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Childhood ?


Am I the odd one out here ?

Most people seem to report girle feelings from child hood or a very young age

Not me , there was pretty well zip zero apart from the odd tights session in my sex fuelled twenties but no girlie feelings at all until about age 37 and that was sex play in Female role

Then girlie feelings ie I need breasts was about at 40 , now 49


Maybe not Julie,

I didn't really get those feelings till later in life as well,I was aware of it in my thirties but was too busy to address it.So even 20yrs later I'm just now coming to terms with it,but I think when I was teen with raging hormones i was curious for a short time,never addressed it then either!


Started for me in my late teens by which time I was in the RAF so no chance of dressing till I married my first Wife she just about tolerated it. in my 30's I found the Beaumont Society in the UK for TVs and TS literary saved my sanity. Jenny my present other half encourages my dressing and loves my growing Breast'sBig Grin she is one in a million.

No forewarning of it at all until I fell into it by accident at 56 (early this year).

NBE wasn't (and still isn't) the major driving force per se for me.

I didn't know NBE or any sort of BE come to that existed for males until researching the reasons why my breasts were suddenly growing for no apparent reason; I subsequently discovered it was probably down to their receiving serious daily attention from both my other half and me!!!.

In short, I had discovered the joys of chest oriented sex and it has been the pursuit of this to extremes which has, I am sure, started me on this path.

Addictive personalities have a lot to answer for!!!

Now though, although I think the experiences that I get from having boobs which are so sensitive are still probably my main reason for continuing down this path, I am finding more and more that I just like having breasts for their own sake.

Where it goes from here - the jury is still out - but I have no feelings towards becoming anything other than a bloke with bigger than average, female style breasts which hopefully will remain as sensitive as they are now - although I fear this level of sensitivity might be a transient effect of growth.


I didn't realize my desire to transition until earlier this year (in my lower 30's.)

David b

You have blown me away

Perhaps I just have a breast fetish after all ?


My earliest memory of wanting to be 'girly' from time to time was when I was about 4years old, when I asked female friend if I could borrow the green organza party dress she was wearing! However my mother tells stories which suggest that it started almost when I was first able to walk and talk!

Despite always wishing I were a woman, I've never had any desire or intent to go the SRS route, because I know I am male and no surgery or chemicals can change that fundamental fact.

Like Pansy, I've always wanted to be a girl, my whole life, as far back as I can remember. I never had the courage to ask a girl if I could borrow her dress though. I do however, desire to have SRS but I know with absolute certainty that it will NEVER happen for many reasons mentioned in other threads. The thing about SRS is that it cannot remove those damn Y chromosomes from every cell in my body nor can SRS give me back the past 43 years of my life which would contain the vast majority of female experiences I so desperately wish I could experience. ...Being a pretty little girl, boys who find me attractive, dresses and all things pretty and nice, deep emotional female relationships, being a bride, being pregnant ...getting pregnant! ...SRS at this point in my life would be like going to the Superbowl for the last 2 minutes.

(17-11-2013, 09:15 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Am I the odd one out here ?

Most people seem to report girle feelings from child hood or a very young age

Not me , there was pretty well zip zero apart from the odd tights session in my sex fuelled twenties but no girlie feelings at all until about age 37 and that was sex play in Female role

Then girlie feelings ie I need breasts was about at 40 , now 49


I wouldn't quite say I had girly feelings during my childhood, but I certainly lacked a strong identification with the male gender. During my childhood I pondered questions like why do girls typically have long hair while boys usually have short hair? Why can girls wear dresses or pants, but boys can only wear pants? Why is pink considered a girly color? I never asked these questions out loud, but they definitely perplexed me. While I was growing up and even now, I have wondered why I was born a male. Doing research on transgender topics and gender identity during my teen years really helped to advance my understanding of myself in this regard.

There is one particular childhood memory that could be considered a prelude for my pursuit of NBE. When I was a young child, I placed two nerf balls underneath my shirt and tried to get my mom and brother to guess who I was. (I was pretending to be a woman.) I was at an age when I had absolutely no idea what breasts and bras were, but I obviously noticed the protrusion women have that men lack. I honestly cannot remember what motivated me to do this, and I don't think anything negative was said about this. I guess my family thought it was just one of the weird things kids sometimes do and that I didn't know any better.

It's been a while since I've commented here, but I share similar sentiments as Doodlebug and others.

I still question why biological women get to wear more colorful clothing, get to paint their nails, and shape their eyebrows - and I can't.

And it is usually in the sunlit deprived months that I am flooded with these thoughts. I'm not on PM now, but someday in the future it would be great.

It's good to know I'm not alone and can share with others like me.

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