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Another benefit of PM?


(27-10-2013, 04:36 AM)MonikaT Wrote:  I recently added SN, and it almost instantly reduced my BPH symptoms. I went from getting up 5 times a night to getting up typically only twice a night.
Monika, Did you take the SN specifically for BPH? The reason I'm asking is because SP, Proscar (5 mg finasteride), nor PM has helped my BPH symptoms.

(30-10-2013, 04:17 AM)Circeena Wrote:  
(27-10-2013, 04:36 AM)MonikaT Wrote:  I recently added SN, and it almost instantly reduced my BPH symptoms. I went from getting up 5 times a night to getting up typically only twice a night.
Monika, Did you take the SN specifically for BPH? The reason I'm asking is because SP, Proscar (5 mg finasteride), nor PM has helped my BPH symptoms.
Yes. I don't know if I have BPH since no doctor or nurse practitioner has ever done a digital exam, but I certainly seem to have a lot of the symptoms. I have never had any benefit from SP, and from my reading, I get the impression it is the pumpkin seed oil found in most standardized SP extract products that actually provides whatever benefit. I have tried beta sitosterol as well, but it didn't seem to do anything for urinary issues. Pygeum by itself also provided no noticeable benefit for me, but I have seen others state it helps their symptoms. Of everything I have ever tried, SN is the only thing that seems to do anything for me, but that doesn't mean it will work for everyone. I would think if Proscar didn't help, a weaker herb like SN likely won't help, either, but it is worth a shot. I get mine from Swanson. I usually stock up when it goes on sale for half price or buy one, get one free which happens a few times a year. Perhaps a formula that contains more than one of these herbs, or separate doses of multiple BPH herbs might work better for you, but the more I learn about SP, the less certain I am it has much effect on BPH.


As I understand the action of SP, it inhibits the conversion of T to DHT, but does little or nothing to reduce prostate enlargement. Thus while it should help prevent further DHT caused enlargement of the prostate, it may do little or nothing to treat existing damage and thus little to reduce symptoms. The same is probably true of beta sitosterol. Finasteride on the other hand is supposed to produce at least some small degree of shrinkage, although it does not seem to be one of the more effective pharmaceuticals around.

At least some of the problems of BPH arise not from constriction of the urethra within the prostate, but from effects on the sphincter at the exit from the bladder into the prostate which in turn affects the rest of thedetrusor muscle which lines the bladder and causes it to empty. Spasms of this muscle and of the sphincter produce irritable bladder/BPH symptoms. Since stinging nettle root is apparently effective to treat irritable bladder, this may be what makes it effective in treating BPH symptoms. Alpha blockers such as tamsulosin act by relaxing the sphincter at the exit from the bladder, and are even more effective taken together with oxybutinin which acts to reduce spasm of the detrusor muscle. I am currently taking this combination which seems highly effective, although I have become convinced that my cuurrent symptoms are due to irritation of the bladder lining by stones , while constriction by BPH is no longer a significant factor. My nurse practitioner seems to agree. She has done digital exams and says that my prostate is somewhat enlarged but she has no basis for comparison with previous (pre-PM) exams done by urologists (my original urologist left the province for pastures greener, and the present one is apparently a specialist in pediatric urology - I hope that I am not yet too far into my second childhood). I have only been taking oxybutinin for about two months (well after my PSA dropped to near zero) but the relief of BPH-like symptoms has been remarkable, and my flow is better than I can ever remember except that occasionally it suddenly cuts off, I think because a stone temporarily blocks the bladder exit. One way and another I have had a number of abdominal X-rays in the last 18 months and the stones have been a repeated subject of comment by radiologists. As a side issue possibly more relevant to this forum, I was once brought back for a repeat X-ray with opaque nipple markers applied so as to help determine whether something the radiologist saw was breast tissue or something on my lung!

(27-10-2013, 08:49 PM)karren Wrote:  I track my psa religiously since my father died of prostate cancer.... and its been going up over the years.... so my question is pm artificially lowering it or does it slow cancer growth.... the Prostate Symptomatic Antigen is a marker when prostate cancer could be happening..... id rather know if its really going on that being surprised down the road .......

Cancer cells produce a tremendous amount of sticky
mucus... 15 times more mucus than your other cells.

Okay, I said it - mucus. Later on I'll say snot....oops, I
just did.

We have to talk about these things because just knowing
about this huge mucus machine can lead you to a wonderful

But first you need to know that mucus does two things
to help the cancer grow.

•Mucus provides a gelatinous support structure for
the cancer's blood vessels to feed itself by allowing
the vessels to stay wide open.

•Mucus blocks remedies from getting to the cancer's core
to turn off the cancer cells.

So what happens if you strip the cancer cells naked?
•Answer #1: The blood vessels collapse. Thus the cancer
cells become undernourished. Awww, poor babies!

•Answer #2: The cancer cells are also exposed bare naked
because the sticky defense system is gone.

Cancer cells that are starving and naked don't last very long.

So how do you get rid of the snot? The same way you get rid
of snot in your nose. That's because the snot in our nose contains
a lot of fibrin which is exactly what cancer cells produce.

Hot spicy foods like garlic, pepper, ginger, horseradish, onions
will all make your nose run, especially if you eat them freshly

Think about how fast really spicy food can get your nose running.

That's about how fast you could be wiping out the mucus that
protects your cancer cells. We're talking about mere seconds
or a few minutes and the protective mucus around your cancer
cells start dissolving!

You will actually urinate the dissolved mucus out of your body!

There are many spices and foods that have a positive effect
against this sticky, snotty fibrin.

Lemons and cinnamon are two more that come to mind. For
instance, one protocol calls for a teaspoon of ceylon cinnamon
with a tablespoon of RAW honey dissolved in warm (not HOT)
purified water three times a day.

If I ever get cancer again, I'm going to try the cinnamon and honey
for a couple weeks instead of the peppers and garlic to see how
it goes.

RAW honey behaves differently than white sugar. Cancer cells are
attracted to it, but there are compounds in the honey that help
fight cancer.

If I had cancer, I'd be taking advantage of these simple options.
Heck! you could use your imagination and do the cinnamon one day,
and the habanero and garlic the next, and so on.

In each case, it melts the mucus.

Mucus is the building block for many physical ailments, so you'lre likely to see improvement in your health in many ways when you make it a habit to melt your mucus on a frequent basis.

Do that one simple thing if you get sick and you'll probably start feeling better almost instantly.

If you like this newsletter, please share it.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem, author, The Doctor Who Cures Cancer.

Missed Miss, that's enough quackery about cancer and conspiracies and your paranoia-fed delusions about medicine. Kelley Eidem is a proven quack. Even the other quacks deride him as being bad for business. 15 minutes of real research will show this to anyone actually interested in knowing anything about the topic. Like most charlatans, he does a lot of damage while trying to skim money from the gullible and uneducated. If you feel you must emulate or promote that sort of thing, please take it elsewhere. Cancer is far too serious and deadly to play with it the way we do with breast growth. Not to mention that it is off topic for this forum.

(31-10-2013, 07:43 PM)sfem Wrote:  Missed Miss, that's enough quackery about cancer and conspiracies and your paranoia-fed delusions about medicine. Kelley Eidem is a proven quack. Even the other quacks deride him as being bad for business. 15 minutes of real research will show this to anyone actually interested in knowing anything about the topic. Like most charlatans, he does a lot of damage while trying to skim money from the gullible and uneducated. If you feel you must emulate or promote that sort of thing, please take it elsewhere. Cancer is far too serious and deadly to play with it the way we do with breast growth. Not to mention that it is off topic for this forum.

Seconded. Said with much more tact than I have been able to manage. Thanks.

Right! Everyone that knows more than your "educated" Dr. is a quack! That's why so many of them CURE cancer instead of telling their patients to get ready to die!!

To get this thread somewhat back on track, I don't know how much weight to give the following, but it certainly appears to be extensively documented. It suggests that PM may both reduce the incidence of prostate cancer, and reduce BPH.


my opinion is positivly YES!! testoserone will give your postate fits and when estrogen is increased in males it decreases testoserone thus the prostate gets better. males who take PM regularly for a long period of time will notice that there testicles will shrink.a good good thing if you didnt want them to begin with, and a very good thing if you hav prostate problems.

May I ask, if you have a stone problem, have you considered a pass on the lithotripter? I have passed roughly 45 kidney stones in my life, and in the process of x-raying for some of them at the ER, more were found that were too large to pass on their own, even with meds to relax the ureter. Been on the "stone-buster" 3 times, and works like a charm. Doesn't hurt, and I'm always surprised at the amount of "sand" that comes out afterwards. Patti
PS, if anyone needs an excuse for a couple days off, I have a collection of stones you could use. Quite a few in a pill bottle. I Don't even bother turning them in anymore, cause each one is made of a different combination. They gave up telling me what I should and shouldn't eat or drink, so I just plan on about 1 short-notice trip a year to the ER.

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