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Alright Stevenator I have recently looked on the 'other' site which is a pathetic variation of this and see you are active. I know seriously that I myself have been an influence to you to have stopped you being an active person here as I can be protective/aggressive at times and am truly sorry for that. Am offering the olive branch here, if you read this I know you are a person who helps, who cares and is dedicatedand and an asset. I'm just a bitch who likes to annoy people but do go too far, and I did! This should be a PM but isn't as I'm taking full responsibility for being an arse, we have different opinions but that shouldn't make us enemies. You're input is valuable and don't let a minor conflict of of opinion ruin that. Come back, I think we miss your input.
Sensetivity is a bain we all must bear but we don't have to do it alone. Anybody can pm me and tell me I'm a twat  and I will converse  That's it! Just return and tell everybody Drew is an insensitive a-hole, which is a bit true,at times.

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