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Do binaural beats work for you? I can feel an estrogen high from this one, but decided to stop using it due to ED and bloating. (The Sapien one also works, but the one I linked to sounds like soothing falling water instead of harsh beeps.)

Hi Candace I donno, when I feel like I need more estrogen I usually just take moreWink

Well two days of needless suffering with no supplemental E thinking I was going to get tested today, thats what the nurse told me anyway... No but everything else went perfect and I had my LAST EC shot today.... In 5 days Im going back again and then the doc said he wants to test everything... I hope the level isnt too high for him after 5 days.... If it is though I can always point out that was a "weekly" dose after 5 days, and we are using EV now so its gonna be different Wink

So we are switching to EV, 40mg a month, weekly or every five days the doc said thats fine but keep in mind the script is for 40mg per monthBig Grin

Yea well we'll see about that, I have some illicit Progynon Depot (Indian EV) on the way that I am planning on trying soon... Its so cheap I gotta try it... Id think after two Delestrogen injections I will know right away if this Indian stuff is legit...

I did my own shot today and it was no big deal at all, the nurse was impressed anyway... I will do my next EV shot in front of her then Im gonna do them all myself... I do know the EV shots will be much less volume to inject... EC at 10mg is a huge 2ml shot, that right there I believe is the reason for a 10mg "max" dose not because its "stronger" than any other E... I think its WEAKER on me anyway than good old straight 17B E2 (gel/patches/pills) or EV but I cant say for sure until I try EVBig Grin

He also said he wants me to keep my appointment to see him on Oct 14th so we will likely test again Id think but who knows Smile

I do really like him and Id say its good for a girl like me to know a gynoBlushSmile

I'm proud of you that you quit smoking. I'm trying to quit also and I wanted wellbutrin, but they gave me chantix which almost made me crazy. I plan on just quiting tomarrow. I have lost about 45 pounds and I remain committed to lose as much weight as I can to see if it is possible that I can transition. Robin.

Thanks Robin, good luck to you quitting tooWink I can tell you 5 days in on the Zyban and it really does seem to help with the cravings.... I haven't gone totally nuts (YET)Tongue Im hoping that will start to work better with the booze though...

I still haven't managed to completely quit while drinking... While Ive decided to simply not buy anymore cigs, I do still have some little cigars here.... Well ONE of those goes good with a little whiskey and coke every now and then Wink

Gonna be tough to avoid smoking when Im out at the bar...

Unfortunately you will likely also gain weight, Its been 5 lbs for me so farSad

So WTF, just looking at all this shit Im on and writing up a schedule to try to keep on top of it all and make sure it all gets taken... Its so much its pretty easy to forget and I like to check it off as I take it... Reminds me of my NBE days popping PM and licorice and spearmint pills every few hours but this is even worse...

I guess I really am "full time" like it or not... I have no male clothes at all and a female name and all ID and documents switched.... Not that I want to even think about presenting as male... Just that my voice still SUCKS and Ive really been practicing and trying to improve itSad I can do OK in person but the phone is TOUGHSad

Anyway I had my first dentist appointment in 30 or so years today and my first ever as a female... He was nice, actually from the old hood I came from in Chicago.... So I got more pills to pop today and an appointment with a different doc who is a specialist.... I have a BAD toothache and an infectionAngry

This is out of control and all prescribed...

So we have 6 am...

100mg spiro, .50mg Dutasteride, 150mg Zyban, 800 mg ibuprofen, and an antibiotic.... All that with a cup of coffee... I donno thats gonna be interesting tomorrow morning...

12 noon

800mg Ibuprofen, antibiotic...

6 pm

Zyban, 100mg spiro, 800mg ibuprofen, antibiotic

9-10 pm

100-200mg progesterone and another 800mg Ibuprofen...


So I think Im gonna try staying on the P all the time but I will still cycle it a bit... Ive been on 200mg and I tried 300mg before bed but lately Ive been down to 100mg... Maybe higher for 10 or so days then lower to 100mg but stay on it all the time....

Where to start here.... Well still not smoking but NOT real happy about gaining 10 lbsSad Some is in the right places (tits and ass and thighs) but I cant take the fat on my belly Angry I donno what to do about that, I really havent changed my crappy diet much, I dont think Im eating or drinking any more than I was.... I guess I can try just going with a better diet and just a LITTLE more exercise than my current plan of NONETongue

So I was tested 5 days after a 10mg shot of estradoil cypionate... I was kinda surprised he only checked the E level which was 489... I was feeling pretty good too when we tested, now I know whySmile It must have been "crashing" to a "normal" level after 7 days... Whatever I didnt like going 7 days between shots.... So I at least havent heard a word from the doc on this, YET.... I pulled it up from the patient portal they have... I will be seeing him again on the 20th and he will be retesting me and hopefully doing a complete test, Im gonna ask for it anyway....

I do know that the E2 to E1 ratio is much higher with injections so I wonder where the E1 level is??? Id bet its MUCH lower than a comparable high oral dose of E and I also bet the total amount of E1-E2 would be close... The E1 is converted to E2 as needed by the body supposedly...

So after that test but before the lab results were in we started estradoil valerate at only 7mg to be self injected every 5 days.... Well I gave that a try and I must say I didnt enjoy less E much at all and ended up supplementing with gel and pills.... Approximately 6 mg extra E per day on that doseSad

So 5 days later I went with 10mg and that was better but I ended up going with another 10mg the next day.... I just had to try my illicit Indian Progynon Depot... $85.00 for 60 (600mg) in little sealed glass 10mg/1ml ampules shipped to my door was too tempting... I also ordered some filter needles and 3ml syringes and 1 1/2" 22 gauge needles... Thats a 15 MONTH supply at 40mg a monthSmileCool Well I can say its the real deal and Im still here with what feels like a very high E level the next day so thats good anywayBig Grin

So anyway Delestrogen (EV) 10mg/1ml in a 5mg vial (50mg) is ridiculously expensive at $185.00... BUT my insurance covers most of it and I paid $35.00... Better than $109.00 for the same 5 week supply of Depot-Estrogen (EC) also 50mg...

SO I guess my next shot will be 14mg, only 4mg Delestrogen (gotta keep the docs supply at 40mg per month) and 10mg Progynon Depot... thats gonna be on the 10th then I get one more before the doc and the lab test... That one will probably be 7mg and Im sure its still gonna be high... BUT we will see how long this last 20mg lasts, might be able to go a bit longer than 5 days... SO what I envision is 80mg per month unless my next complete blood test shows a problem aside from high E...

I was FINALLY starting to feel good on the EC when we changed itRolleyes I think I would have been OK with 60mg a month EC, 10mg every 5 days...

Now I gotta get this EV figured out, 10mg every 5 days would probably be good too BUT I can definitely tell the difference between EC and EV.... The EC did seem a bit more potent than EV feels so far...

BUT who knows Huh Throw quitting cigs and a dental infection on top of all this and Im all messed up...

At least my tooth is feeling MUCH better and Im completely off the HUGE dose of ibuprofen with only one day of antibiotic left.... Still not 100% though, have to go see another dentist on the 14thSad

I also QUIT that Zyban.... While it did help with the cravings and even made cigs taste like total crap.... Its supposedly an "antidepressant" that SURE had me feeling DEPRESSED and thinking some scary ugly thoughtsSad So Its just cold turkey here, feeling better already without that crapBig Grin

Meanwhile Ive been cycling the P with the E... After the shot when E is high I take 200mg day one, then 300mg of P day two and taper down to 200mg then 100mg for 2 days.... BUT Im thinking of quitting the P and going back to 7-10 days a month because it always made me gain a few pounds... If that dont help Im thinking in addition ramp the spiro back up a bit... Ive been down to 200mg where I will keep it to my next test...

SO hopefully I can get things more stabilized here without my doc freaking outRolleyes

I really hope I can get this dental stuff over with soon because I want to do some surgerys over the winter and they wont do them with a dental problemAngry

First is voice feminization with this guy in NY....

Then if that hopefully goes well facial feminization surgery in Chicago... Possibly combined with "body work", lipo, fat transfer to ass/hips and a tummy tuck... Im hoping to get out there soon for an in person consultation with this guy.... Hopefully with a date in Jan or Feb next year...



I took a look at Zukowski's website at his Before/After gallery. I know it's good marketing technique and all, but don't you hate it when the before shot is the person in guy-mode, glum faced, without wig or makeup, but the after shot is the patient in girl-mode smiling and made up to kill? Wig and makeup alone, if done right will make a huge improvement in the way you look. I often don't recognize a person I've met en femme when she goes back to guy-mode.

What FFS options are you considering?


BTW, that's where I'm going for my volume electrolysis in a couple weeks.

Hi Clara, yea I think its actually pretty BOLD of Zukowski to pull that blatant crap especially because Im sure he knows TG/TS women who can afford him are usually well above average intelligenceRolleyes

Nevertheless I do have friends and family in the area to help me and take care of me when I recover... The first few weeks sound brutal to me, so Id like that support in place.... So he is at the top of my list and its up to him to blow it with me....

I did a consultation online and then via Skype with Toby Mayer in Beverly Hills CA... I was quoted 40K for this, I didnt like him much at all though...

Full face lift, Brow bone contouring, Brow lift, Nose job, Raise upper lip and lip augmentation, and chin reduction/reshaping....

I agree with all that Im thinking but Id love a second opinion... We'll see what Zukowski says, Im gonna call them tomorrow and hopefully start to get some kind of plan together here...

I wanna drive out there and see him, do an in person in depth consultation and set a date for surgery... Then get on a plane at O'Hare and fly out to Rochester NY and do the consultation and whatever else and do the voice feminization surgery, fly back and then eventually drive back home...

Thats the plan so far anywayRolleyes

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