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acceptance of being trans.


(01-03-2017, 04:13 PM)Man2breasts Wrote:  
(26-02-2017, 05:09 PM)rollerone Wrote:  I didn't know if I should share this story about  something that happened to myself or not bother anyone else with it.  as I have been on this quest for breast going on the third year I have questioned the why would I want this. So in my searches for an answer  I started to think that I may be actually  be transgender but could never prove to myself that I was for certain, till two nights ago I had the most wonderful experience regarding this. Anyone who reads this may think this person is out there! As usual a somewhat slumber I was in when out of nowhere a voice from within said, yes I am transgender, and immediately the most peaceful serene feeling went through my body from head to toe just like a heavy weight had been lifted and at that point I knew for certain my answer had presented itself. Yes I am for certain transgender and I am female to some extent somewhere on the gender spectrum. The feeling of joy was so good, where I go from here I don't know, would be nice to do some therapy for this. I know this sounds korny to read something like this but it did happenandas I am not out to anyone I decided to share this with this forum for there is no  one else to talk to about it. For certain I have struggled with this the guilt of feeling this way but things look better  at this point. Thanks for listening and I hope it wasn't to strange. Rolleyes      Jazmynne.

(26-02-2017, 05:09 PM)rollerone Wrote:  I didn't know if I should share this story about  something that happened to myself or not bother anyone else with it.  as I have been on this quest for breast going on the third year I have questioned the why would I want this. So in my searches for an answer  I started to think that I may be actually  be transgender but could never prove to myself that I was for certain, till two nights ago I had the most wonderful experience regarding this. Anyone who reads this may think this person is out there! As usual a somewhat slumber I was in when out of nowhere a voice from within said, yes I am transgender, and immediately the most peaceful serene feeling went through my body from head to toe just like a heavy weight had been lifted and at that point I knew for certain my answer had presented itself. Yes I am for certain transgender and I am female to some extent somewhere on the gender spectrum. The feeling of joy was so good, where I go from here I don't know, would be nice to do some therapy for this. I know this sounds korny to read something like this but it did happenandas I am not out to anyone I decided to share this with this forum for there is no  one else to talk to about it. For certain I have struggled with this the guilt of feeling this way but things look better  at this point. Thanks for listening and I hope it wasn't to strange. Rolleyes      Jazmynne.
Hi Jazmynne,

Sounds much like my own experience, just had a wave of emotion pass over me and it was like a light had been switched off in my head. I had the most pleasant dream that night after were i was female in the dream and was travelling. I ended up with a vision of being in a meadow on a hillside have never been back there in a dream but if my mind wonders during the day thats where i end up.

Am at the point where I am pretty sure that I am going to end up transitioning I just have to feel 100% ready first. I guess am not in denial about it anymore and dont feel guilt about feeling this way anymore but there are practicalities to consider. That said in my head I am slowly coming around to the idea that things wouldnt be as bad as I think and the barriers can be overcome.

The main regret i have now is why didnt i accept things earlier........I could be there already! Still I always like to do things in my own way and in my own time and really not sure i would have coped with this any earlier.

Am sure most of us here have similar tales and regrets about putting things off though!


Acceptance of being somewhere in the middle...

It's great to be able to simply accept who you are and what you like...even if that does not quite fit conveniently in a particular conceptual of box of what that should be (either judged by oneself or others).

I find myself somewhere in the middle, like I could go either way, or simply stay somewhere in the middle. One things for sure, I can easily see myself with a transsexual mate going forward. Smile

I can only attest to my own plight.  I love being of "Two Spirit".  But it's awfully confusing, even when you get confirmation from health care professionals like a therapist as well as your private doctor.  So, if that is the type of Transgender you end up being, and need someone to chat with, just PM me.  At least sometimes it helps not being alone in a situation.

Torn between two genders.

I have always been doing self help with some periods of therapy mixed in. A few years ago, I was working on self acceptance. There are parts of myself that I have disliked all my life. As I was re-examining some of these, I remembered as a child wanting to be a girl. I would look at catalogs, find women's lingerie and wish that I could wear & wishing that I looked like those ladies. I used have dreams while I slept that I was a girl. I never told anyone as I thought there was something wrong with me. So I buried it far down. I tried a little cross dressing here and there as I grew up, but always felt shame and would throw away the clothes. 

Well, back to working on acceptance, I pondered the those thoughts and times. And now as a mature man, I will see a woman in a store and wish that I had hair like hers or notice her nice makeup. So I stopped denying it and it felt very liberating to admit that I am trans. My transition is in slow motion. I admire the young people who know, can talk about it and seek medical help. For myself, better late than never.

(03-12-2022, 07:42 PM)Kay Lady Wrote:  I have always been doing self help with some periods of therapy mixed in. A few years ago, I was working on self acceptance. There are parts of myself that I have disliked all my life. As I was re-examining some of these, I remembered as a child wanting to be a girl. I would look at catalogs, find women's lingerie and wish that I could wear & wishing that I looked like those ladies. I used have dreams while I slept that I was a girl. I never told anyone as I thought there was something wrong with me. So I buried it far down. I tried a little cross dressing here and there as I grew up, but always felt shame and would throw away the clothes. 

Well, back to working on acceptance, I pondered the those thoughts and times. And now as a mature man, I will see a woman in a store and wish that I had hair like hers or notice her nice makeup. So I stopped denying it and it felt very liberating to admit that I am trans. My transition is in slow motion. I admire the young people who know, can talk about it and seek medical help. For myself, better late than never.


Although this is an older resonates with me so I am going to leave a comment. I have known since I was a younger teenager that I am a woman. Back in the 1970s we didn't have the information that is available today so I just toughed it out. I started a career, got married and had a family. I was meeting the expectations of others, in hindsight how stupid.
I was always envious of the females around me and I gradually dipped my toe into the world of cross dressing. Often I was wearing female undergarments prior to retirement. My wife has and still is supportive of my need to be a woman. I know that this is rare so I consider myself blessed. To be fair I did tell her prior to marriage.(40 years ago) It was her suggestion that I seek counseling services which I did. My therapist agreed that I am suffering from dysphoria, my wife has been most encouraging.

Anyway...over the years I acquired a very large wardrobe. I already practice a feminine shower routine (body wash, female shampoo and conditioner, baby powder deodorant and I have slept in my nighties and panties for as long as I can remember. On January 1st I retired so my feminine personality is finally allowed to shine. I don't have to go to work and currently I am dressing 100% female 24/7/365. I have been doing so for over a month now and unlike the past I am going out into the community. I unfortunately have some err alot of work to do before I can pass, I currently am obviously a man in women's clothing.

The female confidence I currently am experiencing also stems from a euphoric moment in which I was lying in bed (with my wife) and I just took a look at myself. My breasts are an obvious but my hips and thighs and skinny waist along with a feminine bum also say female. It was also my feminine shower routine that clearly told me that I am definitely not a man and my routine is certainly not masculine. I just knew I was transfeminine. I am now on an accelerated pathway to achieving my dream of living as the woman I am. Lots of problems will result but with my wife's support I can handle the loss of anyone who doesn't accept me as I really am...
Thanks for listening

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