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I have always been a litle sceptical of the claims and labels on this site saying of us are transsexuals , I believe most of us on thi site are not so.

I truly believe we are inbetweenies and that fits of the bill of a transgenderist too the tee

Transgnderists can have a love of function, love of thier ascribed genitals, and yet still have a desire to be a woman part or full time.

Their is also now a legal requirement to acknowledge a transgenderist as one and not a transsexual,

Also they have a right to be administered low dose too full hormones if they wish,

Many are married and given hormones too help cope and keep intact ,

See the fabulous site by

Diane Wilson and the work from gianne e Israel

This makes me feel happy already as I thought I may b an autogyniphilac transsexual , now I do not.

Sfem, pansy, issabelle, brony fit this bill better as well, in my limited view,

See what you thing girls,

(15-01-2012, 08:50 PM)julieTG Wrote:  I have always been a litle sceptical of the claims and labels on this site saying of us are transsexuals , I believe most of us on thi site are not so.

I truly believe we are inbetweenies and that fits of the bill of a transgenderist too the tee

Transgnderists can have a love of function, love of thier ascribed genitals, and yet still have a desire to be a woman part or full time.

Their is also now a legal requirement to acknowledge a transgenderist as one and not a transsexual,

Also they have a right to be administered low dose too full hormones if they wish,

Many are married and given hormones too help cope and keep intact ,

See the fabulous site by

Diane Wilson and the work from gianne e Israel

This makes me feel happy already as I thought I may b an autogyniphilac transsexual , now I do not.

Sfem, pansy, issabelle, brony fit this bill better as well, in my limited view,

See what you thing girls,

The link doesn't work!

Hi Janet,

Try this:

Technically, we're transgenderists, but I don't feel at home in the Dutch TG crowd. They have this site
which is very theoretical, political, and activist.

In the Amsterdam T ecosystem, I always identified more with the Latinoamericanas and the Thai girls, and even with the drag queens. If I weren't taking hops, I'd still be on heels at least one night a week. So I'm still TV at heart.

Um strange

I cannot find the paper you need on that link either

One needed is

Transgenderists by g Israel


This one?

Thats the one well done



There seem to be as many label definitions as experts in the field!

I'm pretty sure what's wrong with me (and I'm not going to debate what "wrong" means) and what to do about it. I may as well stick with the "expert" who gave me the first inkling about what was "doing my head in".

She talks about a transsexual brain caused by insufficient androgen exposure. It makes a lot of sense to me. It also makes sense that there is a spectrum of the disorder ranging from mild grumpiness and a wish to dress as a woman ranging to suicidal thoughts of not transforming completely, and people in the middle like me who just want to muddle along presenting themselves in the most appropriate manner, but wanting to do something about their anxiety (and by the way, a pair of boobs would be nice as long as they don't show too much.)

Labelling the extreme end as Transsexual and the intermediate stage as Transgender seems a matter of convenience, but it makes as much sense from an etymological standpoint as distinguishing an "atheist" (meaning without a deity) from an agnostic ("without knowledge"). Strictly, an atheist has no belief in a God, but has been narrowly defined now as someone having an active disbelief, leaving "agnostic" to take over the meaning of someone who neither believes nor disbelieves.

Similarly, Transgender ("across" or "beyond" gender) is literally indistinguishable from Transsexual ("across" or "beyond" sexuality).

The words, as words, mean the same thing, but it seems some people want to use the latter in the narrow definition of someone who feels driven to surgery in order to conform to a female stereotype.

I'm not content to relabel myself for the convenience of TS extremists who want to hog the word (when I was a kid, "gay" meant "happy")

I think that I am a transsexual, but one that does not follow the orthodoxy that this necessarily entails full transition; at least not now there are safe estrogen mimics that allow us to cope with our brain disorder.

As for alternative labels, I'm happy with heretic.

Later edit:

I thought it worth referring back to the Vitale "Testosterone Toxicity paper" on

I think I am slightly different, as I seem to be the only one here (other than Chrissie, who was here) who had experienced the reduction in anxiety referenced in this quote:

"It is well known that large doses of exogenous estrogens administered to some genetic males, dramatically reduces the anxiety of gender dysphoria. ...
It is also known that the administration of cross sex hormones MUST be maintained to sustain the anxiolytic effect. It is not unusual for some patients, feeling better after starting hormones, to believe they are cured and no longer need to continue the medication. Unfortunately what they experience is a quick return of their gender dysphoria. If there is any physical test to determine who should seriously consider partial or full transition, taking cross sex hormones is it."

That's why I consider myself a transsexual heretic. I suppose growing breasts is my partial transition, but, as I've said before, PM let's me cope, and I'm too old, and too ugly to do anything else.



You miss the point
If you are are transsexual the overwhelming urge would be too strong too resist , hence my view your not, although labels are not liked by some , they can be important ,

Also your twin sister here has had gid anxiety reduced with pm,

Cross dreamers, transgenderists, agp sufferers, can benefit from pm or low dose synthetics, for a transsexual only transition but not always srs suffices.


(16-01-2012, 08:27 AM)julieTG Wrote:  Sweetie
You miss the point
If you are are transsexual the overwhelming urge would be too strong too resist , hence my view your not, although labels are not liked by some , they can be important ,

Also your twin sister here has had gid anxiety reduced with pm,

Cross dreamers, transgenderists, agp sufferers, can benefit from pm or low dose synthetics, for a transsexual only transition but not always srs suffices.


Now girls, don't fight!

From a strictly etymological view point, Bryony is more or less correct in her interpretation of the two words TG and TS ( although there is a difference between " sex" and "gender" so I guess that technically trans - sexual means' across sex' which presumably ought to mean 'bi-sexual'? ). However for convenience we need labels however blurred the edges ( and that in itself can cause confusion, I know) because otherwise we have to define exactly what we mean every time we try to say something - its a kind of verbal shorthand if you like.

My labels/verbal shorthand are much like Julie's in this area. I use "TS" as a convenient way of referring to "those individuals whose sense of gender dysphoria is so strong that they are driven to full blown gender reassignment surgery.".... see? "TS" is a lot quicker and easier than writing that lot every time I need to refer to TS. Smile

OTOH, "TG" is a bit vaguer I admit, because it does get used not only for us 'inbetweenies' but also TV's, CD's etc, but then again I guess the TV/CD's are really inbetweenies anyway, perhaps just not quite as driven as those of us who want to grow boobs.

At the end of the day, the label actually doesn't matter, its the internal knowledge of who/what we are that matters.

Thanks Pansy

The point I am trying too make is

although Transgender covers the whole spectrum , ie dresss to chop off,

The "Transgnderist" is now a recognised by the medical sausage machine as Bryony quite rightly puts it, ie they have a recognised need for hormones, wheareas a crossdresser does not,

So you could say transgenderist rather than a transgendered person is a 75% TS, but not going for the choppy as he/she loves their bits below,

The frightening thing as I have said before is that AGP sufferers are the most likely too go for transition full and choppy route, some of these choppy route people are actually full and proper transgenderists thinking they are TS, when they are not,

This is what concerns me, 30% of transgenderists who have the choppy thinking they were TS , suddenly discover they are not and its a bit late then ??

Now this is where I think labels are important AS WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT WE ARE SO MISTAKES , ie Beverly are not made ,

Get the drift ???

Brony is 100% correct when she says , start the synthetic choppy train and you could so so easily end up in Thialand,

Now on the other drift I concur with Issabelle also 100% when she says life instances have drive her forward, ie divorce , job loss , etc,

I can say if I had another biggy and believe it was big bang 15 years ago

ie lost long term partner, businness, huge house, etc

If that happened now I would probably say of f _____ it , lets become a Woman ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



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