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How does fat redistribution work?


How does fat redistribution work? will the fat i gain from now and on go too the appropriate places or will the fat i will gain go too the right places or both?

I can say for me it seems to allocate to new areas.

For me it always goes

Bum first ,

All my trousers/shorts are now too tight and falling down my waist



Well, I for one have grown hips and a round bottom, a more cheeky face and rounder, softer legs. Went to the salvation army and got womens' jeans and shorts... chucked my mens' bottoms into the donation bin because they just didn't fit anymore.

As for chest... not much of anything but slightly bigger nipples and a general soreness.

NBE for me seems to mean Natural Butt Enlargement.

Here's how it should work

Longer hair
Soft skin
Skin glow
Hips will round, and get the hour glass shape
navel will round
bottom will round but not always (remember only 1% of all biological women have the truly round bottom)
legs more shapely
You may become fat on the belly during transition so its best to use ultra sound treatments for slimming the waistline

I've added a pic of me with the curves to demonstrate

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Hullo, I'm curious about gaining wight in the hips...
I've been taking PM for a year now. At first I was taking other herbs such as fenugreek and red clover with saw palmetto. I realized at some point when running out of PM that growth/pains would halt while just taking the other herbs... So I eventually just stuck to PM, for it seems to work and have extremely noticeable effects. At first continuing to present male at work, I wore sports bras to keep the growth from being noticeable but now after a year I need a binder in order to feel comfortable. (Work is temporary, so passing as male is only important for now. also work with children so that may be alot to explain to over a hundred parents as well as coworkers/bosses)
Anyway, I'm very happy with breast growth (much thanks to discovering breast nexus when I was curious and looking into all of this. Smile ) though I haven't experienced any noticeable hip growth. Does anyone have experience of taking certain herbs or anything that will affect this? I have always had trouble gaining weight so maybe it something to do with this..

(08-08-2013, 06:46 AM)milkhail Wrote:  Hullo, I'm curious about gaining wight in the hips...
I've been taking PM for a year now. At first I was taking other herbs such as fenugreek and red clover with saw palmetto. I realized at some point when running out of PM that growth/pains would halt while just taking the other herbs... So I eventually just stuck to PM, for it seems to work and have extremely noticeable effects. At first continuing to present male at work, I wore sports bras to keep the growth from being noticeable but now after a year I need a binder in order to feel comfortable. (Work is temporary, so passing as male is only important for now. also work with children so that may be alot to explain to over a hundred parents as well as coworkers/bosses)
Anyway, I'm very happy with breast growth (much thanks to discovering breast nexus when I was curious and looking into all of this. Smile ) though I haven't experienced any noticeable hip growth. Does anyone have experience of taking certain herbs or anything that will affect this? I have always had trouble gaining weight so maybe it something to do with this..

Yeah... If you have trouble gaining weight you'll have trouble putting anything on your hips.

Hips are surprising actually. Most people think that most women have shapely hips because of bones and fat... It's actually a LOT of muscle development too.

Something else people hoping for weight redistribution should keep in mind is that when in anabolism you may put weight on... but you won't LOSE any. You have to go into controlled catabolism to shed your existing male weight. If you're muscular, you might even have to go into a slightly less controlled catabolism to shed the male musculature.

What is catabolism/anabolism? Maybe a practical explanation of what this is and how to do it... The wikipedia page looked intimidating.. :p


Catabolism is the stage of metabolism where your body eliminates the old. It does so by converting it to energy when it comes to most things. When it comes to hair, skin, nails, it does so by shedding.

Anabolism is the growth stage. It's where your body is producing the new.

The "converting to energy" basically means your body is essentially eating itself to compensate for a lack of enough calories through food.

Anytime someone loses weight, they are doing so by either augmenting their catabolic stages or lengthening them.

The best and most controlled way of doing that is by constantly eating but never eating enough calories. Make sure you still get at least 50 grams complete protein and between 10 to 20 grams fiber, and complete vitamins and minerals.

It's hard. But it's the only real good way to lose tons of weight safely.

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