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Guys with boobs


(27-08-2013, 02:29 PM)sfem Wrote:  Please stop quoting tibetan, people. Makes the ignore function so much less effective.

Tibetan, we promise not to contradict your gospel if you will go back to the 8th dimension and promptly cease giving people on earth something to quote. Allah's blessings be upon you, I hope your ectoplasm stays jiggly.

I can and just maySmile. I find it even more interesting that I'm not all that different than many of you, just biologically. I have been called so many names for giving a valid opinion. So this is saddening how defensive people can get over what i have found to be true. Just goes to show the egos involved. If we were to drop the EGO(generally speaking), we'd actually see ourselves for what we really are and get somewhere. Its no wonder humans are so delusional. Nuff said. I would love to find myself out of this primitive 3rd dimension more often, thank you!

(25-08-2013, 01:02 PM)sfem Wrote:  You are far from being the only one. This group is just the sample that is willing to be vocal (if anonymously) about it. I think there are a lot more of us that don't have the courage or willpower or situation (social or financial) to pursue it. The misinformation, hate, jealousy, and lack of profit in it for most generates some pretty stiff resistance to expressing ourselves in this way. It is downright dangerous in a lot of places, and suicidal in others. I bet there is a rather sizable portion of the population that would do it if they could and it was accepted.
Welcome to the leading edge!

Totally agree with sfem.


Agreed psychological crap that even the experts cannot figure out never mind the so called experts

We're all too cutting edge for precedents


(27-08-2013, 09:36 PM) Wrote:  This thread has really gone over the cliff!!!! But seriously,upon judgement day I would drop to my knee's and thank him for not being afflicted with PMS,and ask what's up with low T!!!! What power does Tibetan refer to,because I want some,by the way she is one HOT LADY!!.But with her opinion we must ask about the FTM inbetweeners wanting a penis!!!.Are they any less perverse in what they want to achieve? Unless you have a PHD attached to your name your opinion's are just that.However I don't have a PHD either but feel disappointed in her post being a senior member.We come here for advice,support,learn,share and to be mindful of other's condition's.I for one feel lucky that we have a Breastnexus forum in which to go and do this and a country that we can voice those opinion's,yeah,to bad we don't have a BS filter either,for I feel it would prove to be quite valuable!! But people people (self included) why must we all try to be SHRINK'S,And especially newbie's(like me).Apologies for my rant (normally don't give advice)but felt a response was needed,But really....... juices????

Guess what! I totally agree with you on the FTM inbetweeners! But this thread is called "Guys with tits" not "Gals with Penises!"

I had noted many times that its not all inbetweeners, as well as I personally see some of these same perversions in myself to a short extent. So its not throwing a wild judgement, its just a real observation.

I am just analytical that way,you shouldn't be disappointed. I speak my mind freely like anyone else here, but I'm not throwing out these nasty names like ChrisHoney and I have acceptance of others, its just the denial factor that's annoying, which I freely voiced.

I just thought, I cannot BE the only person who notices this and honestly, I truly think this is why many struggle to just be themselves to closer ones (not talking about dangerous public situations- more so feeling suicidal and high anxiety situations), its because they have not FULLY accepted that part of themselves. Again, just a percentage. Many can admit why they long for breasts and limited femininity.

I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way, its just many here don't have the guts to express it, because they know it will possibly be taken the wrong way by some.
The question still has not been answered @Chrishoney: How do having breasts REALLY make you feel on your male body and what purpose do they serve you??

I guarantee you the answer will prove my valid observation (the only reason why it matters is because some of you are claiming "bullcrap"). I never claimed to be a shrink, but sometimes I like to actually use my brain and see things for what they really are, so penilize me (pun intended!) Some of you made sound like I hated inbetweeners and am not open minded. In fact, I don't know any closed minded people who would entertain the "why" factor. They would just simply call inbetweeners, bis, tris, pans,trans, gays freaks of some sort.

Ahh so much for bridging the gap...

If you're going to talk about it, talk about it. Don't prance around it. Lets be real folks. There are too many "I'm a straight male longing for breasts and don't know why..." to not to want to dissect it.

Thanks to those who were kind enough to be kind.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Chris Honey,
I feel like you misunderstood much of what I wrote, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

That would be the understatement of the year. Sorry to say, but nothing you write is, cogent or clear. Perhaps if you tried following simple rules of grammar, someone would be able to understand what you are trying to say.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I see you too have ignored the poll (wags fingers). These sexual organs of both the male and female anatomy are intertwined with our egos, this is where traits of dominion over ones self and or others, power of any kind, and self gratification meet. You are foolish if you do not understand what I mean in my postings. Fucking EGO, period.

Ignored what polls? See the above comment as to understanding your rants.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  The "experience" is one WE feel entitled to as human beings. The longing for breasts from the type of inbetween I am talking about is not of a biological one, its from the ego, ego derived.

Proof? Oops, there is none, it's only in your mind. Well, never mind then. I guess the whole theory about influencing fetal brain development with drugs such as DES does not apply here, since you have conclusively shown the 'longing' is all from the ego, even though ego can't be demonstrated, tested, measured or verified.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  If this type of inbetween were spiritually at peace, there would be no longing for this superficial need to experience having developed breasts that belong to the female body as you are complete and whole inside and out as a functioning human being. Do you at all understand what I am talking about?

In a word: NO. I would be happy to understand if you would just start to make sense. Again, I suppose there is no need to consider that a person may feel spiritually at peace (like me) and be what you call "inbetween", since you have conclusively demonstrated your argument with actual evidence. Ooops, oh that's right you haven't proved that, so we will conveniently ignore that possibility and those people.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Are you an inbetween? If so, can you answer this question honestly?
How does it make you feel to have breasts? What feelings do you feel? What purpose do they serve you? Cut the crap and tell the truth.

I strive to be as honest with myself and others as I possibly can be. Whether or not you feel I am honest is your problem, not mine. I feel fine having breasts. Having them now does not define me. Not having had them before (actually I did have gynecomastia growing up), did not define me then either. I like them. Why do mine have to have a purpose? What business is it of yours anyway? Which to my mind is the real question. If you're in my business, you're not taking care of yours.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  If you still don't understand what I am saying here, than I have to believe you will never understand the true perspective of a biological female and I believe many will agree with me if not most.

While I don't doubt you can find someone to agree with you (though I seriously doubt they could say exactly why they agree since it's so hard to make head nor tails of your posts), I have never purported to be anything other than male. Can I understand the avowed 'true perspective of a biological female'? Perhaps, perhaps not. Ask my female patients if I can understand their perspective. But, you will also have to define the 'true perspective of a biological female' that exists for ALL women, everywhere. This is probably as elusive a proposition as proving the existence of god. Good luck with that!

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Some are turned on by the lady boys and that's just fine. The same can be said for me, though I feel I am male /female spiritually, I will never truly understand the biological male perspective. I resented my menstrual cycle as a teen and into in my early twenties, I thought I should have been male. But I then realized, there was no purpose in that other than that ego derived part that would be fulfilled. I wasn't born in the wrong body, just had a male and female mindset and a felt little uncomfortable in my female body. So I got over it. As long as I can love who I loved and feel no shame, I'm good.

What intellectual leap of faith did you make from the previous discussion to sexual preference? And as far as that goes, to each his own, and again: What business is that of yours?

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Be whatever you want, but just know what you are TRULY and what you are TRULY not inside and out and know why is all I am saying here.

What difference does it make if I know 'why'? And, you seem to be ignoring the possibility that I may in fact know why I ended up on this path.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  PS, Sorry to burst your ego bubble, but your saying that to the girl who sees and talks to dead people. God does exist. Yep your not going to see God here on the Devil's playground. God tests all of us. If you only knew him, you would have a different view of everything, entirely. You sir, have a big ego.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you have not burst my ego bubble, though you are correct as far as that goes, I do have a big ego, at least as you seem to define it. Isn't it ironic though that you claim to talk to dead people and use that as 'proof' that god exists, and you claim I am the one with a big ego, inferring in the process that having a big ego is somehow bad. I would rather be guilty of a big ego than be counted among the sheeple.

There is no Devil, there is no god, there are no tests. They are all the stories in your mind. Change the stories, and you change your reality. I have tried during numerous, extended periods of my life to 'know god.' Each and every time, there was no god, just very flawed people purporting to "KNOW" god's "TRUE" intention. Yeah right.

Supposedly god hears every prayer, even down to the lowliest sparrow, right? Supposedly god will answer every prayer, if you believe in him, right? Do you still pray? What results have you ever gotten? Perhaps that is the ultimate definition of insanity: continuing to do the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. Those that claim to know god are delusional at best, and dangerously psychotic at worst. Consider Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and Jim Jones. How different is the Pope, or Revered Moon, or The Church of Later Day Saints from those three? Oh, I shouldn't say that about the Pope? But the last Pope obviously thought it was OK for priests to molest and irrevocably injure young boys. But aren't Popes infallible? Only according to the story in your mind. Oh yeah, and let's conveniently forget about the Inquisition, and the Salem witch trials, the massacre of Native American people in the name of Manifest Destiny, and Mayan sacrifices, and the god of the old testament that 'smote' whole peoples for what? Not being jewish? Really?

Oh wait a minute, that's not the god you believe in, you say? So it's OK to cherry pick whatever satisfies your, shall we call it EGO, in defining god? And then only YOUR definition is correct? Wow, and that's NOT the definition of 'big ego'?! Well, paint me blue and call me a Smurf! How silly could I be?!

(02-09-2013, 11:52 PM)chrishoney Wrote:  
(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Chris Honey,
I feel like you misunderstood much of what I wrote, perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

That would be the understatement of the year. Sorry to say, but nothing you write is, cogent or clear. Perhaps if you tried following simple rules of grammar, someone would be able to understand what you are trying to say.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I see you too have ignored the poll (wags fingers). These sexual organs of both the male and female anatomy are intertwined with our egos, this is where traits of dominion over ones self and or others, power of any kind, and self gratification meet. You are foolish if you do not understand what I mean in my postings. Fucking EGO, period.

Ignored what polls? See the above comment as to understanding your rants.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  The "experience" is one WE feel entitled to as human beings. The longing for breasts from the type of inbetween I am talking about is not of a biological one, its from the ego, ego derived.

Proof? Oops, there is none, it's only in your mind. Well, never mind then. I guess the whole theory about influencing fetal brain development with drugs such as DES does not apply here, since you have conclusively shown the 'longing' is all from the ego, even though ego can't be demonstrated, tested, measured or verified.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  If this type of inbetween were spiritually at peace, there would be no longing for this superficial need to experience having developed breasts that belong to the female body as you are complete and whole inside and out as a functioning human being. Do you at all understand what I am talking about?

In a word: NO. I would be happy to understand if you would just start to make sense. Again, I suppose there is no need to consider that a person may feel spiritually at peace (like me) and be what you call "inbetween", since you have conclusively demonstrated your argument with actual evidence. Ooops, oh that's right you haven't proved that, so we will conveniently ignore that possibility and those people.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Are you an inbetween? If so, can you answer this question honestly?
How does it make you feel to have breasts? What feelings do you feel? What purpose do they serve you? Cut the crap and tell the truth.

I strive to be as honest with myself and others as I possibly can be. Whether or not you feel I am honest is your problem, not mine. I feel fine having breasts. Having them now does not define me. Not having had them before (actually I did have gynecomastia growing up), did not define me then either. I like them. Why do mine have to have a purpose? What business is it of yours anyway? Which to my mind is the real question. If you're in my business, you're not taking care of yours.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  If you still don't understand what I am saying here, than I have to believe you will never understand the true perspective of a biological female and I believe many will agree with me if not most.

While I don't doubt you can find someone to agree with you (though I seriously doubt they could say exactly why they agree since it's so hard to make head nor tails of your posts), I have never purported to be anything other than male. Can I understand the avowed 'true perspective of a biological female'? Perhaps, perhaps not. Ask my female patients if I can understand their perspective. But, you will also have to define the 'true perspective of a biological female' that exists for ALL women, everywhere. This is probably as elusive a proposition as proving the existence of god. Good luck with that!

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Some are turned on by the lady boys and that's just fine. The same can be said for me, though I feel I am male /female spiritually, I will never truly understand the biological male perspective. I resented my menstrual cycle as a teen and into in my early twenties, I thought I should have been male. But I then realized, there was no purpose in that other than that ego derived part that would be fulfilled. I wasn't born in the wrong body, just had a male and female mindset and a felt little uncomfortable in my female body. So I got over it. As long as I can love who I loved and feel no shame, I'm good.

What intellectual leap of faith did you make from the previous discussion to sexual preference? And as far as that goes, to each his own, and again: What business is that of yours?

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Be whatever you want, but just know what you are TRULY and what you are TRULY not inside and out and know why is all I am saying here.

What difference does it make if I know 'why'? And, you seem to be ignoring the possibility that I may in fact know why I ended up on this path.

(26-08-2013, 04:39 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  PS, Sorry to burst your ego bubble, but your saying that to the girl who sees and talks to dead people. God does exist. Yep your not going to see God here on the Devil's playground. God tests all of us. If you only knew him, you would have a different view of everything, entirely. You sir, have a big ego.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you have not burst my ego bubble, though you are correct as far as that goes, I do have a big ego, at least as you seem to define it. Isn't it ironic though that you claim to talk to dead people and use that as 'proof' that god exists, and you claim I am the one with a big ego, inferring in the process that having a big ego is somehow bad. I would rather be guilty of a big ego than be counted among the sheeple.

There is no Devil, there is no god, there are no tests. They are all the stories in your mind. Change the stories, and you change your reality. I have tried during numerous, extended periods of my life to 'know god.' Each and every time, there was no god, just very flawed people purporting to "KNOW" god's "TRUE" intention. Yeah right.

Supposedly god hears every prayer, even down to the lowliest sparrow, right? Supposedly god will answer every prayer, if you believe in him, right? Do you still pray? What results have you ever gotten? Perhaps that is the ultimate definition of insanity: continuing to do the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. Those that claim to know god are delusional at best, and dangerously psychotic at worst. Consider Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and Jim Jones. How different is the Pope, or Revered Moon, or The Church of Later Day Saints from those three? Oh, I shouldn't say that about the Pope? But the last Pope obviously thought it was OK for priests to molest and irrevocably injure young boys. But aren't Popes infallible? Only according to the story in your mind. Oh yeah, and let's conveniently forget about the Inquisition, and the Salem witch trials, the massacre of Native American people in the name of Manifest Destiny, and Mayan sacrifices, and the god of the old testament that 'smote' whole peoples for what? Not being jewish? Really?

Oh wait a minute, that's not the god you believe in, you say? So it's OK to cherry pick whatever satisfies your, shall we call it EGO, in defining god? And then only YOUR definition is correct? Wow, and that's NOT the definition of 'big ego'?! Well, paint me blue and call me a Smurf! How silly could I be?!

Wow! That is what you assume. I actually do not go to church and am completely disgusted with what has been revealed of the churches and Pope.

Okay, I am done with this inbetween crap! (Yay says everyone on this thread reading)

Onto this Atheist stuff.
Though I was never an athiest, I had to drop my ego down to nearly nothing. I can admit, that was hard to do. But that was the only way to truly understand what I was going through at the time when I began hearing him. The first I saw was a light (yes, the light that many claim to see). It was no tunnel, it was like the brightest full moon, when he spoke to me he told me in regards to the spirit world I often found myself in: "Do not to believe everything you see and everything you hear. Long ago, the spirits never spoke to the living..."

It was clear and I was fully spiritually conscious. I have had more messages but they are rather personal and I assume you could care less anyway, so I won't bother to share.

I do no cherry picking. I have had my NDE's yes, more than one, and I can tell you, the awareness out of body is so heightened it cannot be proven, but it sure as hell cant be denied once it is had.
I hear the voice of God at times, though not as much as Satan, yes, hes real too, I have experience some crazy things, my imagination is just not that creative to manifest.

Do yourself a favor, since God and his son, Jesus does not show up, call on Satan, you won't need the satanic bible either (but you can def do a ritual to ensure he shows).
He'll come fast, drag your ass out of body to his realms and show you that at least he is real. Ask him why he left the side of God in his kingdom. He will tell you. Ask him to play his triumphant music, he will boast it in your ear. Ask him where the evil-hearted ones go. He will show you. If you wish to see the universe or that place they call hell, he'll show that too.
Then go back into your body and deny it and convince yourself that your imagination had manifested all of it.

that's the thing, there is no 3 dimensional proof and even if he showed, you'd have to be ready with a camera, capturing it all.

Its all faith based yes, but the spiritual awareness and experiences are on a whole different level than you can IMAGINE (we are just not that creative and knowledgeable).

For some reason, I feel for you. I think you have been hurt and have had some extreme pain in your life(more than the average person) which is actually common among people who think if God really exists, He's fucking cruel.

Hopefully, you'll figure it out for yourself. Everyone deserves that testimony.

My religion really did not come into play when it came to my decision to grow breasts. There has always been a male and female part of my brain at least that's the way it felt.Who is to say what really is male thinking vs female thinking anyway?
I have always been drawn to female things that most regular guys aren't.
Most guys do not think when they see a nicely dressed female what they would look like in that outfit lol.
When I was little back when there was still shoe stores I was always drawn
to peering in the window at the women's shoes and wishing I could wear them instead of my ugly boy shoes.
As I got older I found that I enjoyed catering to my female feelings a lot more than I enjoyed catering to my male feelings.
PM has just been the icing on the cake.
I would consider myself more a chic with a D more than I would consider myself a guy with tits.
That's my story and I am sticking to it and I am happy with my decision.
I doubt if I burn in hell because I grew breasts and if I do at least I will have company.


There is a field beyond all notions of right and wrong. Come, meet me there. -Rumi, poet and mystic (1207-1273)

(26-08-2013, 03:03 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(25-08-2013, 11:14 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep :p

Yeah! Me, too!! There was a story I read in Penthouse, I think, back in the `70's about a guy that woke up one morning to find he'd become a woman over night!! I've been wishing for that ever since!! The story was kinda cool until the end when they'd found out that LOTS of men had been changing into women over night and the natural born women started treating them badly to make up for way men had been treating women over the millennia.

I just rediscovered that story online.... think it was originally in Playboy... I always bought Playboy for the stories! lol. We all wished we would wake up every morning in a new body... When that didn't happen year after year I decided to take things into my own hands and make my body fit the clothing I had to wear.... tight lacing and breast enhancement..... even have much smaller feet thanks to wearing ice skates and binding my feet between games..... way easier to find size 10 heels than size 14s! so for me its not just boobs....

(03-09-2013, 05:49 PM)karren Wrote:  I just rediscovered that story online....
It didn't have much of an ending, did it. I was hoping for something more exciting and positive and it just petered out and went bad.

(03-09-2013, 05:49 PM)karren Wrote:  think it was originally in Playboy... I always bought Playboy for the stories! lol.
Yeah, that's we ALL said! "WHAT naked girls, mom? Oh! THOSE?? I didn't even notice them! I just like the Gahan Wilson cartoons!!"

I guess you were just window shopping, eh? "Mmmm!! I sure wish I had HER tits!!" That's pretty much all I do these days. "WOW!! I'd LOVE to have her body!!!!"
(03-09-2013, 05:49 PM)karren Wrote:  We all wished we would wake up every morning in a new body...
A LOT of us here still do!!
(03-09-2013, 05:49 PM)karren Wrote:  even have much smaller feet thanks to wearing ice skates and binding my feet between games.....
LOL. I thought you were going to say because your tits have gotten so big!
Q: Why are Dolly Parton's feet so small?
A: NOTHING grows in the shade!!
(03-09-2013, 05:49 PM)karren Wrote:  easier trying to find size 10 heels than size 14s!
Lol. Try size 16!!! Triple E!!! I'm a lost cause in the fem shoes department!!

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