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Brain Rewiring senses


I've just realized that when i first started out with weaker herbs like FG and RC, i never thought that eventually i would be doing it on a regular basis. I feel like i need the herbs in my system more often not necessarily because i want to but because more often than not I need them to function better, feel better, and just be a little more involved. I also feel like the longer i take the herbs the better they make me feel since my system is more used to it and its easier to be myself in other words if someone finds out about my sexuality its no bother or at least i wouldn't feel as ashamed as I would have a couple of years ago.
Any thoughts...

I think you're onto something here. Having achieved what I wanted with NBE, I sometimes ask myself why I don't just stop it completely. The answer always seems to be that I just plain feel better generally when I am on PM. Even a minimal dose does that for me, although I do confess to sometimes taking more just to mix things up a bit. I'm not really sure why I do that, but not too worried about it either. There's nothing interesting for anyone to find out about my sexuality, and my gender hasn't changed and isn't going to. I've never been ashamed of my body.

(11-07-2012, 08:47 AM)Alexis Wrote:  I've just realized that when i first started out with weaker herbs like FG and RC, i never thought that eventually i would be doing it on a regular basis. I feel like i need the herbs in my system more often not necessarily because i want to but because more often than not I need them to function better, feel better, and just be a little more involved. I also feel like the longer i take the herbs the better they make me feel since my system is more used to it and its easier to be myself in other words if someone finds out about my sexuality its no bother or at least i wouldn't feel as ashamed as I would have a couple of years ago.
Any thoughts...

I've been on PM for 10 months now, down from 6 x 500mg /day to 3 times. It's given me mental stability for probably the first time in my life.

Sounds like it's doing it for you too.... congratulations!


This is not a placibo effect. Scientists have studdied the effects of effeminization of male rats with the use of estrogen. The studies have shown that the male rats take on female traits as well as mating rituals.

Some of us are born at birth with a cross-wired brain, so to speak. the GDD (gender dysmorphic disorder). the feeling deep inside we are of the opposite sex that we were born to be. Often time a chimera effect is also involved (intesexed conditions such as ovo-testes)

The use of these estrogens and phyto estrogens has a calming effect and a "completion" of who we are mentally, it helps ease the GDD to a degree and helps complete the goal of becoming who we want to be vs who we perceive in the mirror. it is almost a 'correction' of Nature's error.

Sometimes, our parents have the key in their genes, be it use of illicit drugs or taking prescriptions during pregnancy that upsets the chemical balance. At one time women were prescribed meds to prevent miscarraige (progesterone i think) and it was found to have adverse effects in the unborn child (GDD), it was discontinued as a prescribed use for miscarriage.

I am happy for you that you feel better. Hope this helps put the puzzle together for you Wink

I was interested in the reference to meds prescribed for preventing miscarriage being a cause of GDD. The drug was in fact diethylstilbestrol (DES). Both my stepdaughter and stepson were DES kids (among the last), and seem so far to have escaped the worst of its effects (though neither has any children of their own). No sign of which I am aware of any GDD. I do wonder however how many of us here may have been DES sons. In my own case I think that I was early enough to escape that particular hazard, and while my mother had german measles in the fifth month of pregnancy, that seems too late on for any ill effects. On the other hand, my father who was an army reservist was called up days before the outbreak of World War II in Europe, thus putting an end to less than a year of normal married life just a couple of weeks after my conception. My mother's life was fairly chaotic after that, but such disruption must also have applied to many other women pregnant at that time.

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