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Question for those who have had bottom surgery or planning to.


I would like to ask those of you who have had any sort of bottom surgery your opinion.

For those of you who have had your testicles removed and nothing else are you:

1) Happy with the out come.

2) have any regrets

3) planing on getting more gender affirming bottom surgery

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

For those of you who have had zero depth vaginoplasty Are you:

1) happy with the out come

2)have any regrets

3) have plans for any future touch ups down stairs

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

For those of you who have had vaginoplasty for a fully functional downstairs are you

1) happy with the results

2) have any regrets

3) have any future plans for bottom surgery or touch ups/correcting complications from the surgery

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

Lastly if there is anything else you want to add for any of these feel free to do so ( as in risk vs benefits, functionality after wards, cost, wait time for the procedure, time healing, how your spouse felt about it and if your significant other supports the choice and how it has affected your relationship afterwards, ability to have sexual intercourse and or ability to achieve an orgasm.) 

I do know these are deeply person questions. By no means do you have to share anything at all. But I hope you share something. The more we all hear and learn about it from everyone's experiences here the more people like myself can make an informed choice

I have had no surgeries. I've always been envious of the female form and their bodies. Always wished I had the body of the females I see in the gym. I had always wanted a fully functional vagina, not sure I'll ever have one unless reincarnation actually happens after we die and I am brought back as a woman. Lol. I have always disliked my testicles. They're big and bulky and hang low always in the way. I def would not mind having those removed as I have children already and don't want any more and neither does my wife. Removal of the testicles only is a fair compromise for my wife I feel since she is still unsure how she feels about me being trans and that she obviously enjoys penetration during sex. And any sort of surgery down stairs is nothing that would be obvious to anyone else. Only those that need to know would know. Everyone else would just assume which parts I have which would also be good wife and me to not deal with the ramifications of fully transitioning with the potential loss of friends family, job, social circles, etc. also some doctors I have heard will leave extra skin there after removing the testicles if there is a chance for further gender affirming bottom surgery is potentially going to happen in the future (obviously there is porb a time limit and there is only so much stretching of the skin tissue can do to fight against atrophy). However I do know some doctors won't perform any for of vaginoplasty after having ones testicles removed. So there's always a chance that it may be declined. And then there's the cost, it's way cheaper and can usually be done in a day with maybe a one night stay if you were put under. 

I have done some research just would like to hear first hand from all of you about your experience and anything you wish to share on the subject.  Thank you.

(09-05-2024, 12:23 AM)CM213 Wrote:  I would like to ask those of you who have had any sort of bottom surgery your opinion.

For those of you who have had your testicles removed and nothing else are you:

1) Happy with the out come.

2) have any regrets

3) planing on getting more gender affirming bottom surgery

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

For those of you who have had zero depth vaginoplasty Are you:

1) happy with the out come

2)have any regrets

3) have plans for any future touch ups down stairs

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

For those of you who have had vaginoplasty for a fully functional downstairs are you

1) happy with the results

2) have any regrets

3) have any future plans for bottom surgery or touch ups/correcting complications from the surgery

4) your opinion on your experience and advice on this type of gender affirming bottom surgery 

Lastly if there is anything else you want to add for any of these feel free to do so ( as in risk vs benefits, functionality after wards, cost, wait time for the procedure, time healing, how your spouse felt about it and if your significant other supports the choice and how it has affected your relationship afterwards, ability to have sexual intercourse and or ability to achieve an orgasm.) 

I do know these are deeply person questions. By no means do you have to share anything at all. But I hope you share something. The more we all hear and learn about it from everyone's experiences here the more people like myself can make an informed choice

I have had no surgeries. I've always been envious of the female form and their bodies. Always wished I had the body of the females I see in the gym. I had always wanted a fully functional vagina, not sure I'll ever have one unless reincarnation actually happens after we die and I am brought back as a woman. Lol. I have always disliked my testicles. They're big and bulky and hang low always in the way. I def would not mind having those removed as I have children already and don't want any more and neither does my wife. Removal of the testicles only is a fair compromise for my wife I feel since she is still unsure how she feels about me being trans and that she obviously enjoys penetration during sex. And any sort of surgery down stairs is nothing that would be obvious to anyone else. Only those that need to know would know. Everyone else would just assume which parts I have which would also be good wife and me to not deal with the ramifications of fully transitioning with the potential loss of friends family, job, social circles, etc. also some doctors I have heard will leave extra skin there after removing the testicles if there is a chance for further gender affirming bottom surgery is potentially going to happen in the future (obviously there is porb a time limit and there is only so much stretching of the skin tissue can do to fight against atrophy). However I do know some doctors won't perform any for of vaginoplasty after having ones testicles removed. So there's always a chance that it may be declined. And then there's the cost, it's way cheaper and can usually be done in a day with maybe a one night stay if you were put under. 

I have done some research just would like to hear first hand from all of you about your experience and anything you wish to share on the subject.  Thank you.
I sent you a private msg.   This group will help you find your way.

Thanks you

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