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another Hops comment.


I've noticed that I'm particularly more comfortable around my female friends
when I'm on hops. I feel more talkative. But for the most part it makes me feel more mature, i can almost think better i guess.
did anybody else noticed anything like it?

Have very much that feeling on PM,
Its called washing our mid gendered brains with "vital" eostregen,


I guess taking PM, or hops in my case is like taking a test to see if you really are a female in mind. Although taking hops in small amounts is all my body needs, surprisingly it works much better, but the down side is that it really kicks my T levels down to the point where I stress out easily and feel like doing nothing at all. Unlike with RC or FG, I can feel the hops working in my body after maybe an hour. It makes me feel full of something that my body needs. lol i just feel this fullness all over my body that makes me feel complete. With PM its exactly that but more intense.

I can't really answer your question, I've always felt more comfortable talking to women than men, but can you answer one for me, please?
How do you take your hops? I've tried all sorts but they taste so disgusting that I simply can't put them in my mouth?

Is there a Hops extract anywhere ?



To answer both of the last question I buy my hops from the vitamin shoppe.
I don't know if they have hops extract, i just buy the regular one that comes in 100 capsules for about six bux. What I've been doing lately is opening up the capsule and dumping out half of the hops away so that it leaves me with the amount that works for me. Then you close up the capsule and wash it down with water or preferably with milk. I think I heard somewhere here that milk digest the hops better. But because milk contains vitamin D which is later converted to Testosteroen, its something I'm watching out for as well as fish and eggs including coffee. Apparently coffee raises your T levels. I also stay away from coke cuz that has caffeine too. I never tired to cycle much when i was on hops, i just kept taking half a capsule every other day which left me with no results, i think you have to really try to properly cycle your hops otherwise not much will happen. Aside from that the only progress that I've noticed is the texture of my aerolas. Plus they seem a bit larger in diameter.

Another very important thing to remember is that during winter time men's T levels slightly plunge down, where is during the summer they may rise because there is more sun light. So if you satay outside a lot your body would convert the sunlight into vitamin D which later converts to Testosterone. That being said I've noticed that when I was taking hops during the summer it didn't make me feel as "blue" as it does during the winter.

Thanks Alexis. That explains it.
I've been trying to work with the bulk dried hops flowers, not capsules. The capsules are so much more expensive. Based on Isabelle's recommended 2500mg a day, I'd need to take 8 capsules a day and the capsules are 5x more expensive!

(18-01-2012, 08:51 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  Thanks Alexis. That explains it.
I've been trying to work with the bulk dried hops flowers, not capsules. The capsules are so much more expensive. Based on Isabelle's recommended 2500mg a day, I'd need to take 8 capsules a day and the capsules are 5x more expensive!

Hi P,

do you have time on your hands? I'm wondering about the possibility of grinding up the flowers in a pestle and mortar and filling up empty capsules with it, rather like Chrishoney talked about with powdered PM in an earlier post.

If you did 2.5g at a time, you wouldn't need to be particularly accurate with the quantity per capsule, just keep them together for a day's dose.
(Edited later)

Found this link:
"You can make hop powder by buying dried hops from your local homebrew store and grinding them up using a clean coffee grinder."


PS How can someone who's had as much laser treatment as you be worried about the cost of hops capsules? Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

PPS don't tell me - you've blown it all!

(18-01-2012, 12:36 PM)bryony Wrote:  do you have time on your hands? Nah, not really!

I'm wondering about the possibility of grinding up the flowers in a pestle and mortar and filling up empty capsules with it, rather like Chrishoney talked about with powdered PM in an earlier post.
Yes, that thought has occurred to me already, but on the same basis that I couldn't be bothered to fill my own PM capsules, this would be even harder work because its got to be ground up as well. Also it smells foul even in the dried unground state!! You can actually buy it ground up, btw.

If you did 2.5g at a time, you wouldn't need to be particularly accurate with the quantity per capsule, just keep them together for a day's dose.
(Edited later)
Well, I'd guess that if the grinding is fairly fine, you'd get near enough the same in each one anyway, so as long as you know what that is, you'd just take the right number, it can't be that critical given that we are talking about a dried natural product to start with.

Found this link:
"You can make hop powder by buying dried hops from your local homebrew store and grinding them up using a clean coffee grinder."
Ta. I was thinking in terms of the food processor, but principle is the same

PS How can someone who's had as much laser treatment as you be worried about the cost of hops capsules? Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

PPS don't tell me - you've blown it all!

Well, I spent 3 or 4 grand on the kitchen as well, but £15-£20 a month for hops capsules isn't 'nothing' when everything else is added in and I don't even know if it will work. If I was sure, that might be different.Smile


Wise investment, happy Wife


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