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DIY Boobie Chow (archive thread)


DIY Boobie Chow
April 13 2007 at 2:05 AM
Moonstruck (Login moonstruck61)


Anyone ever cook with herbs?

Just out of curiosity tonight while I was cooking dinner (I take my midday herbs at dinner time) I decided to taste Black Cohosh.
I opened a capsule and tasted the powder. It had almost no taste that I could tell.
So I emptied the capsule into my food and stirred it in. Mmmmmmmm... Well, not really because my food tasted the same as always but there was a perverse pleasure in knowing that I had made my own little private Boobie Chow..

I think I'll try to taste the other ones too and see what they are like. I didn't mix it in until I was finished cooking and it was already off the stove and cooling down so the food wasn't hot enough to cause the BC to have any weird chemical changes happen, no more so than it mixing with my dinned a few minutes later in my stomach anyway.

I think I may explore the "Cooking for Tits" avenue further. Why not? I saw a few months ago there was a big to-do in some geek forums about some drink they sell overseas that is supposed to make your breasts grow. The geeks all thought it was bogus but I'll lay money on it it was totally legit. Why not an herbal drink? Makes sense to me. I wouldn't mind getting some, if nothing else a few bottles to put on my desk just to amuse myself.

BTW, check on ebay for herbs. I just found a place where they had a "Buy it Now" button and a "Make Best Offer" button.
I made an offer on 3 bottle of 100 caps of RC and they accepted it! I saved $6 over the regular Buy it Now price and I got 300 caps of RC!! I'm covered for awhile now. Oh and be sure to check the vendor feedback ratings and comments. Make sure they are not a rip off!

Author Reply
Anon Man
(no login) Not a bad idea April 13 2007, 3:42 AM

I did think of that too ... but for the reason of bypassing the outer gelcap casing. I think it would speed up absorption in the intestines. I don't know if the intestines come before or after the liver. And adding to a drink is the same idea. Perhaps this is better. Great idea moonstruck!

(no login) Re: DIY Boobie Chow April 13 2007, 7:01 AM

Yes! Liquids are more easily absorbed. Just think extracts! Extracts are liquid and more potent. It could very well work.

Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: DIY Boobie Chow April 13 2007, 7:19 AM

Yes you can cook with the herbs too.

If you buy powdered fenugreek you can mix it in asian/indian type foods - it goes very well with that type of food. Curry and such. Fenugreek seeds are great for making "sprouts" to put in salads.

(Login moonstruck61) Re: DIY Boobie Chow April 14 2007, 2:24 AM

Tonight I tried Red Clover on my dinner. I opened a capsule and put a little of the powder on my hand to taste it.
It was a little like a mild pepper. So I went ahead and emptied a full capsule on my food just for fun.
It was very strange. It tasted different on my food. Sort of a sweetish peppery taste. I guess because it's made of flowers.
I can't say I was excited by this, it sort of put me off a little, maybe I put too much on or didn't stir it in well enough.
I think I'll stick to taking RC in capsules for now.

I might look into some teas though, I have seen boobie-tea mentioned elsewhere.
Cooking with hormones. Now that would be a weird cookbook.
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