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Jamie's growth progress :)

(03-09-2017, 02:21 PM)cdizzle Wrote:  Great job on the progress! You are lucky as I've been trying to upload some pictures from my phone and it says everything is too big. What are you taking now?

Just taking pm and progesterone cream i need to get more white penoy also should i take breaks from pm im kinda clueless when it comes to that i just dont want my boobs to get smaller

Breaks seem to be a ymmv type of thing. 
Sometimes I subconsciously do it when 
my system tells me that enough is enough. 
Other times when it's obvious my wife is 
getting antsy for some loving. I back off
NBE & let my libido recover. Dandelion is 
good for the breaks to cleanse the liver.

I usually take off weekends or I'll take a week off. It's hard taking breaks as you never want to stop progress but sometimes you do need it to get things working again.

Lol i just realized my right boob is bigger then my left i thought it was just a myth but i can actually tell now that my boobs are bigger lmao just thought that was funny and id share that with u gals

Are you "left-handed" ?

(04-09-2017, 06:34 PM)Stevenator Wrote:  Are you "left-handed" ?

I dont know what u mean by "left handed" but if u actually mean writing then im right handed

(04-09-2017, 05:17 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  Lol i just realized my right boob is bigger then my left i thought it was just a myth but i can actually tell now that my boobs are bigger lmao just thought that was funny and id share that with u gals

Wow, that's weird.  I thought the left boob grew faster?

Wow, that's weird. I thought the faster growing boob side was the opposite of your dominant hand, i.e.; writing, throwing, batting, chopping, golf swing, guitar, etc.

I agree with Stevenator.
My left boob is bigger and I always thought that it was because, being right of hand, I use the right side muscle a lot more and I let less fat deposit there.

P.s. Jamie Lee... Photos, or it never happened Tongue

(04-09-2017, 09:38 PM)Stevenator Wrote:  Wow, that's weird. I thought the faster growing boob side was the opposite of your dominant hand, i.e.; writing, throwing, batting, chopping, golf swing, guitar, etc.

Why would that be?

I'm right handed and my right boob is bigger too. I thought it was because the pec behind it was maybe a little bigger and that was pushing it out, though it is also rounder, and the nipple is a bit bigger too.

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