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Transgender issues in the news


i don't know if anyone watches the news, but as of late, there have been issues with some "laws" that are outlawing people who are transitioning to use the bathroom to which they are transitioning to ( example : MTF cannot use women's room. )

Certain celebrities and companies are pulling their endorsements and plans to build in these states that are pro-anti transgender laws.

People like Curt schilling getting fired for commentary on this..

Now I see on MSN that Europe is cautioning its LGBT community on travellng to U.S.>

it seems, that this is the time for empathy and understanding. With people coming to the forefront like Caitlyn Jenner , it has helped
bring the "taboo" topic of 'genderbending' and sex reassignment to public awareness.

Donald Trump ( I love this guy, he makes me laugh), had confirmed Caitlyn can use any bathroom she wants to..

So my sisters, be at ease, the world is coming to its senses, mostly. in about twenty years, perhaps this will all be a non-issue? ( I hope so).

(21-04-2016, 10:28 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  i don't know if anyone watches the news, but as of late, there have been issues with some "laws" that are outlawing people who are transitioning to use the bathroom to which they are transitioning to ( example : MTF cannot use women's room. )

Certain celebrities and companies are pulling their endorsements and plans to build in these states that are pro-anti transgender laws.

People like Curt schilling getting fired for commentary on this..

Now I see on MSN that Europe is cautioning its LGBT community on travellng to U.S.>

it seems, that this is the time for empathy and understanding. With people coming to the forefront like Caitlyn Jenner , it has helped
bring the "taboo" topic of 'genderbending' and sex reassignment to public awareness.

Donald Trump ( I love this guy, he makes me laugh), had confirmed Caitlyn can use any bathroom she wants to..

So my sisters, be at ease, the world is coming to its senses, mostly. in about twenty years, perhaps this will all be a non-issue? ( I hope so).

I totally agree. Let suck it up all you buttercups out there... For whatever reason, be it mental, fetish, in the wrong body... we chose this path and I am not going to let any mental midgets stand in my way. We have far more important concerns that face us other than.. do we prefer panties, tighty whities or free ballin...

After all, I have been scammed by straight women, straight men, gay men, gay women so, it don't matter to me as long as a person wishes to use a certain bathroom as long as the reason is NOT perversion.

I must admit, I have read that some multi use gender neutral bathrooms have urnals in them, like WTF, the last thing any female ( transgender or sis ) wants to see is some guy with his junk out. Why not make them all stalls?

I'm one of the more unpopular people, especially in the Lefty circles so prevalent in our little "universe" of T*, genderbending, whatever.

Curt Schilling made a pretty correct comment, I think. And none of us want pervs in the restroom with us, peeping over or under or through the stalls.
I'm peeved at the reaction - because when a private baker refused to make a gay wedding cake, the Lefties were up in arms!
But it's not a two-way street... TOLERANCE for them only means the rest of the world has to tolerate them.
Sounds akin to some guy from Austria with a small brush-type moustache ... But we have his counterpart's ideals running for office... For all of Trump's comparable features, comparing to Mussolini, Bernie is in fact a SOCIALIST... Benito claimed to be Fascist, and IIRC, also said that Fascism was the perfect union of government and corporation (paraphrasing, I think he said business.)
Both of those -isms are anti-freedom, though. We could just as easily be on the cattle cars as Jews, blacks, Islamists, Romany. Or the ones holding the guns. Roll of the dice, flip of the coin; you're either for freedom and the individual, or against both - a collectivist.

Oddly, the Leftists don't understand that...
Libertarians, conservatives (small c, which makes them more like Classical Liberals), they can accept differing views and debate.
Over on (another forum), I tend to get threads locked, and I'm probably first in line to be thrown out... And that's a TS forum!

That's also not to say the right isn't filled with room-temperature IQs who are little more than collectivist sheep, but it seems I come in contact with more of the ignorant screaming babies on the left side. The right side's screamers are a little less "omnipresent" and not as tied up in their group investment.

I think those laws are ridiculous, too, and I think everyone knows that with me. There are laws against murder, but people are still killed every year. (And more with hammers, and automobiles, and medical malpractice than the favored bogeyman of guns; but there's no current attempt to outlaw hammers, or cars, or doctors...)
We have laws against peeping, and filming people in the bathroom, and posting such things online... And a woman carrying a Glock can easily "dispute" things in such a way the perv (male or female) will have to rethink their future.
Whereas a disarmed woman is at a disadvantage... It's not like my grandmother's generation, where perps were GLAD when the police showed up... The neighborhood boys and girls didn't have limitations on their beat-downs, the cops would at least probably show some restraint...
The neighborhood? They'd hang you by your privates and use you as a pinata. And they'd make SURE you didn't fall off until after they'd burst you open... ;-)

But I'm a vile throwback and atavistic creature who believes in street justice, because our modern "Just Us" system fails more often than it succeeds. It's more meant for punishment and wealth redistribution from middle classes to governing class... Finding who is guilty of property crimes is irrelevant to them. Padding the budget is the intent...

And in the meantime, is Jazz Jennings or Andrej Pejic supposed to use the men's room? Or, the FTM who posted a "Way to go (sracasm)" on Facebook - "she" is 6', 200#, with a beard - but would now have to go into the women's room. And if "she" complies with the law - she'll DEFINITELY get a beat down...

We really should find a way to make stupidity painful. The headlines would run like... "World leaders struck with migraines! Induced comas the only solution! Due to lack of government and mid-level managers calling out sick, productivity soars to unprecedented levels! GDP up 3,000%! New technologies to watch for in the afternoon include electromagnetic ESP and Kirlian goggles!"



the issues in America have upset me a lot recently Sad worst than the laws themselves are all the comments I see from people agreeing with it (and the horrible ways they talk about us).

This cheered me up Smile


(22-04-2016, 01:10 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I must admit, I have read that some multi use gender neutral bathrooms have urnals in them, like WTF, the last thing any female ( transgender or sis ) wants to see is some guy with his junk out. Why not make them all stalls?

There are two bars I frequent in my city that only have unisex bathrooms Smile They are all stalls of course. I wonder if unisex bathrooms that have urinals have been appropriated for the job and the owners didn't bother taking out the old plumbing? :/

(22-04-2016, 02:59 PM)-Tasha- Wrote:  
(22-04-2016, 01:10 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I must admit, I have read that some multi use gender neutral bathrooms have urnals in them, like WTF, the last thing any female ( transgender or sis ) wants to see is some guy with his junk out. Why not make them all stalls?

There are two bars I frequent in my city that only have unisex bathrooms Smile They are all stalls of course. I wonder if unisex bathrooms that have urinals have been appropriated for the job and the owners didn't bother taking out the old plumbing? :/

There is a store in a mall close to my city, the change rooms are one big corner, but male on one side and female on the other. The store has been open 4 years, and no problems ( as far as I know ).

Unisex bathrooms are nothing new to the world especially outside the USA. Regardless, pervs are pervs and nothing stops them from gaining access to a female only bathroom now. However, open urinals in a unisex bathroom is a bit much. In a stall maybe but not in the open. Better than just a hole in the floor....

I predict one of the politicians that supported these bills will get caught giving hand jobs (or more) in one of these bathrooms protected from "transgender" types.

Some of the people who create bad laws somehow see themselves as exempt from having to follow them themselves...and end up being the "pervs."

(22-04-2016, 02:53 PM)-Tasha- Wrote:  the issues in America have upset me a lot recently Sad worst than the laws themselves are all the comments I see from people agreeing with it (and the horrible ways they talk about us).

This cheered me up Smile

That cheered me up as well. Thanks for posting Smile

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