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Project X (hrt)

Thanks for the update on that LA and JACP. Actually, it was a slow day at work and I looked up a few things that I have read in the Forum the last several days. Here is a link on an aromatase inhibitor I found:
This is one of many, so by no means an endorsement, I just thought it was interesting having the nettle root and SP together.

Also, I know this is the aromtase thread, but here are a couple more:

DIM - seems to have properties that "promote beneficial estrogen metabolism."
Thoughts on adding this to the cocktail?

Finally, drum roll please.... My fav..... Tongue

HOPS!!! Okay, ladies, Run, don't walk to your nearest stop and rob and pick up as much IPA as you can carry! Cool (Hops makes the bitterness in IPAs, it is the beer with the highest hops content)
NOW we know why all those frat boys in college had moobs! Big Grin

If your SO or someone asks why you are being such a Conehead and consuming mass quantities, tell them it is purely for medicinal purposes! Wink (who remembers John Belushi, Jane Curtain and Dan Ackroyd??? Man, we're OLD!) Angry

Okay, LA and JACP, I know you are conspiring to make me into a mad herb scientist, but it ain't in the cards... Tongue However, I can research like a mutha#&%@*$ . What are your thoughts on adding some variation of each of these to the mix. From what I can tell, along with PM, they should satisfy the 4 requirements in the straw cocktail that JACP outlined... Okay, I have this sudden urge to go purchase a pocket protector Tongue See ya!


First, Sam, you're killing me... if you by chance grow a third tit out of your forhead that the Chinese chemist didn't tell you about, please let us know! Big Grin

LA, my dear... what a VERY fascinating thought. So different estrogen receptors cause different growth attributes in breasts! Who'd a thunk it!

What is your issue with supplementing with Hops? See my post in your Aromatase thread... CHEERS HONEY! Cool What about the hops supplement tablets? One thing I did read about them is they act as a relaxant, so probably not something to take if you are going out and about, and especially if you're driving.

Okay, this makes my $.02 for the day. I'm off to buy a case of locally brewed IPA! Tongue


This might be a project for some dedicated person .
A) catagories of hormones effectiing boobi growth
B) under each category herbs that give perticular effect and any link
support of the claim.
C) possible best combo for boobi growth

Let's see who comes up with best Smile


(24-01-2014, 11:18 PM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  HOPS!!! Okay, ladies, Run, don't walk to your nearest stop and rob and pick up as much IPA as you can carry! Cool (Hops makes the bitterness in IPAs, it is the beer with the highest hops content)
NOW we know why all those frat boys in college had moobs! Big Grin

If your SO or someone asks why you are being such a Conehead and consuming mass quantities, tell them it is purely for medicinal purposes! Wink (who remembers John Belushi, Jane Curtain and Dan Ackroyd??? Man, we're OLD!) Angry

Wow, IPA's are about all I drink these days, and the hoppier the better! If it's available I even go for the double IPA's! Guess I have a reason to keep drinking them now! Big Grin

However, mind you they also have the highest alcohol content, with some reaching into the 12+ ABV range, so do drink in moderation!


(24-01-2014, 11:18 PM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  Thanks for the update on that LA and JACP. Actually, it was a slow day at work and I looked up a few things that I have read in the Forum the last several days. Here is a link on an aromatase inhibitor I found:
This is one of many, so by no means an endorsement, I just thought it was interesting having the nettle root and SP together.

My captain!, I've seen them in hair re-growth formulas which are usually ridiculously overpriced. I've had some side effects while on SP and excluded it. If you feel good about it then why not?

I don't know how Isabelle took 3500 mg. of hops? I remember drinking 3.2 at 18 yrs. you'd think I could handle hops but I'm a light weight know! Blush

(24-01-2014, 11:18 PM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  From what I can tell, along with PM, they should satisfy the 4 requirements in the straw cocktail that JACP outlined... Okay, I have this sudden urge to go purchase a pocket protector See ya!

I've overlapped a couple on my program, something to evaluate as you work out your own. Take it slow at first as you know and adjust accordingly!

Don't forget the blacked horn rimmed glasses to complete the look! Rolleyes

(24-01-2014, 11:30 PM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  I'm off to buy a case of locally brewed IPA! Tongue


You and me both! Thankfully I have 3 local breweries that distribute to the stores nearby, though I could just drive to any of them and get it fresh on tap or perhaps bring home a gallon growler! Big Grin


I couldn't stop myself, Lisa. I tried, but the rhino told me to. I just can't argue with the rhino...sooo masterful!
If I grow a third tit...don't worry... I expect the whole world will know!
If nothing else, the rhino can't keep a secret...big blabbermouth.

Friggin Rhino... Can't trust 'em. I'm sure it will be attractive on you though, Sam, just an addition to your natural beauty. We'd love a pic, but, please, for god's sake, don't post a pic that Sarah can see, the poor girl will go blind! It could wind up being a penis growing out of your forehead... Chinaman's revenge! Big Grin

(24-01-2014, 11:33 PM)myboobs Wrote:  This might be a project for some dedicated person .
A) catagories of hormones effectiing boobi growth
B) under each category herbs that give perticular effect and any link
    support of the claim.
C) possible best combo for boobi growth

Let's see who comes up with best Smile

I'm not dedicated myboobs, but I like a challenge! Big Grin

5 hormones involved in natural breast enlargement:

1) Estrogen

Estrogen is the hormone most responsible for breast growth, but you can get too much of a good thing. Excess estrogen causes estrogen receptors in the breasts to shut down, which means they won't get the message to grow. The safest way to balance estrogen levels is through the use of phytoestrogenic herbs, such as fenugreek or wild yam. These herbs increase estrogen levels if they are too low, and decrease them if they are too high.

2)  Progesterone

Progesterone is another important breast enlarging hormone. Your body naturally produces progesterone each month as part of the menstrual cycle, but it can also be increased through the use of natural progesterone cream, which is derived from soy or wild yam.---------obviously the menstrual cycle doesn't pertain to bio-males, but using PC does.

3) Prolactin

Prolactin is a breast enlarging hormone produced by females during puberty and pregnancy. Prolactin helps develop the mammary glands and increases fat stores in the breasts. Prolactin can be stimulated through herbs (such as fenugreek) or by massaging the breasts.

4) Growth hormone

Growth hormone triggers the growth of the entire body, including the breasts. Growth hormone peaks during puberty and declines after the age of 25, so it's important to boost it back up to aid breast growth. Growth hormone can be increased by sleeping at least eight hours each night and by getting an intense workout several times per week.

5) Testosterone

Although commonly known as a male hormone, female bodies do produce testosterone as well. The ovaries, specifically, produce small amounts of testosterone, which is necessary for strong muscles and a healthy sex drive. Just as men also have estrogen and progesterone produced in their bodies at a smaller amount than women, women also have smaller amounts of testosterone – a woman normally produces just 3/10 of one Mg of testosterone per day. Additionally, about 75% of this is converted into estrogen by a process called aromatase. The aromatase process takes place in the body’s fat cells, which create a special substance called an aromatase enzyme which converts excess testosterone into estrogen.

Making sure you have the correct balance between estrogen and testosterone is crucial for breast growth and overall health. If you are a biological male trying to develop a feminine form, or a woman trying to grow breasts, it is important to assess the levels of testosterone in your body. If you are producing too much testosterone, it’ll be detrimental to breast growth.


Steroidogenesis is the biological process by which steroids are generated from cholesterol and transformed into other steroids.[11] The pathways of steroidogenesis differ between different species – as an example the pathways of human steroidogenesis are shown in this figure below: The major classes of steroid hormones and some prominent members of the human steroidogenesis are:

The attached file is the steroid pathway-


More info to follow! Feel free to add/subtract Smile

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I like this list too!

(15-04-2012, 02:59 PM)joyland Wrote:  Estrogen

Ah, estrogen. Without it, I guess we’d all be walking around with hot flashes all day! It is also the hormone most responsible for breast growth. Actually, estrogen is not a single substance. There are sixty hormones with estrogenic properties swirling through your body at this very moment! The three main estrogen hormones include: estradiol, estrone, and estriol. Estradiol is the strongest. It is produced by the ovaries and it is the hormone that is responsible for breast development. Estrone is a weaker estrogen produced by the ovaries and in fatty tissue. Estriol is the weakest of the three and is made in the body from other estrogens. A girl first begins secreting estrogen between the ages of eight and thirteen, once enough body fat has accumulated. This marks the beginning of puberty. Estrogen causes the uterus, vagina, and Fallopian tubes to grow. It gives us underarm and pubic hair (banishing us to a lifetime of bikini waxes) and encourages fat stores in the lower body to increase. Last but not least, estrogen makes our breasts grow! Once estrogen levels are high enough, ovulation occurs for the first time. This happens when a mature egg is released from an ovary, signifying the start of the menstrual cycle. As an adult, your estrogen levels rise and fall with your periods. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, hormone levels are very low. When the hypothalamus gland senses that hormones are low, it stimulates the ovaries to begin producing more estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for maturing an egg during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. When estrogen levels peak around day twelve, ovulation occurs. As far as natural breast enlargement goes, estrogen is the most important hormone involved. As I’ve already explained, increased amounts of estrogen (or estrogenic substances) lead to breast growth. However, more is not always better. Too much estrogen can overload the body, shutting down estrogen receptors. This process is known as down-regulation.3 If too many estrogen receptors are shut down, your breasts won’t get the message to grow!

Estrogen and testosterone seem about as different as, well, women and men - yet they are intimately connected. The ovaries produce a small amount of testosterone, which is necessary for strong muscles and a healthy sex drive. While men produce around seven milligrams of testosterone per day, a woman normally produces 3/10 of one milligram per day. About 75% of the testosterone that your ovaries produce is converted into estrogen. This conversion process is called aromatase and takes place in your body’s fat cells. Your fat cells create a special substance, called an aromatase enzyme, that converts excess testosterone into estrogen. Finding the right balance between estrogen and testosterone is crucial. Many women actually produce too much testosterone, which can definitely sabotage breast growth. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to balance testosterone levels so that your breasts are free to grow.

Progesterone is another important breast enlargement hormone. Specifically involved in the formation of the glands, it works alongside estrogen to keeps your female system humming along happily. Progesterone is secreted after you ovulate for the first time - about two years after the onset of puberty. Your body gets the message to produce progesterone each month after an egg is released. Progesterone causes a lining to grow in the uterus; if the egg is not fertilized, the uterine lining breaks down and you get your period. Progesterone is known as the “pregnancy hormone.” During pregnancy, progesterone is produced in very large amounts. It protects and nourishes the growing fetus, strengthens the pelvic walls in preparation for labor, and makes your breasts grow really huge! (Alas, temporarily.) Progesterone and estrogen are considered antagonists, meaning they tend to work against each other. If the level of either hormone gets too high, it will cause the opposite hormone level to fall, just like a seesaw. Your body tries to keep balance by increasing its sensitivity to the lower hormone. This means that high levels of progesterone will cause the body to become more sensitive to the effects of estrogen - and vice versa. Just as the estrogen/testosterone balance is crucial for breast enlargement, so, too, is finding the right balance between estrogen and progesterone. Both hormones are essential, but there is a definite time and place for each one.

Your body generally only secretes prolactin at two specific times: during puberty and during pregnancy. Because it plays such a key role in breast development, though, prolactin is one hormone that you definitely want to get to know. During puberty, prolactin works with estrogen to develop the mammary glands, while increasing the number of estrogen receptors in the breasts. Prolactin also causes the breasts to store fat by increasing the production of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in your breasts.5 LPL is a “fat storage” enzyme. During pregnancy and while nursing, prolactin controls the production of milk. It is first secreted around the eighth week of pregnancy and peaks at birth. After that, prolactin is only produced according to stimulation - namely, a baby suckling at your nipple. Interestingly enough, you don’t actually have to be pregnant to produce prolactin. Any kind of regular stimulation is usually enough to trigger it. Normally, prolactin is inhibited by a “prolactin inhibiting factor” (PIF), known as the brain chemical, dopamine.6 You’ve probably heard of dopamine before. Besides suppressing prolactin, this chemical is connected to emotions and addictions. Nicotine, cocaine, and other stimulants produce feelings of euphoria by increasing dopamine levels in your brain. But be warned: these drugs are no good for the boobies! Adequate prolactin levels are absolutely crucial for triggering breast growth.

Growth Hormone
Growth hormone, as the name implies, triggers the growth of your body. It also plays a special role in breast development. Growth hormone is so important that it is one of your body’s most plentiful hormones. It is produced by the pituitary gland during the first two hours of sleep. Almost immediately after it’s secreted, growth hormone is converted in the liver into a new, more usable substance known as Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF). Growth hormone could be thought of as your body’s “Master Hormone” since it regulates every other hormone you’ve got. Growth hormone is produced in massive amounts during puberty, promoting the growth of cells, tissues, and organs. Without enough growth hormone, your body - and your breasts - simply wouldn’t grow. As an adult, growth hormone is involved in tissue repair and cell replacement. Unfortunately, growth hormone levels start to plummet after the age of thirty. By the time you hit sixty, your growth hormone level could be 75% lower than it was when you were twenty! Low growth hormone levels are directly responsible for the aging of the body. Breast enlargement requires a lot of growth hormone. You had a ton of it at your disposal during puberty, but if you’re over the age of eighteen, you’re going to have to boost it back up in order to get your breasts to grow again.

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