a bit is lost on translation Smile Yeah, there is a stage I suppose where we change our mindset and connect easier, for me it was always so that's how I was raised but can imagine the effect of hormones can make a person perceive the world they live in quite different than before.

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