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Not much to report today, except that I'm willing to prove the power of the topical program. Or more like its effect along with other NBE items I've talked about lately. I believe what I'm doing is all playing together extremely well and the topicals were the missing piece. Otherwise I wouldn't be getting obvious BIG visible differences show up within ten days. Visible difference within fifteen days or a month is more usual fast pace, but this is whole another level.

I picked a photo from July 29th and then another from August 8th. What happened here is that I doubled DHEA and PG dosage three days after the older photo was taken, on the new one there's five days of estogel done, nine days on melatonin again as I've had trouble falling asleep, a week of Blessed Thistle on higher dosage and a week without noogle, replaced by massage.

Pictures are scaled by my usual method and then lines drawn on the moles centre of my chest and then fat folds just below boobs and upper part of stomach, these do not change places much so its a very nice reference when the camera angle is a close match. Take a look.


I had a short run with 3 of the four topical ingredients of the protocol, before my P4 ran out. I was using P4, E2 & DHEA, and then I had to re-order P4. While waiting for the P4 to ship, I got the GTE EGCG AA and I've been using it for a few days. My P4 finally arrived yesterday and I'm back on the complete program now.

I was actually surprised this morning when I noticed after adding Topical P4 early yesterday and rectal P4 at bedtime, how fast I responded. So, I'm looking forward to an uninterrupted run of the complete protocol program.

After starting E2 gel, I ceased all supplements for a month, except for WP/RR. As of a couple of days ago I restarted the NBE supplements. It'll probably take a couple of weeks before the Goat's Rue kicks back in, but I'm kind of expecting a boost when things get back up to speed.

On the whole all in all, I'm very impressed with this latest topical protocol that Lotus deciphered & devised. It is a great kick-start to our programs.

I do want to ask you about your impressions of Blessed Thistle? I'm taking Milk Thistle, and while it's known for having similar galactagogue properties, it's widely known for being a liver detox. I'm 100% OK with that aspect of it, because the liver plays such a vital role in our health, but it's also associated with NBE/HRT as well.

Both Milk Thistle & Blessed Thistle are both from the same plant family, they're both considered a galactagogue, and they both are known for being a liver detox. But, I'm curious about your thoughts on Blessed Thistle vs Milk Thistle.

I'm considering switching after this current supply is finished.


I think Blessed Thistle somehow feels better... The effect seems very similar in both. Its helping to keep me on brink of lactation, I can get droplets to show up at will and the Swanson brand one is easily affordable. It is said to help with digestion and since starting it, I haven't had much issues which I normally have had so its really nice on that too. 

So far so good, not a miracle herb, but obviously keeps prolactin up. I'm going to keep at it, I like it a lot so far. I haven't done it for long on the higher 2400mg dose so I don't know yet how it will be after a longer time but I'm going to keep at it. Also to note that I've got a lot of new growth happen in the last week and half and Blessed Thistle is one of the things I doubled just eleven days ago today. I keep thinking that this could be fantastic to be coupled with Goat's Rue and some other prolactin boosting herbs to work together? I'm yet to find easily affordable Goat's Rue so I haven't got to try it on its own yet.

I took some pictures and got a very nicely telling one. It seems that my areolas are nowhere near done growing both width and projection as they keep on getting bigger. Also I notice a whole lot new stuff on the sides, as in they're over all getting wider, exactly what DHEA has been said to do. Not that I would need any more width but this is what they want to do. I guess I will go from extra wide to super crazy wide. No matter really as I'm getting so much projection I'm sure it will balance out with more development.


[unnecessary quoting removed]

Aeloras look much puffier

Your right nipple and areola looks very puffy.  I'm ran out of Milk thistle and will be adding it back.  I need to order DHEA topical.

(11-08-2023, 08:06 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  I need to order DHEA topical.

Get DHEA Cream off eBay in the USA. It's $40 on Amazon, and I last paid 2 for $22 on eBay.

Be sure to check out the Topical Protocol on the Project-X Thread.

Your Areolas look great and I love how fat your underboobs are. I am seriously lacking in that area.

I'll probably get Blessed Thistle after I finish this run of Milk Thistle. I'll switch back to Fenugreek Saponins after I finish Goat's Rue, etc.

The underboob fullness is super nice. I really like how I've filled in there, regardless of sag, they still keep the shape so well... I'm kinda hoping for even more bottom fullness as I think its really pretty. Big Grin You should try it, I have nothing but good things to say about Blessed Thistle.

Today is kinda tough, my uncles funeral is in few hours. I need to get dressed nicely and put on some makeup. I will meet a lot of relatives to whom I will be a completely new person. Meaning that since starting transition, they have not met me. I'm presuming this will likely be socially very exhausting and I'm prepared to getting some shitty attitudes and stupid things said to me. Only thing inhibiting it is that this is a funeral and people tend to behave their best. My relatives are mostly ok and most have been surface level accepting at least so likely nothing too bad but I still don't like it one bit. 

Likely after this I need to recharge for a good while and hope I wont need to see them for a while. Many funerals coming up in the next ten years. Sad

Funerals are always tough. The older you get, the more funerals you'll go to. I hate losing loved ones.

If things get uncomfortable today, just remember that most people there will be silent & grieving.

For me, times like this are emotionally & physically exhausting. Hang in there and get some good rest afterwards.

It is tough... And I know there will be a lot in the next ten years, I'm an evening star, my parents and their siblings are near or in their 80s so there will be a lot of this coming up. I've been to quite a lot, grand parents, three out of four, one uncle (other died but I didn't attend as it was really small number of people.), my cousin when we were kids, my best friend couple of years ago. Ex gfs grandfather years ago, that was of course easier as I wasn't related. And now another uncle, still many to come. C'est la vie. I know I'll be really exhausted afterwards, this uncle in particular was quite close and meaningful person in my life. He and his wife were like spare grand parents when I was kid when my own had passed away.

If there's something happy about it, he lived very long life, almost all that time healthy and quite happy, he was sick for about three years and once the end came, it took him fast so he didn't need to suffer for long. It just hurt so much to see one of the brightest most fast witted and cool guy to get sick with altzheimers and succumb to that. He was two weeks shy of his 90th birthday so obviously it wasn't surprising.

More coffee now, then some more breakfast and I need to start to get ready. I'll try to stay as cheery as I can, I know my uncle would wish us to remember him for all the happy times and not cry our eyes out.  Heart

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