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Life as a woman


Hi Sarah,

So is Abidrew the lone transsexual under the age of 30? I think she's less than a year older than me. And what about me? What category do you think I fall in?

I think you're a valuable contributor to this board. Please don't be selling yourself short in this regard. I think gender identity and such is very intertwined with bio-males pursuing breast growth. Sooner or later, I think all bio-males have to confront their gender identity and gender expression once their breast development becomes noticeable.

Wanting to steal someone's boobs does sound kind of perverted I think. How would you feel if someone wanted to steal the hair on your head?

Wow, I dress and take the long slow commute to work in the snow and by the time I get to the office this thread goes from ine to three pages. Sheesh! Give a girl a chance to catch up! Heh heh
Sarah, sweetheart, no one hates you. As was already said, everyone here loves you...we are just green with envy, since you have the looks and the chance to actually do what most of us never could, for whatever reason. Sigh... your presence here is soooo much more important to the rest of us than we can ever say. Stick around, sis. We need you, and at the same time, you will never find another group so willing to love you and support you.
There, now I'm crying.Rolleyes
See what you did?
Clara, thanks for starting this thread! Honestly, I would guess that you and Lisa are the two members here that are closest to me in age, situation etc. Love you both.
Wow, even after five days off my herbs I still get emotional. Interesting.Shy
I have described my ways already elsewhere, but just to recap, I now seek every possible way I can to feminize my appearance, short of actual undeniable feminine attire. No, I don't wear a bra. Nor do I wear lacy stuff or bright patterned things. But I do dress as ambiguously as I can get away with. I have few opportunities to dress fully, though, like others, I have been down the same purchase and purge cycle ad nauseum over many years. Now, possibly because of all the herbs and the effect on my libido, that no longer preoccupies me. (Not that a girl doesn't like to get pretty now and again...heh heh). But, being part of a creative world in my work, a certain "artistic" look is quite accepted and almost unremarkable. So, within some bounds, I find myself fashioning an in between persona and look that is least for now. I suppose none of us really know where this crazy road is going.Rolleyes

(23-01-2014, 02:16 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Wanting to steal someone's boobs does sound kind of perverted I think. How would you feel if someone wanted to steal the hair on your head?

Well, copy them onto my body then. It was just a phrase lol...I'd seriously feel bad if I took them and left her flat.

Then again she's pretty hot even without em, so I'm conflicted. I think my happiness would override the guilt. I'm a bad person.

As for the rest of your post, I said active. Abi isn't around. What category do you fall into? Autobot, I guess?Tongue Not going to label you any further, but from what I've gathered you have no plans to transition, so.....

Thanks for the support, Lisa. Sorry I made you cry Samantha. I felt the need to emotionally vent last night for whatever reason lol....

Now to call the endo. This should be interesting.

Edit..well i have an appointment set for early next month. No depot shots though Sad...I guess as long as I can get my hormone levels in the female range I can wait til I move for the shots.

I guess.

Sorry if "life as a woman" got turned into whatever this is.

No problem, Sis... I cry over ATT commercials sometimes. And during some films I am a total basket case.Rolleyes
Good luck today!

(23-01-2014, 03:49 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  In many ways, it's no different than being a man 24/7 with a scattering of exceptions. The biggest thing was realizing how often I relied on my physical strength to do things. If I went the full transition route, HRT would see to it that I lose a lot of muscular ability. I tried to think about how I would accomplish certain things if my upper body strength was cut in half. It's striking how much I take that one attribute for granted.

CK Smile

Can I ask whether this strength issue is an absolute certainty?

There are many very strong athletic females out there who are not necessarily amazonian types.

I am quietly wondering to myself whether some of this worry is due to an almost caricatured view of where the 'feminising' will take us rather than an acceptance of the wide range of GG out there.

It would seem likely there would be strength loss and muscle decrease, but how much is the question I guess.

I obviously have no scientific basis for this but was just posing the question.



I kind of tend to agree, David. We are going to lose some strength and fitness with age, quite naturally. But how much loss comes with "feminizing" is an open question. I also, as do you, wonder how many changes reported by fellow members in the past, of both physical and psychological nature are actually induced change or mental choice.Huh
Once you begin down this flowery path, there is a certain liberation. I know that in the gay community it is recognised that some of the most over the top flamboyant personalities are found among those who have most recently come to terms with their orientation (come out).
Imagination, and desire are powerful forces.Tongue

(23-01-2014, 04:36 PM)davidb Wrote:  
(23-01-2014, 03:49 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  In many ways, it's no different than being a man 24/7 with a scattering of exceptions. The biggest thing was realizing how often I relied on my physical strength to do things. If I went the full transition route, HRT would see to it that I lose a lot of muscular ability. I tried to think about how I would accomplish certain things if my upper body strength was cut in half. It's striking how much I take that one attribute for granted.

CK Smile

Can I ask whether this strength issue is an absolute certainty?

There are many very strong athletic females out there who are not necessarily amazonian types.

I am quietly wondering to myself whether some of this worry is due to an almost caricatured view of where the 'feminising' will take us rather than an acceptance of the wide range of GG out there.

It would seem likely there would be strength loss and muscle decrease, but how much is the question I guess.

I obviously have no scientific basis for this but was just posing the question.



Good question, David. I'll give you my take on it.

I based my comment on things I've read. Dropping T-levels to those of a GG will certainly have an effect on muscle mass. No question. Too early to tell, but I'm expecting some loss of physical strength myself from my NBE program. We'll see.

I also base my assumption on the images of the vast majority of transsexuals on porn sites. Plus, how many MTF transsexuals are wanting to maintain the body build of typical male?

Even athletic women have considerably less muscle mass than a typical male.

If strength loss, is a problem, better plan to add strength training to your NBE program.

It's one of those contradictions that we 'tweenies' are constantly facing:
Do I want to be a man or do I want to be a woman? Huh

CK Smile

What a great topic. I like to wear a sports bra on the days I'm at home. My 38 chest works well with a medium. It also doesn't have the bump in the back from the clasps found on regular bras so I do feel comfortable going out and doing errands in it to.

My wife is not so keen, so I make sure it comes off before she returns from work. As mentioned in the Halloween thread I've been out en femme twice. Word of advise. Don't use press on nails. The glue is a bitch to remove. In college I wore mascara and shaped my brows for a good part of my junior year.

I've been shaving my legs since I was 16 (for cycling Big Grin) my chest and abs since my early 20s, arms and under arms since my mid-20s, privates since... None of your business. That's a lot of maintanence. I had laser done on my underarms, chest, abs, brazillian bikini area so shaving those areas is down to 2 times a week. But I like no hair. To the average person from 3-5 feet away I would still look hair free for about a week. I also wear clear nail polish on my toes. Wish I could do color but again, the wife draws the line.

"Putting on my face" everyday would only add a little bit more time to my routine.

As for concerns about strength, I'm your resident personal trainer Smile

For the folks over 45 keep lifting weights (full body circuits) and practice yoga. You might be accelerating your loss in muscle mass by messing with T levels but the natural decrease in testosterone is already sapping your strength and stamina. Weight lifting is as much about physics as anything else. One mass pushing on another mass, so your body weight has a lot to do with your strength. Typically, heavier women push more weight. If your goal is to lose weight as part of looking more fem and being healthier most likely you won't be benching 225 any more anyhow. But somewhere between 65-100% of your body weight should be your goal. PM me for more fitness tips.

For the folks under 45 bulking up can be problematic. Quick fix, only one or two sets per body part and of course - yoga.

Now, if I only had the right bust to look good in a Lulu Lemon top...


Weight loss... there is an issue to discuss, eh? My ability to be pleased by the feminizing process has really been an issue in this area. Since starting roughly four years ago, I have dropped forty pounds. I used to weigh in at 210 (6'2 1/2" tall). And I hated it. Now I am at 170 regularly, but shooting to even go lower. This morning I actually was at 167, but I consider that part of a normal 5 lb range of fluxuation.
The trouble is that a weight loss program makes a boobie building campaign even harder.RolleyesDodgy
But clothing fits better!Big Grin

(23-01-2014, 05:41 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Weight loss... there is an issue to discuss, eh? My ability to be pleased by the feminizing process has really been an issue in this area. Since starting roughly four years ago, I have dropped forty pounds. I used to weigh in at 210 (6'2 1/2" tall). And I hated it. Now I am at 170 regularly, but shooting to even go lower. This morning I actually was at 167, but I consider that part of a normal 5 lb range of fluxuation.
The trouble is that a weight loss program makes a boobie building campaign even harder.RolleyesDodgy
But clothing fits better!Big Grin

I'm averaging about 210 right now at 6' tall, and my goal is to get between 170 and 180 by the end of the year (and not just for feminizing issues either). Really hoping this doesn't effect my growth too severely.

As for strength, I agree some sort of training should be incorporated no matter what. Lower weights with higher reps will tone and shape versus high weight and low reps used for bulking up. Besides, small arms doesn't necessarily mean weakness.


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