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New way !


It seems like it has been forever but it is time for the one month update!

There is nothing really big to report as I suspected for month number one. I don't really think month number 2 will have any surprises either. To be honest I really am not holding my breath for anything big based on this personal experiment I am sharing with you. This is more of satisfying my curiosity since I have been unable to locate any studies or literature on anything like this. To be more exact the results of these peptides with estrogen on a male.

I do think it is important to keep a timeline from month to month for the obvious reasons.

One thing I do and suggest for anybody new with NBE is to keep records. And use a tape measure. None of this I look or feel bigger stuff. It will be very helpful as you change the doses of your regimen as well as your weight. For many years I have measured and weighed at the same time and on the same day and every week with a measuring tape in centimeters to see the slightest fluctuation with what my diet and weight and dosage was doing. It has been very helpful in finding what worked for me and what did not!

So lets start with what has been noticed with using these peptides in month number one. AS written-

"As soon as you start your peptide cycle, the hormone triggers changes in your body. In the course of the first several weeks, they will be visible through increased energy and vitality, which in turn result in better productivity. Better concentration will also be among your results. As far as your physique is concerned, expected results include better stamina and increased strength, helping you exercise more easily and productively. Finally, many patients report their mood gets better and the mood swings or depression that are sometimes characteristic of hormone disorders go away. "

I agree with the above stated but nothing really major. Except the concentration and memory. Especially concentration. It was very much improved and very noticeable and it happened in just the first few days. It is now unbelievable! Cleaning is a all new experience. LOL

Also for what it is worth, as noted by others who took these peptides, I am having the most intense enjoyable dreams almost every night that I can remember with every detail. I actually look forward to each night to see which show will be playing !

Now down to the details.

Breast growth   +2.1 % (about 1/2 inch)
Weight  +1.8%  (* and  **)
Hips  +1.4%

* What is odd with the weight gain is that the exact opposite is suppose to happen. It has been more noted in month number 2 for the weight loss to start. (Will this affect breast too or just the stomach area as they claim?) Something to keep an eye on because perhaps with estrogen it could result in weight gain?

** I checked my records and at this same weight I was still a smaller breast size by about 1.5%.

SO there you have it ! I am of course open to your ideas and suggestions and corrections or whatever. I hope you may have found this helpful or interesting at the very least !

(20-09-2017, 05:54 PM)mongoose3 Wrote:  I have used this forum for many many years! More than I care to admit. I have done so many methods its hard to keep count. But just so you know I did the herbs and the pump and the prescription estrogen  and even the bovine ovary and more. To some extent they all work and I have you ladies to thank you for all your guidance.

I am now a very nice 38 B but I do not want to exaggerate it is a small B. Makes it real hard for a bra because most B sizes are too big and most A sizes are too small. But you can see from my picture I am not exaggerating which occasionally happens here. This is a picture I did a review on for a company that wanted their lingerie reviewed. I got it for free and they send me more every once in a while to do reviews!

For the last 3 or more years I have been working on increasing my growth hormone levels mostly through using l-arginine. I have not wanted to try HGH because of the cost as well as other bad stuff. I have become receptive to GHRP however which is a peptide that makes the pituitary gland produce it the way you naturally would produce it.

So today I had my IGF-1 levels tested.  Here are reasons why copied from wilkipedia.

Moreover, a trial of hormonal breast enhancement in 45 young women with very high doses (80 mg/injection) of intramuscular, bioidentical estrogen (in the form of estradiol polyphosphate, a slow-releasing estradiol prodrug) for six months found that only the women in whom an increase in IGF-1 levels occurred after four weeks (46.7% of subjects) experienced a significant increase in breast size (824.3 mm to 898.5 mm).[1][2] This is in accordance with the established fact that both estrogen and IGF-1 appear to be essential for breast development, and when present together, are synergistic in mediating it.[11][12]


Trans women who are treated with estrogen experience normal pubertal breast development similarly to the case of girls with Turner syndrome.[19] However, they generally show a smaller final breast size in comparison to their immediate relatives (one cup size less on average).[19] This is perhaps due to the fact that most trans women do not commence HRT until adulthood, which is of relevance because GH/IGF-1 levels significantly and progressively decrease after normal adolescent puberty (from late adolescence/early adulthood and thereafter).[20] As such, synergy of estrogen with GH/IGF-1, and by extension, maximal breast development potential, may be reduced.

So anyway I wanted to make a contribution to this site for all the help you ladies have given me! I am hesitant because there are so many who will say this is not a way to go! I get my feelings hurt easy and its ok if you disagree but could you please be kind about it?

If this test turns out low I am scheduled with a Doctor and with my endo to try Sermorelin and GHRP-2. and by the way I am using a transdermal patch through my endos advice and prescription!

I am open to any comments and questions and just ask you be nice!
Lotus if you are out there I miss you!

I think we need to combine research from T-Nation (lots of info on modulating IGF-1 and HGH and insulin itself) with this sort of research.
Also makes one wonder, why not look into GH supplementation as part of the process? Boosting it with exercises is great for us, but can have nasty side effects of increasing muscle mass.

HGH is hard to come by online, I'd guess, though.  :-P



I am not a fan of HGH. You are right about possible side effects that I do not care for at all. That is why I like the GHRP. The peptides are more natural and totally safe. (Although CJC1295 with DAC creates a some what unnatural response in my opinion.)

For years I have been doing toning exercises and exercises that target certain areas to avoid muscle build up. There were a few I had to stop or change because that is exactly what happened. A study was done where 7- 9 grams of L arginine 30 minutes before exercises boosted IGF 1 levels dramatically. So For about 2 years I took 7 grams before exercises and my levels were only normal. Now in the study they received it in an I V and that in my opinion made all the difference. (by pass the liver like sublingual estrogen or transdermal estrogen does)

GHRP is easily available online. I ordered my second month supply on line and it was very cheap. I paid 1/10th of the price that I got from my doctor. (also for the record I increased my GHRP 2 and decreased the sermorelin but used an enhanced sermorelin with a longer half life)

I am watching for 2 things here closely. If I continue to show weight gain but no waist line increases then in my opinion fat is being converted to muscle (due to mass). Now the first month does not bother me because there is fluid retention involved. Second will the weight loss that is suppose to come only affect the stomach area as they claim? As I am sure you are aware the breast are extremely sensitive to weight loss.

So far things are going well. The estrogen appears to be benefiting from the peptides but it is going to take 3 to 6 months before I really know ! I am showing positive measurement changes after a year and half of nothing at all.

2 month update !

This is what is said about the second month of use

As written:Month Two:

• Reduced belly fat
• Improved metabolism
• The return of some muscle tone
• Improved skin tone and fewer wrinkles
• Stronger hair and nail

yep yep yep . Mostly hair and improved metabolism.

here are the measurements :

Breast           :  -1.45%
Weight         :   -4.00%
Hips             :   -1.3%

Also worth noting 
Waist            :     -2.00%
Bra Band size:    -2.9%

2 month cumulative total
Breast   + .65%
Weight   -2.2%
Hips       +.1% 

3 month update

This is what is said about the third month of use

As written:Month Three:

• Increased mental focus
• Improved flexibility and joint health
• More feelings of drive and ambition
• Enhanced sex drive and performance

Not really !   More of month two results still happening.

here are the measurements:

Breast       +1.01%
Weight        No Change
Hips            No Change

Also worth mentioning

Waist                No Change
Bra Band size     No change

3 month cumulative total

Breast           +1.66%
Weight           -2.20%  
Hips              +0.10%
Waist             -2.00%
Bra Band Size -2.90%

Moved from an  A cup to a  B cup without doubt. None of the A cup bras I have fit anymore ! ( and that with a smaller Band size too so consider that !)
Big Grin

Really nice results! Can you post a comparison pic?

(13-01-2018, 12:12 AM)yeapppp8 Wrote:  Really nice results! Can you post a comparison pic?

perhaps at 6 months

4 month update

This is what is said about the 4th month as written:

• Improved mental acuity
• Better skin elasticity
• Further improved appearance of the hair and nails
• Continued weight loss

 I would say yes but mostly hair and nails !

here are the measurements

Breast : no change
Weight : -.08
Hips : no change

Also worth mentioning

waist : -0.75%
Bra Band size: no change

4 month cumulative total

Breast : +1.66%
Weight  -2.28%
Hips      + .10%
Waist    -2.75%
Bra Band size -2.90%

So here is my prediction for month 5 and especially month 6 !
Read carefully as this can be confusing !

I predict that I will GAIN weight but it will not be in my waist ! I actually predict I will continue to get a smaller waist size. I am thinking the weight gain will go to the curves !


I am real happy with the way things are shaping up ! The picture is with no padding or shapewear etc. Just a slip.
The regimen seems to be working faster now and I am all smiles as the curves are more noticeable  !

(02-02-2018, 03:52 PM)mongoose3 Wrote:  I am real happy with the way things are shaping up ! The picture is with no padding or shapewear etc. Just a slip.
The regimen seems to be working faster now and I am all smiles as the curves are more noticeable  !

You look great mongoose, thanks for sharing.

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