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Progress, plans and other ramblings


Well I had a four hour session of pumping yesterday and I still have some swelling left today.  They are getting bigger but the right one is a little smaller than the left one.  So will be working on that.  I will be taking a 4 week break as I am going on Holiday.  When I get back I will be starting a regimen of 3 to 4 hours pumped and fifteen min break and then another 3 to 4 hours in the cups pumped as hard as I can get them.  I will be getting pictures to post after I get back before the sessions begin and then after sessions.  Take 2 days off and then start the sessions again.  I hope to increase my breasts by at least 2 cup sizes.

Fran B

Well here are some pictures I took today after yesterdays pumping session.


I want to get up to a C or D cup by the time I am finished.

Fran B

Thanks Bobbi, it sure looks like Noogle + massage is working wonders on me and I'm not loosing it.... Even that +1month complete break didn't make them disappear. The swelling takes about two days to wear off at the moment, it seems to stay longer as time goes by. I'm starting to get really curious about my cup size. :Big Grin

Fran B, looks like your goals are close to mine. But first thing is to have them permanently as they're after pumping at the moment. Which I would think might be large B's or small C's, just a guesstimate. But I'm going there, slowly but surely. If this pace keeps going, I might be there some time next year. It looks like the more I get, more there's potential to grow faster. I remember someone saying something along those lines and seems to hold true. 

Btw, I was "out" looking really girly the other day, got absolutely no bad comment from anyone, but instead some guys (metalheads, says something about the attitude.) complimented me about my butt looking really nice and that wasn't even all... I'm loving it.  Big Grin

(05-07-2019, 12:00 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I have been thinking to post some pictures for some time now and start a new thread in this section and keep updating when ever I can / have time and what not. Almost everything in my life is periodic, including my hobbies, jobs and also NBE... I have now been on and off since march this year when I sort of had a moment of realisation that I'm not that much of a guy only in my mind or body. I have always loved my feminine sides and now I've come to a point where I don't give a damn what irrelevant/random people think of me. I think its me somehow maturing finally. Took good 35 years to realise this 

I have said a lot of this in other threads, but what the heck. Its worth repeating I guess. 

I have got incredible change happen with massage/pumping/subliminals and slight changes to my diet. I do not want to mess up with my hormones too much as I'm not looking to transition into a 100% woman, but I wish to enhance my feminine side and my appearance to reflect my persona and my mind. Recently I realised that the way I think and how my mind works is probably more feminine than on many women. This realisation explained a lot of problems I've had in my life and I feel so much at ease and comfortable with myself. 

Anyway, back to my NBE experiment. I'm amazed how well my body reacts to pumping and massage without any hormones. I guess my hormone balance must be naturally leaning towards feminine perhaps? I have never had it tested, but I've had a hunch about this for a long time. Unfortunately I do not have decent before pictures and my pic taking has been rather random for good before and after comparison. I think I'll try to be more consistent with it in the future. The pictures I'm posting are all taken after a pumping session. I will take some soon before one so you can see what's there permanently.

1st picture is taken on March 17th, that's after I think maybe two weeks of NBE. I didn't start out completely flat as I do weight lifting, so I had some pecs already. 
2nd pic taken on June 14th after two hour pumping session. 
3rd June 18th, I managed to find a front view... 

Anyway, Starting off as a pretty much as any other normal guy and getting something happen so quickly has been so amazing and a lot of fun... I just had enough of the cheap pump I have and I'm ordering Noogleberry.(I already have one but my girlfriend sort of took the possession of it for her own use so I will jut get another one. The one with XXL domes was sort of for her anyway and those things are way too big for me. (I can manage to get suction though.)

Lovely progress !!

Thnks Sandi. Big Grin

I have been lurking here a lot in the last few days.

I will get on PM soon, I thought it thoroughly for a long while before decisding and I thought to give it a go, life is too short to not grab the opportiny. I ordered PM pills made of the 10:1 extract from ebay, some UK seller as it was quite cheap. Seemed to be a reputable person/company selling the stuff so I thought I'd try and see how it goes. I'm just bit undecided about the dose as its said that extracts aren't as potent as the real deal, but how much so? Anyway, I thought I'd try to find out and start with about 1000mg/day and perhaps take a high/low aproach... I was thinking of trying tree weeks on, one week off cycle perhaps. Anyway, I haven't yet decided on the details, but I really want to try it out.

Also I saw people recommend to have some DHT blocker going on and making sure to get enough calcium while on PM. I need to look more into it.

I haven't been noogling much lately, took some long breaks, massage mostly and then I wanted to try out PC and it does work to an extent. I've been on it for about two months now and my aerolas are changing, puffy in the morning and so smooth and way bigger than before. Also I have noticed some new fullness I didn't have before unless I had been noogling a lot in a short time. I guess this is my one year in update as its about twelve months since I started experimenting with the pumps.

I have been giving a lot of thought on this and I really want to take this to another level... The more feminine my body becomes, more I like myself and feel at home within. This obviously have made me think about my gender... More about this later on I guess.

Here some pictures I just took, I need to take some nice aerola/nipple pic next time they're all out. So, one year in and just now going on herbals for real, what do you think or my progress so far?

I decided to also order Ainterol caps as I finally found where to order them... Hopefully the mail works fast. I'm sooo excited. ^___^

(11-04-2020, 08:28 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Thnks Sandi. Big Grin

I have been lurking here a lot in the last few days.

I will get on PM soon, I thought it thoroughly for a long while before decisding and I thought to give it a go, life is too short to not grab the opportiny. I ordered PM pills made of the 10:1 extract from ebay, some UK seller as it was quite cheap. Seemed to be a reputable person/company selling the stuff so I thought I'd try and see how it goes. I'm just bit undecided about the dose as its said that extracts aren't as potent as the real deal, but how much so? Anyway, I thought I'd try to find out and start with about 1000mg/day and perhaps take a high/low aproach... I was thinking of trying tree weeks on, one week off cycle perhaps. Anyway, I haven't yet decided on the details, but I really want to try it out.

Also I saw people recommend to have some DHT blocker going on and making sure to get enough calcium while on PM. I need to look more into it.

I haven't been noogling much lately, took some long breaks, massage mostly and then I wanted to try out PC and it does work to an extent. I've been on it for about two months now and my aerolas are changing, puffy in the morning and so smooth and way bigger than before. Also I have noticed some new fullness I didn't have before unless I had been noogling a lot in a short time. I guess this is my one year in update as its about twelve months since I started experimenting with the pumps.

I have been giving a lot of thought on this and I really want to take this to another level... The more feminine my body becomes, more I like myself and feel at home within. This obviously have made me think about my gender... More about this later on I guess.

Here some pictures I just took, I need to take some nice aerola/nipple pic next time they're all out. So, one year in and just now going on herbals for real, what do you think or my progress so far?

I decided to also order Ainterol caps as I finally found where to order them... Hopefully the mail works fast. I'm sooo excited. ^___^

I know very little about this stuff but somehow get sorta results, but yes am very, very big on calcium and vitamin D to help it into the body. Calcium tabs are so large they look like they are made for horses, but I take as much as possible....ish. and the D is apparently needed to help the body absorb it.

(11-04-2020, 10:53 PM)Drew Wrote:  I know very little about this stuff but somehow get sorta results, but yes am very, very big on calcium and vitamin D to help it into the body. Calcium tabs are so large they look like they are made for horses, but I take as much as possible....ish. and the D is apparently needed to help the body absorb it.

I'm already supplementing vitamin D, we get awfully little sunlight here during winter and the day is just becoming like a decent day. So that much is covered... I was thinking about the calcium bit as I do drink quite a lot of milk, but should I still get some supplement on top of that? From what I've read here, not a bad idea it seems.

So... What do you think of my progress? Am I on the right track? I would love to get some feedback from you who've been into NBE longer than I am. Big Grin

Oh hey, I forgot to post this earlier, my record swelling from a pumping session, this is from early february, I so much wish my boobs would be like this permanently one day. Have a look.

(11-04-2020, 08:28 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Thnks Sandi. Big Grin

I have been lurking here a lot in the last few days.

I will get on PM soon, I thought it thoroughly for a long while before decisding and I thought to give it a go, life is too short to not grab the opportiny. I ordered PM pills made of the 10:1 extract from ebay, some UK seller as it was quite cheap. Seemed to be a reputable person/company selling the stuff so I thought I'd try and see how it goes. I'm just bit undecided about the dose as its said that extracts aren't as potent as the real deal, but how much so? Anyway, I thought I'd try to find out and start with about 1000mg/day and perhaps take a high/low aproach... I was thinking of trying tree weeks on, one week off cycle perhaps. Anyway, I haven't yet decided on the details, but I really want to try it out.

Also I saw people recommend to have some DHT blocker going on and making sure to get enough calcium while on PM. I need to look more into it.

I haven't been noogling much lately, took some long breaks, massage mostly and then I wanted to try out PC and it does work to an extent. I've been on it for about two months now and my aerolas are changing, puffy in the morning and so smooth and way bigger than before. Also I have noticed some new fullness I didn't have before unless I had been noogling a lot in a short time. I guess this is my one year in update as its about twelve months since I started experimenting with the pumps.

I have been giving a lot of thought on this and I really want to take this to another level... The more feminine my body becomes, more I like myself and feel at home within. This obviously have made me think about my gender... More about this later on I guess.

Here some pictures I just took, I need to take some nice aerola/nipple pic next time they're all out. So, one year in and just now going on herbals for real, what do you think or my progress so far?

I decided to also order Ainterol caps as I finally found where to order them... Hopefully the mail works fast. I'm sooo excited. ^___^
you  look  great  nice  and  slim  so  many  of  the  guys  on  hear  are  just  fat  they  would  have  boobs  even  if  they  didnt  take  anything  its  nice  to  see  a  pic  that  looks  female   
best  of  luck
debs x


Thanks Debbie.

You say I look slim? Oh dear, maybe the pictures lie about proportions or something as I'm really not slim, at least in my own view? I'm quite big guy, six foot tall and I weight around 97kg, how many pounds is that, I don't know... Perhaps its my shape that does it? Anyway, love your comment. Blush

True that, its not fair and square with the bodies we get, I guess I'm one of the lucky ones as I look quite feminine by nature, most guys don't, but you got to make due with what you got. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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