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Guys with boobs


(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(25-08-2013, 11:14 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  

Yes it's so true! Being a tran or somewhere inbetween is becoming very popular and after the gays get there rights I think the next thing that were gonna hear is about trans and science will most likely look further into this study hopefully they do... I wonder if that's a job? But yeah I hope that being trans or inbetween is normal in the future cause ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep

Slightly driving topic over to the left...
Ive said this before and this is for many "inbetweens" (not trans-so no one get it twisted please) is that many are doing this for self sexual gratification, and power. I have learned this from much research on many different forums and groups that are doing nipple stimulation and growing breast rojects, some even like to pump their penises and blow up their balls. Many consider themselves straight and have female sig others. So there is a perversion and dominion factor here.

I am female, feel entitled to have large juicies and will not be having any children to breastfeed so it is completely selfish of me in doing nbe, but at least I can admit, I am too, slightly perverse, dominion factor, not so much.

So It irritates me when some of these labeless inbetweens can't admit this about themselves. They want to say its to be more in tune with their feminine side, but if you think about it, having breasts are for breastfeeding your baby, not for your self groping, sexual gratification, or getting off of feeding your partner. Having juicy breasts don't make you a woman. The mindset is enough, your perspective and ability to share that. But we are perverse and find that the female mindset is not enough, many of us want to be seen on the outside as women, objectified in some way whether its from the public or our partners, get off on being that sexy thang with curves, its powerful and something awesome to experience and these inbetweens as well as women like myself know this. Its a different world.

Again, not talking about transgenders who scream (I'm in the wrong body get me out!)

** Slightly *Controversial**

For the inbetweens, would it kill you not to experience what its like to have breasts with along with your manhood? if so, what purpose does it serve to have this experience? Are you that much entitled?
Also, would you be nervous at your time of judgment when God knows that you have done it for such reasons other than feeling you were born in the wrong body?

Though I am female and genetically entiteld to have developed breasts, I know I will never have children so technically I don't need developed breasts, but like I said, I am "entitled," shame on me! But its nice to know I can see that within myself and admit this vanity experience consumed me in my time of judgement.

How does one gain power from this?
Anthropologically speaking, the ONLY reason women have breasts is for sexual attraction and, basically, decoration. When we were still walking on all fours, the woman's ass was always in a man's face and he was attracted to that. Later, when we started to walk erect, `scuse me, upright, her ass was no longer in our face anymore so nature made something closer to our face that LOOKED like the cheeks of her ass that we could be attracted to and they were developed breasts! Many men today actually breast feed and they have no protruding breasts. And, look at how many women have next to no breasts at all, yet they can still breast feed. The females of our closest relatives, the simians ONLY grow their breasts before they give birth, once they stop breast feeding, their breasts go away and you can't tell the females from the males without a scorecard, or without looking at their crotch.

If your a Genetic Woman what are you doing on the biological male side of the forum? does its really matter to you what we are doing? unless your gonna buy me some PM or instabust then you can leave cause you have nothing to do over on the biological male side of the forum

Sorry folks but my BS-meter went off the scale with these posts by Tibetan. If you're easily offended read no further.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Slightly driving topic over to the left...

I think you drove it right up your ass and apparently it's pretty dark in there, because you have yet to make any sense or bring any salient point to light, in either post.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Ive said this before and this is for many "inbetweens" (not trans-so no one get it twisted please) is that many are doing this for self sexual gratification, and power. I have learned this from much research on many different forums and groups that are doing nipple stimulation and growing breast rojects, some even like to pump their penises and blow up their balls. Many consider themselves straight and have female sig others. So there is a perversion and dominion factor here.

Can we say truly fucked up point of view? What power? What dominion? Over whom? I mean really, get a grip. Anything that irritates you is YOUR problem, so why blow chunks all over this part of the site? Maybe you and that bigoted creep who used to post in the Herbal section should get together and have a Hate-fest. Even if what you say is true, and I don't for a minute agree with you, SO WHAT? Who are you to judge whether someone is straight or not? And if you are 'entitled' to spew your venom on this site, then I am entitled to judge you for being a bigoted, dimwitted, half-brained imbecile.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I am female, feel entitled to have large juicies and will not be having any children to breastfeed so it is completely selfish of me in doing nbe, but at least I can admit, I am too, slightly perverse, dominion factor, not so much.

Really all you're 'entitled' to is air to breath. Beyond that, it's all a fantasy in your mind.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  So It irritates me when some of these labeless inbetweens can't admit this about themselves. They want to say its to be more in tune with their feminine side, but if you think about it, having breasts are for breastfeeding your baby, not for your self groping, sexual gratification, or getting off of feeding your partner.

WTF? Is this a real argument or even a half-way logical point of view that would help anyone with anything? Are you sure breasts aren't for groping and sexual gratification? I think there are quite a few scholars that would disagree with you, but that's right, I forgot, you're 'entitled' to spew all over this thread.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Having juicy breasts don't make you a woman. The mindset is enough, your perspective and ability to share that. But we are perverse and find that the female mindset is not enough, many of us want to be seen on the outside as women, objectified in some way whether its from the public or our partners, get off on being that sexy thang with curves, its powerful and something awesome to experience and these inbetweens as well as women like myself know this. Its a different world.

WTF does any of that mean?

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Again, not talking about transgenders who scream (I'm in the wrong body get me out!)

** Slightly *Controversial**

For the inbetweens, would it kill you not to experience what its like to have breasts with along with your manhood? if so, what purpose does it serve to have this experience? Are you that much entitled?
Also, would you be nervous at your time of judgment when God knows that you have done it for such reasons other than feeling you were born in the wrong body?

Before I can answer your last question, prove god exists. I think we'll all be waiting an extremely long time for that to happen. But for the sake of your ridiculous argument, let's suppose god does exist, do you really think he cares if some men enlarge their breasts? I mean really. He can't stop war, pestilence, earthquakes, famine, torture, cure any number of truly horrible diseases and conditions or prevent a whole host of other truly awful events from happening, but you seriously expect him/her to be concerned about a man with enlarged breasts? WTF?

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Though I am female and genetically entiteld to have developed breasts, I know I will never have children so technically I don't need developed breasts, but like I said, I am "entitled," shame on me! But its nice to know I can see that within myself and admit this vanity experience consumed me in my time of judgement.

There's just so much wrong on so many levels, with both your posts, I won't dignify them with in depth answers. Can we say solipsistic bullshit? Yes, I think we can. (And just so you know solipsistic = Self-absorption, an unawareness of the views or needs of others. I think that pretty much describes your diatribes to a t.)

(26-08-2013, 03:08 AM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  Based on your own experience.... but you just said your not an inbetweener and can you keep the vulgar language to a minimum 1.there is no need for agression and 2.Its true you can only assume those types of things i know many inbetweeners you cant just say "oh there in denial" no maybe they only want to be feminine to a certain extent because that can be achived there are many reasons....i guess your not open minded you can only have 1 view point well thats unfortunate for you because you yourself are in denial denying the fact that people are all different and have different aspects all factoring in their lives

Uh, I never said I was or wasn't anything. I didnt put that specific label on myself because I am not sure what the gap is of an inbetween as i feel male /female on the inside but no longing to express it on the outside. Perhaps I am inbetween in inbetween???

I just know that I like males and females but I don't long for a penis and I don't find myself attracted to a lady boy. That's me. I know its different for everyone. I am speaking of a type of inbetween that I KNOW exists. So that last bit there that you wrote i, you have completely misunderstood me and has no relevance to my message. And You are again insinuating I am talking about ALL inbetweens, I AM NOT, for the countless time. I don't think you are understanding what I am saying here.You seem very young, how young are you?? 20?

Im actually very open minded. You seemed to have jump the gun. Are you an inbetween? Or were you born in the wrong body? Or are you that type of inbetween, just longing breasts and unsure why? May be that is you, maybe that is not, it doesn't matter, I have no hate or ill will towards you. I just know there are straight males who like to enjoy and count their orgasms daily from their nipple stimulation and breasts they are growing to lactate and other gratificational reasons.
Why is that so hard for you accept? They freaking exist, period. Its human nature to have some perversities with in you, want what you don't have and crave power to some extent.

****Somewhat off topic
Interesting Story: I know a male spirit who was obsessive over me for years and hated that I had female lovers in spirit. He'd torment them to make them leave and then he loved to portray himself as female with a sexy body an beautiful face and he would have this nasty attitude and try so hard to control me. But he never could. He always had women around and orgies right then. The gay male spirits would morph into females just to give him oral sex. He would allow it as it made him feel powerful. But he was straight. I never once saw him do that to a male. He just loved to dominate.


(26-08-2013, 02:25 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  There's no other purpose for it other than the gratifying feelings from it. Its just another outlet source for stimulation. How many buttons can we push to set off an intense orgasm?! Trust me, if there were more outlets other than the existing sexual organs humans have, we'd be pushing them!
Back in the `60's they experimented with chimpanzees (they have a SHITTY union!) by putting electrodes directly on the portion of the brain that causes sexual orgasms and had the other end of the wires connected to a box with a button on it and if the monkey wanted to have an orgasm, all it'd have to do is press the button! Can you imagine having a box like that attached to your brain? I'd tape the button down! I'd go zipping around the room backwards like a balloon. A week later they'd find me on the floor in a heap whimpering, "I don't wanna cum no more!"

(26-08-2013, 02:25 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Perfect example: Many of the women who prefer to breastfeed for eons passed teething of their children, the trifecta of the womb, and two breasts sets off a mild to actual orgasm!
I know of a few women today that are STILL breastfeeding their children and they are in their pre-teen years!!
(26-08-2013, 02:25 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  What was I doing researching nipple enlargement/stimulation? Well, while a part of me really wants to balance out my uneven nipples and areolas I got goin' on, my slight perversities of wanting them nice and thick were just as there so a hot man or woman can suck on them! It shouldn't be a concern as I am not doing this for latching on(breastfeeding little precious darlings from my womb.) Though, I'm not doing this to spark off the self stimulated multiple orgasms these guys are doing with it, I do get a little excited when I see my nipples nice and thick from using supple nipps.
My future ex-fiancé used to lick my nipples during sex and it felt SOOO good the way she did it, but she would never tell me exactly what she was doing. But, basically, guys don't HAVE to have large tits just to get off with them! I never started playing with mine until about 25 years ago. When I first started, I couldn't help noticing that I suddenly had this strong craving for milk!
Shortly after that, I was playing a gig in Erie and sat on the lap of the girlfriend of the drummer from the other band we were playing with and she wrapped her arms around my chest, so I did likewise on her arms, but noticed I could easily reach her nipples behind me with my fingers, so I started playing with hers, and we just sat there like that for a good 10 or 20 minutes!! I asked her if she felt like drinking milk when I do this and she said yes.
So this "how dare you judge nonsense" is utter crap. If YOU can't admit there are these type of inbetweenies that exist, than YOU ARE IN DENIAL. Even the poll regarding (why males wanting to grow their breasts) on this forum shows that its indeed true for many. I'm not saying every single one, I'm saying MANY. I have every right to believe that based on these forums I visited extensively and based on my own experience.

Thank you Chrishoney! Someone who understands plus the fact that tibetian said she was a biological woman if she is WHat is she doing here!?!?!

(26-08-2013, 03:14 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(26-08-2013, 03:03 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(25-08-2013, 11:14 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep :p

Yeah! Me, too!! There was a story I read in Penthouse, I think, back in the `70's about a guy that woke up one morning to find he'd become a woman over night!! I've been wishing for that ever since!! The story was kinda cool until the end when they'd found out that LOTS of men had been changing into women over night and the natural born women started treating them badly to make up for way men had been treating women over the millennia.
Another such story I read in Hustler just after it started publishing, was about a succubus, a kind of witch-like demon that could change sex at will. LOVE to be able to do that!!

Yes, its true. They are speaking of the 4th and 5th dimension of the astral planes. Its not that they are so much a succubus or incubus, its just that the laws of nature of that dimension(s) permit them to do this, the astral body is a light body that can morph into what ever it desires with in miliseconds! Its awesome, but also a cruel tool at the same time.

Well, all I know is that the story was about a succubus and she would try to gain a warlock's power by having sex with him and sucking his power from him via his sperm. Apparently sperm give a witch/warlock more power, and if the succubus gets you, they can deplete you of all your powers via sex. When it becomes a male, instead of squirting sperm Into the woman, his dick sucks the sperm (from all the warlocks she's fucked) out of her.

Chris Honey,
I feel like you misunderstood much of what I wrote, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I see you too have ignored the poll (wags fingers). These sexual organs of both the male and female anatomy are intertwined with our egos, this is where traits of dominion over ones self and or others, power of any kind, and self gratification meet. You are foolish if you do not understand what I mean in my postings. Fucking EGO, period. The "experience" is one WE feel entitled to as human beings. The longing for breasts from the type of inbetween I am talking about is not of a biological one, its from the ego, ego derived. If this type of inbetween were spiritually at peace, there would be no longing for this superficial need to experience having developed breasts that belong to the female body as you are complete and whole inside and out as a functioning human being. Do you at all understand what I am talking about?

Are you an inbetween? If so, can you answer this question honestly?
How does it make you feel to have breasts? What feelings do you feel? What purpose do they serve you? Cut the crap and tell the truth.

If you still don't understand what I am saying here, than I have to believe you will never understand the true perspective of a biological female and I believe many will agree with me if not most. Some are turned on by the lady boys and that's just fine. The same can be said for me, though I feel I am male /female spiritually, I will never truly understand the biological male perspective. I resented my menstrual cycle as a teen and into in my early twenties, I thought I should have been male. But I then realized, there was no purpose in that other than that ego derived part that would be fulfilled. I wasn't born in the wrong body, just had a male and female mindset and a felt little uncomfortable in my female body. So I got over it. As long as I can love who I loved and feel no shame, I'm good.
Be whatever you want, but just know what you are TRULY and what you are TRULY not inside and out and know why is all I am saying here.

PS, Sorry to burst your ego bubble, but your saying that to the girl who sees and talks to dead people. God does exist. Yep your not going to see God here on the Devil's playground. God tests all of us. If you only knew him, you would have a different view of everything, entirely. You sir, have a big ego.

(26-08-2013, 03:35 AM)chrishoney Wrote:  Sorry folks but my BS-meter went off the scale with these posts by Tibetan. If you're easily offended read no further.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Slightly driving topic over to the left...

I think you drove it right up your ass and apparently it's pretty dark in there, because you have yet to make any sense or bring any salient point to light, in either post.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Ive said this before and this is for many "inbetweens" (not trans-so no one get it twisted please) is that many are doing this for self sexual gratification, and power. I have learned this from much research on many different forums and groups that are doing nipple stimulation and growing breast rojects, some even like to pump their penises and blow up their balls. Many consider themselves straight and have female sig others. So there is a perversion and dominion factor here.

Can we say truly fucked up point of view? What power? What dominion? Over whom? I mean really, get a grip. Anything that irritates you is YOUR problem, so why blow chunks all over this part of the site? Maybe you and that bigoted creep who used to post in the Herbal section should get together and have a Hate-fest. Even if what you say is true, and I don't for a minute agree with you, SO WHAT? Who are you to judge whether someone is straight or not? And if you are 'entitled' to spew your venom on this site, then I am entitled to judge you for being a bigoted, dimwitted, half-brained imbecile.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I am female, feel entitled to have large juicies and will not be having any children to breastfeed so it is completely selfish of me in doing nbe, but at least I can admit, I am too, slightly perverse, dominion factor, not so much.

Really all you're 'entitled' to is air to breath. Beyond that, it's all a fantasy in your mind.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  So It irritates me when some of these labeless inbetweens can't admit this about themselves. They want to say its to be more in tune with their feminine side, but if you think about it, having breasts are for breastfeeding your baby, not for your self groping, sexual gratification, or getting off of feeding your partner.

WTF? Is this a real argument or even a half-way logical point of view that would help anyone with anything? Are you sure breasts aren't for groping and sexual gratification? I think there are quite a few scholars that would disagree with you, but that's right, I forgot, you're 'entitled' to spew all over this thread.

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Having juicy breasts don't make you a woman. The mindset is enough, your perspective and ability to share that. But we are perverse and find that the female mindset is not enough, many of us want to be seen on the outside as women, objectified in some way whether its from the public or our partners, get off on being that sexy thang with curves, its powerful and something awesome to experience and these inbetweens as well as women like myself know this. Its a different world.

WTF does any of that mean?

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Again, not talking about transgenders who scream (I'm in the wrong body get me out!)

** Slightly *Controversial**

For the inbetweens, would it kill you not to experience what its like to have breasts with along with your manhood? if so, what purpose does it serve to have this experience? Are you that much entitled?
Also, would you be nervous at your time of judgment when God knows that you have done it for such reasons other than feeling you were born in the wrong body?

Before I can answer your last question, prove god exists. I think we'll all be waiting an extremely long time for that to happen. But for the sake of your ridiculous argument, let's suppose god does exist, do you really think he cares if some men enlarge their breasts? I mean really. He can't stop war, pestilence, earthquakes, famine, torture, cure any number of truly horrible diseases and conditions or prevent a whole host of other truly awful events from happening, but you seriously expect him/her to be concerned about a man with enlarged breasts? WTF?

(26-08-2013, 12:42 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Though I am female and genetically entiteld to have developed breasts, I know I will never have children so technically I don't need developed breasts, but like I said, I am "entitled," shame on me! But its nice to know I can see that within myself and admit this vanity experience consumed me in my time of judgement.

There's just so much wrong on so many levels, with both your posts, I won't dignify them with in depth answers. Can we say solipsistic bullshit? Yes, I think we can. (And just so you know solipsistic = Self-absorption, an unawareness of the views or needs of others. I think that pretty much describes your diatribes to a t.)


(26-08-2013, 04:08 AM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  Thank you Chrishoney! Someone who understands plus the fact that tibetian said she was a biological woman if she is WHat is she doing here!?!?!

Didn't you read the part where I said I have a male female mind and spirit! I'm in between in in between! Selective reading you have, I see.

Please stop quoting tibetan, people. Makes the ignore function so much less effective.

Tibetan, we promise not to contradict your gospel if you will go back to the 8th dimension and promptly cease giving people on earth something to quote. Allah's blessings be upon you, I hope your ectoplasm stays jiggly.

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