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About me!!!!


I've been looking at this forum from some time now. So i decided to sign up today Smile Well About me: I'm 31 years old male. I'm 260 lbs. Married with two kids and one on the way. I started taking fenugreek for my acid reflex. I've noticed that i started to developed Breast. Very small, not that big. After two years of taking fenugreek on and off. The small breast that i developed filled a piece of me that felt empty inside. I started to feel like i should have been a women. So here i am, about to start taking Pueraria Mirifica.

But whats strange is that i want to change and bring this women put of me. But after i have sex with my wife, I don't want to continue with the herbs, even if fenugreek helps with my acid reflex.

Well anyways right now I'm taking Green Tea Extract so i can lose weight, Pueraria Mirifica and fenugreek when i need it for acid reflex.

here are some pictures


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