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Negative effects of PM?


I did a search, and I'm not finding much in this forum, though I did find some in the PM forum. I just switched to PM about 12 days ago. I seemed to tolerate 1 500 mg capsule of Ainterol PM in the morning without too much issue, but since adding a second dose at suppertime a couple days ago, I have a major case of diarrhea.

It seems some of the genetic women have had issues like this, but I haven't seen where anyone in here has warned of this that I can find. Shortly before starting PM, my doctor switched one of my meds, and that also seemed to have a similar effect, but it went away after a couple doses.

So, just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience when starting or increasing PM.

are you also taking calcium with it and taking it with milk?

I find that helps me avoid that problem, as does limiting my coffee intake to 2-3 cups/day or less.


I take up to 16 drops at a time of super concentrated liquid extract at a time, which amounts to far more of the good stuff than your 3000mg in two separate doses.

I have not experienced ANY of the bad side effects talked about with PM. I do take my morning doses along with, and one of my supplements includes as much calcium as we can take in a single mega dose, and I do eat fairly shortly after my dosing.

(03-03-2013, 01:17 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I take up to 16 drops at a time of super concentrated liquid extract at a time, which amounts to far more of the good stuff than your 3000mg in two separate doses.

I have not experienced ANY of the bad side effects talked about with PM. I do take my morning doses along with, and one of my supplements includes as much calcium as we can take in a single mega dose, and I do eat fairly shortly after my dosing.

PM extract?

Ive been considering trying that mysellf...

(03-03-2013, 12:49 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  are you also taking calcium with it and taking it with milk?

I find that helps me avoid that problem, as does limiting my coffee intake to 2-3 cups/day or less.

I do take it with a calcium supplement of over 350 mg with each dose of PM. I can't drink milk because of a very odd allergy to it, but I can eat most other dairy products, and do. Today, I had Greek yogurt with breakfast.

Coffee could be the problem. Normally, coffee has no effect on me in that department, but that doesn't mean it never does. I'm working an overnight shift for another couple months, and I only got 4 hours of sleep yesterday so I made some really strong coffee at work last night and drank about 6 cups. Today, while sleeping, I was awakened twice with some extreme diarrhea, but things were heading that direction even a couple days ago, just not this bad. In the meantime, I've decided to cut back to one capsule in the "morning" for a little while longer. Morning to me is roughly 3:30 n the afternoon these days.

(03-03-2013, 01:17 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I take up to 16 drops at a time of super concentrated liquid extract at a time, which amounts to far more of the good stuff than your 3000mg in two separate doses.

I have not experienced ANY of the bad side effects talked about with PM. I do take my morning doses along with, and one of my supplements includes as much calcium as we can take in a single mega dose, and I do eat fairly shortly after my dosing.

I'm only taking a total of 1000 mg in two separate doses. Once I use up the capsules I have, I might have to look into a more concentrated liquid extract. Ainterol says to wait 30 minutes before eating, but that rarely happens, especially with the second dose since I have to grab supper when I can find time while at work.

Maybe it's the super-concentrate causing the problem? Have you tried the standard capsules? I've only used them, and I have been growing according to the Tanner stages. Maybe they would agree with you more?


(05-03-2013, 01:46 AM)bryony Wrote:  Maybe it's the super-concentrate causing the problem? Have you tried the standard capsules? I've only used them, and I have been growing according to the Tanner stages. Maybe they would agree with you more?


In my case, it can be so many things. I spent 18 months with similar issues from metformin. Any time I ingested even the slightest bit of fat, I had problems. Shortly before I started PM, one of my other medications was changed. As I understand it, this new medication inhibits an enzyme that breaks down gluten. That seems to have tended me toward similar issues. It is getting to the point where I may just have to subsist on water and excess body fat (of which I have more than my fair share) or face a lifetime of awakening after it is too late. (Sorry if that is TMI.)

Maybe I just need to give up coffee which is easier said than done on the graveyard shift. Maybe I need to cut back on magnesium. Maybe it is some other supplement I'm taking interacting with either the new medication or the PM. I guess I need to experiment a little. I just wish the problem wouldn't hit me in my sleep. I rarely wake up until it is too late.

Diarrhea on PM is probably due to the large amount of plant fiber in the capsule. I have found that PM encourages regularity, sometimes regularity ++. I am taking a dietary fiber daily and it doesn't have nearly the effect that PM does. Another benefit of PM - a healthy colon! Big Grin

...Question about calcium. The manufacturer of PM recommends, as do several on this forum, taking a calcium supplement along with PM to increase it's effectiveness. Would Tums brand antacid (calcium carbonate) suffice? I have several bottles of that I'd like to use up. Also regarding milk, is it for it's calming properties in the stomach, building blocks for the breasts or both that it is often recommended?

(05-03-2013, 10:59 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  ...Question about calcium. The manufacturer of PM recommends, as do several on this forum, taking a calcium supplement along with PM to increase it's effectiveness. Would Tums brand antacid (calcium carbonate) suffice? I have several bottles of that I'd like to use up. Also regarding milk, is it for it's calming properties in the stomach, building blocks for the breasts or both that it is often recommended?

Most calcium supplements are calcium carbonate which is really inefficient and not very well absorbed, but it is inexpensive. Just keep in mind that any calcium carbonate, including Tums, is only 40% elemental calcium. When they talk about the RDA of calcium, they mean elemental calcium. Thus, 1000 mg of calcium carbonate is 400 mg of actual calcium.

I'm not sure why milk is recommended. It seems some use yogurt. Some use protein shakes in addition to everything else. Cow's milk really isn't that healthy for humans, but the dairy council has greased the palms of the FDA and the Department of Agriculture and made sure milk is the recommended source of everything it can be used for in the diet.

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