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If I take Bionary ovaries how will my body change in 1-2 weeks


(04-01-2014, 09:47 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Great! Bo is def a great way to do it permanently! But may save that for later after your counseling and drs recommendations (pharma route)

Best of luck to you!
I. Still feel that basic herbs are fine but not take anything stronger . Seeing a councillor and having family support is fantastic.

(04-01-2014, 04:44 PM)That young kid Wrote:  I have in secret toke one birth control pill and have put on mascara and I have taken female vitamins for the last three days my body accepts all the things I have taken I am ready I will start using flaxseed oil take two a day

None of this really proves anything. A single dose of any birth control pill is generally harmless to most people, and likely would do nothing toward transitioning or breast growth even if continued for months. The hormone dose is too low to effect much change. As for the female vitamins, other than slight variation in the dosage of certain vitamins or minerals because women might need a little more or a little less than a man, they are typically not much different than multivitamins made for men. Anyone can take flaxseed oil. It is supposed to be good for everyone for a multitude of reasons.

I have to second the opinions of others that 2 weeks of BO will have no discernible effect. I also second the advice to involve your parents, get counseling, and get medical intervention to delay puberty, if it is warranted. You might think you've reasoned this out and know what you want, but a lot of adults regret the tattoos they got when they were younger, even if they did not just go out, get drunk, and decide it was a good idea at the time. The results of playing with hormones can be permanent and life-altering. That isn't to say you're wrong about what you say you want, just that it is better to have the insight of a trained professional.


Thank you everyone Blush for helping me I know I am young but I am pretty sure this is the route I am wanting to take for my life I am going to call my grandmother and talk about what herbs I should and start using for breast development I will use whatever she says for 3-4 months once again oops I forgot to mention she grows 30+ foods and herbs in her backyard Smile and I hope everyone reading is thinking of helping others like me in need

Just curious, how good a relationship do you have with your parents that they let you play on the computer at midnight? You mention talking with your mom, and grandmother, but no mention of your father, who is the one you're actually living with. I hope you're not setting up to play one against the other? If, indeed, this whole thing is on the up and up, you should be upfront with your father, FIRST, or he could be understandably upset that you're doing an end-around him. Which could make it twice as hard for him to even believe you're being honest, let alone want to help you. Don't put him in a spot where he feels threatened by your mom and grandmom. It will make him much less understanding and accepting.
You thank everyone for their help, but you're not really following advice if you're thinking you need herbs. If you're really gung-ho, and ready to cut your dick off, you need to get completely serious and get the show on the road with the right process, with the right people, and the right hormones!! You're at the prime age, piddle around and lose your chance at having the best outcome. Up to you. IF you're real. I'll be honest, I have serious doubts as to your veracity.

Yeah, I can see that our advice has fallen on deaf ears. Maybe your strong words will make a difference, Patti. If not, I hope Steele's grandmom is wise and better able to guide him.


My grandmother is Probably the most wisest person I know in the whole world she has traveled the earth and has been to all sorts of different countries I know that my ears might be deaf but I am sure I will find a way to follow your advice I know.What you are thinking that I am trying to put my parents against it but I am not I am trying to get advice from my mom she recently said this Society does not accept this. You could lose so many people you love if you choose this path, although it is your choice. My mom knows about this I am trying to talk to my dad he might not take this well or even accept it I have to calm him down to talk to him I am about to get a therapist too talk to

I forgot to mention that I am having a future stepmom if I tell her she might be able to explain this to him better than me they will talk about about it I even have a tutor that comes and picks me up to make sure I am ahead of the class I don't have that many friends but the whole school knows my name

For relationship with parents I have a total of 4 different families my dad's side they started talking about gays the other day and didn't end up well so ok my moms side great i feel if I can tell anyone I feel about myself to anyone it's her


A couple things.

1. You misunderstand. I didn't say you were trying to put your parents against you. Would that be your teenage mind or your gamer mind that misinterpreted what I said? I said that you should not use your mother or grandmother to try to convince your dad to help you. He will probably view that as you playing him against them to get what you want. I raised 3 kids, the last 12 years of my army career were as a sole parent with full custody, so I do have a bit of an idea of the things that go through a teenagers mind. Making him think you are using another parent against him is one perception with him that you absolutely DO NOT want to create. If either one of the women say something to him before you talk to him about it, you will have just dug your hole twice as deep. I don't know why your parents have separated, but it may be that your father quite possibly won't want to hear this from her, depending on how well they get along now.

2. One more time, you need to first and foremost discuss this with your father!!!! You're not only under his roof, but he is responsible for your well-being. Going around him is not only disrespectful, but shows a lack of sincerity on your behalf. As well as a lack of commitment you will need if you do decide you want to become transsexual. Do you seriously have any comprehension of the all-encompassing change you say you want to make with your life??

3. I don't care where you are in your class. Does it matter if the whole school knows your name? Does the whole school also know that you need a tutor? What matters to me is WHY you need a tutor? Does your dad not have time to spend with you? Or, do you choose not to accept his offer of personal help with your schoolwork? Is there any chance you're doing any of this to get even with him for something? Is your father too busy with work, (and maybe the new stepmom) to pay attention to you? Or, is he the kind of parent that has enough money to just throw a tutor at you so he doesn't have to get involved?? These are blunt questions, aren't they? But, these kinds of things will have a great influence on how you conduct yourself, and how your family and friends will deal with your feelings and decisions.

4. I don't know what you've read for research of any kind, you haven't said. I'd like to give you a few websites, and tell you to spend a couple days (or more) reading through them to get a much better picture of what you're going to go through. There's also good advice in the first one for dealing with family. I would advise you to read every word, every sidebar, and follow the links. You'll actually probably need a few days to do that, and maybe more to reread and understand it. This is not something to shortchange yourself on. This is the rest of your life you're talking about here, and you should be extremely happy to be as well-informed as you can be.

Matter of fact, there's good info for a lot of us in these, and not just the TG among us.


Very good posting, Patti. Some or all of it would fit well in the Gender Identity section, especially the information references.


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