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Does this mean I am balanced now, herbs are working ?

Mental, feel calm and focused male and content,
Sex drive , healthy-good,
GID, none,
Erections, now and again flicking, not constant,
Breast Growth, now viewing it very favourably and happy too take them as far as I wish more
Out of curiosity sake and too see what they look like , rather than a visceral “need” a few weeks ago,
Dressing, well none really but Bra feels comfy and comforting,
Basically Happy to be a Man

Same here Julie, PM making it bearable to be a man, with a touch of femininity Wink Cheers,

SS xx

Hey Julie,

I wanted to post something on your page rather than someone else if I could please,your such a beautiful person and a joy to read your insights and humor.Your progress is wonderful,if I'm correct your about 5 or 6 months on PM,right?

Your wife is lucky to have someone as loving as yourself,I'd throw back a couple with ya if I ever made it to the UK,it would be crazy fun,of course with your lady too!

Cheers my friend!!Big Grin


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