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My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - Printable Version

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RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - debbieTV - 02-01-2024

(17-05-2023, 08:37 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  I have posted my initial experience with BO in a couple of different places so I had to make this update here and tell everything from the beginning to the present.
The updated current news starts around 12 lines from the bottom of this post. Look under Things have changed.

Played around on and off with many different herbs for 20 years.
Took it slow because I wanted to hide my progress from everyone.

Now, at age 71, I have “A” cups… I guess. Band size, plus 2”

I have been taking 5mg of Finasteride for at least 5 years, for prostate problems.
It has also stopped my hair loss. I do not use any other AAs.

I have had success with FG, PM and BO. I found that Progestone cream (Wild Yam) combined with FG was a winning combination. Never tried it with PM.

FG – always took capsules, don’t remember brand, dose or anything but it worked.

PM – used Swiss Botany serum, forgot how many drops per day. This will cause the breast to puff up a little bit which was great for when I wanted it. Volume would go down after a while but some size is kept each time.

BO – I believe there is a point of no return and it could happen with one dose. It took me 3 days to discover it but it could have happened with the first dose. BTW, I did not take my temperature or any other supporting supplements other than maybe my daily multi-vitamin (if I remembered it that day). Did have Finasteride though.

Specifically, I took Swanson Ovarian Glandular 250mg.
1st Day = 1 capsules
2nd Day = 2 capsules
3rd Day = 2 capsules

I had planned to take 2 caps/day for a week before going to 3/day.
Well, on the third day I discovered that I could barely get an erection and my ejaculate was reduced to perhaps 5 drops of totally clear liquid. This scared me, so I stopped taking the BO. It has been 3 or 4 months now. My erections and ejaculate have recovered a little bit but nothing close to what it was before BO.

I love masturbation and have done it nearly daily, since I can remember. I also have always been very into cross dressing, doing it every time I had the opportunity. 

Things have changed.

I believe but cannot yet 100% confirm that my breast and butt are still growing. Pretty sure though. Now here is the weird part.

In the last couple of weeks, I have had little to no desire to masturbate. Just don’t feel the need. Also, I don’t feel the need to dress! Both of these things are a real shocker to me. Yesterday I put some thigh-highs on and they felt good but did not give me the charge and stimulation that I have always got from them. This morning I put a bra on to see if my boobs were bigger. When I saw myself in the mirror, I took it off. It was not exciting at all. I looked like a man wearing a bra. I wonder how permanent these feelings are?

Contrasting these feelings to when I was on FG or PM, it’s like night and day. When I was taking the herbs, the more I took, the more feminine I felt. I just felt so girly all the time. Now I feel kind of neutered.

The biggest lesson here is that everyone responds at least somewhat differently to these herbs and in some cases, like my BO experience… massively different.

Why is my BO experience so different from the norm or from people who take high doses for months and get no results. For sure, I am older than most and likely have lower T… also, I take 5mg Finasteride. Does that account for the difference. Is it the Finasteride? Is it because I eat a lot of black pepper?  Smile Who knows?

I think that anyone who has a fast, dramatic response to BO should examine their diet and supplements to see if we can find a common factor. I take my supplements on a very hit and miss basis but I can list everything I take if you want me to but I may not have even taken any supplements on the three days that I took the BO. I have a fairly high caffeine intake… say, 2 to 4 servings of coffee or soda per day. I do not smoke. I do not drink much alcohol (only on major holidays).

That’s all I can think of right now.

its becouse the BO is so much stronger than PM  i was in a socil group of TVs many years ago none of us were taking any herbs or anything like that there was no internet back then and know one new of such things exsisted .one of the guys who had been very active in the group going to clubs and social meets decided he was transexual and maneged to get himself on HRT . in the space of a weeck he had stoped crossdressing stope going out to any of the meetings we used to hold and did not whant to have anything to do with crossdreessing at .the conclusion of all this was the HRT had killed his sex drive and in so doing had lost all interest in being a TV and his sex drive had diserpeard completly .

crossdressing and the desire to grow breasts is mainly fueld by our sex drive the secret is finding the right ballance and of course the older you are the less testosterone you will be produsing so the stronger the effects of the herbs / BO / estregen is going to have on you .
its easy to get confused and think we are transexual and in that case would not mind lossing all interest but i think most of us on hear are probaly just guys who love to feel feminine .
good luck to everyone 
and happy new year 

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - Karen Hart - 03-01-2024


When you reply to a post, please click on "New Reply" so that it does not quote the original post. This saves a lot of scrolling!  Smile

You basically said the same thing in post #3 of this thread and I asked in post #5 if your friend ever regained an interest in dressing and feeling sexual.

My urge to dress and to masturbate has been slowly returning but it is far from what it used to be.
I used to masturbate daily and donning a pair of pantyhose got me immediately aroused.

Now, I can easily skip days and donning female attire does not arouse me in the same way.
I still like the look and feel but it is not sexual in the same way it was for so many years.
I cannot say if this is a good thing or a bad thing for me. Maybe it is a wash.
I do not feel so much sexual tension and pressure but I do not get the same delight from it.

Perhaps my excitement will continue to come back, over time.

The timing is terrible as it is for many of us older folks.
Finally got the boobs that I have always needed to fill my bra but getting to old to wear and walk in 3" heels.
Don't worry, I love kitten heels and flats too!  Wink

Karen  Heart

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - tomi66 - 03-01-2024

BO is certainly holding true to its effects on us. It seems all over the board. I wish I were studying for a degree in naturalapathy I would do a study on this for a doctorate.

It's interesting that I have heard x Dressing referred to as a sexual fetish more than once on this site. I never really considered it a fetish for myself. I enjoy it both sexually and non sexually. It really depends on how I'm dressed, it has always felt nice just to walk around in a bra, tanktop and a skirt or booty shorts on the weekend at home watching tv and doing housework. And when I get in a teddy, garter and nylons I am feeling sexy and up for some fun in bed.

However in my younger days I could get aroused if the wind blew, lol Big Grin , as I got older it fluctuated but my desires had more to do with foreplay than how I was dressed, maybe as a teen dressing upbwas tied to a stronger sexual desire, but there are not many teens that don't have strong sexual desires all the time, a woman in jeans and a flannelwas sexy, look at Daisy Duke Big Grin .

I will say that BO has knocked my libido down to nothing, and that's where BO is inconsistent, others say it has increased their libido, weird. Nonetheless, it has not taken away how I feel about makeup and dressing up, I still love to do it as much as possible and that has nothing to do with sexual desires, but more so how it makes me feel pretty, and lets out the girl inside me. I have gone out before dressed up, and I like it when a man holds the door open for me, or admires me from afar. Just as I feel like a gentleman when I hold the door for a lady.

It's a really great conversation, I am glad it was started. In short, I opted for BO because I wanted to look more feminine, and I think it has worked. I wanted to get rid of my man boobs and actually have breasts that would properly fit into a bra, and that it has done.

Kudos to all the women on here who are transitioning, following their heart, and I am so glad to hear many have understanding partners and I feel bad for the ones that don't.

My wife is understanding and knew about my feminine side when we met, you could say that's how we met, but she also likes a man, fortunately I can be both for her. I once asked her why she liked to see me dressed up in makeup and she said, it's interesting Blush I said ok. Bottom line, she loves me for who I am.

Beth14 - Beth14 - 03-01-2024

If BO or any of the other stuff didn’t affect my twig and Berries I would do them in a second. I am really happy for everyone that has successfully used them.

IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU! - Karen Hart - 10-01-2024


My breasts and butt continue to grow from 3 doses of BO, a year ago!

It was Swanson Ovarian Glandular, day one 250mg, day two 250mg and third day 500mg.
On the fourth day, I discovered that ejaculate had decreased to maybe 5 drops.
That scared me, so I never took another BO.

A year later, I have all the size that I want now, and I wanted the growth to stop, so I made two changes.

About a month ago, I reduced my Finasteride dose from 5mg to 2.5mg and I also stopped drinking 8 oz of Soy milk daily.
I don’t drink any soy milk now nor do I eat any soy products.

I thought that this would at least slow things down if not stop the progression.


In fact, I woke up a few days ago and I immediately realized that my boobs felt, larger, firmer and heavier. I was aghast. Now I have boobs even when I lie down. They are still small, like an “A” cup but they are completely different now. Basically, I guess I could say that they went from moobs to boobs. They have a roundness density, weight and projection that they didn’t have before.

I guess what they say about BO is true. It can permanently change your hormone production to the female mode.

My breasts and butt have grow and my muscles have lost considerable strength.
I have not noticed any slenderizing of my limbs, waist, nor face... but that may come.

I will update when and if there are any changes.

Karen  Heart

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - tomi66 - 11-01-2024

Hi Karen,
Your BO experience is certainly outside the bell curve. It may have something to do with the finaseteride, I looked up some of the side effects of the drug and BO may have been intensified by the finaseteride, but it's just a quess or vise versa.

I just bought about 3 months supply of BO, PG and women blend which has BO and Uterine Glandular blend as a maintenance plan when I finish my hi dose regimen at the end of the month. I must say I have seen good results but nothing like you have had in such a short time frame, I have been at it for 18 months increase 2 cup sizes and a slight amount of butt growth, but I believe if I stay on a low dose maintenance plan I should continue to have a gradual feminine changes.

So I have to ask, are you happy with the results? Or do you want it to stop?

I know I started with BO because the claim that it initiates a permanent change, but the more I have read about it, the changes will eventually stop and reverse after the BO is discontinued, which is what I didn't want. But it makes sense, like others have said, if BO permanent then people wouldn't bother with HRT which is something you have to do for a lifetime. That made sense to me. But then again maybe big pharma doesn't want people to have a cheaper and more permanent alternative to HRT. I guess I will eventually find out.

I hope everything works out for you.


RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - Karen Hart - 11-01-2024

Hey Tomi,

I think I said in an earlier post that when I learned about BO, everybody was saying that you had to take it for a minimum of 6 months before results become permanent.
Based on that, I thought that I could play around with it for a bit. Experiment. I did not want ongoing, permanent change. That's why I quit the soy and dropped Fin to half.
I need Fin for prostate problems, so I am taking half the dose that I have taken for many years but ironically, growth seems to have ramped up.

On one hand, I would not mind having "B" or even "C" breasts but on the other hand, I do not want to lose the ability to go into stealth mode. 

At this point, my erectile ability has improved over the last 6 months or so but ejaculate remains very low.
If I get to the point that I cannot make myself orgasm, I will be seriously disappointed.

As I also mentioned in a previous post, my libido is already very low and I have lost the excitement that I used to get when cross dressing. 
I feel kind of neutered.

If I had it to do over, I would never take BO. I would use FG so I would have control over the stopping point.
It is so very odd how BO took away my feelings of being feminine. It neutered me. 
With FG or other herbs, the more I took, the more feminine I would feel. It was fun!
That is a big loss.

Overall, it has been a loss for me. I did achieve a slightly higher level of growth but I lost my strong sexual feelings and the thrills that went with that.

Karen  Heart

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - tomi66 - 13-01-2024

I am so sorry you have had such a bad experience with BO. It's good to hear some function is coming back. I have never lost the ability to orgasm, it is only difficult to get and maintain an erection without the help of cialis or viagra. I hope that you continue see improvement as the BO works its way out of your system. It's unfortunate that you can't stop the fin, the side effects from that are certainly not helping the situation. Since you need it for your health discontinuing it isn't an option.

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - kylec - 29-04-2024

The 'point of no return' seems to come up quite often here and I wonder why?

Isn't it all about the 'danger' of crossing the line ... the excitement of pushing the limits ...and the possibility of becoming someone else?

Whether BO or PM or HRT or whatever method you select, you know changes will come ...some slowly, others unexpectedly fast. Really, none a surprise.

So what is YOUR 'point of no return'?

Mine hasn't been reached.

RE: My Unique BO Experience -- Yes, I believe there is a line - tomi66 - 29-04-2024

Hi kylec,
I also often wonder why. I imagine some people are here out of curiosity and maybe want to explore but not completely change their body, maybe just gain a little extra cleavage.

For me personally, I am all in. I came in with the attitude that if it works it works if not, no big deal. I am all man in general appearance but my whole life felt effeminate, I would always rather hang with girls rather than guys growing up, that hasn't changed a bit. I still don't care to hang out with the guys, I would rather go out with the gals.

Unfortunately some don't know what they are getting into when they experiment with NBE and they go a little further than they want and their body keeps changing long after they stop.

I have had some physical changes which I am happy with and mental changes, which have mellowed me a little, also happy with. I now have a maintenance program of a BO Glandular blend with a Orchic Glandular blend (testicular, prostate Glandular) which seems to be an od pairing but I do BO before bed Orchic in the morning. I should drop BO but I like the mental change it provides.