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Abi Drew's plan

In other news... I'm going back to the drawing board on the meal replacement formula. My experiments HAVE taught me a LOT about how to make this thing process wise and that sort of thing, but I'm still missing nutrients and just simply slapping a pre-made multi-vitamin and mineral powder into the mix is NOT working. Tastes awful. And getting overdoses of some and not enough of others STILL.

So.... I'm changing up the formula. Putting in trace amounts of a number of super foods in a balance such that it'll give me the necessary nutrition. I may end up going over my original goal of less than a thousand calories, but as long as it doesn't exceed 1100 it should still be a powerful cutting tool for pretty much every body shape.

I'm also trying to take into consideration a few more dietary limitations. So avoiding cross-contamination is now going to be a big part of my ingredient choices.

Do you think this approach - of losing weight and then gaining it back can work for a female? You are extremely methodical in your approach, I admire you !

(19-08-2013, 08:44 AM)viloletka Wrote:  Do you think this approach - of losing weight and then gaining it back can work for a female? You are extremely methodical in your approach, I admire you !

Potentially... The two biggest keys to the approach are: First, making sure you don't over-do it. While cutting you still need to make certain nutritional minimums. Juicing won't cut it. I don't care if you're taking several vitamins WHILE juicing... It just does not work. As soon as you stop juicing your body will go NUTS. For losing a ton of weight super fast it's OK, but you'll need to go on a more balanced cutting program shortly before you hit your goal or... Second, making sure once you start putting it back on you have your hormones perfectly balanced and in sync and keep them that way ALL THE TIME.

Another pretty important detail is when you start eating more again, slowly increase your calories from your deficit, don't just suddenly gorge yourself just because you shed all that weight.

Your body SHOULD tell you how much increase is the right increase, if you pay attention. Pay attention!

A good rule though is 1/6th to 1/3rd your current caloric intake == increase per every couple weeks until you reach your ideal intake again. Then add no more than 1/8th to 1/4th OVER the ideal for building up.

So if your ideal intake is, say, 1600 calories, your building intake should be no more than 1800 to 2000 calories.

Also! Putting weight on doesn't necessarily give you a license to eat junk! Make sure you're eating the right foods!

Your body type AND lifestyle MAY permit you more carbs than others, but for the most part you really do want to keep carbs a LOT lower than most nutritionists these days presently recommend. And avoid sugars altogether when at all possible. No ADDED TABLE SUGAR! EVER! If you need additional sweetener, learn to use stevia.

In my opinion... The hard part for you will be keeping your hormones in check. Since you produce most of yours naturally and aren't feeding yourself basically all of them, yours will be harder to control. They're going to want to do whatever they've been programmed to do. And there's a lot of natural variation there and they aren't necessarily "ideal".

I was reading a TG webcomic and something mentioned in the comments field really struck me, so I just HAVE to share:

Talking about an experiment that was done, hypnotising a bunch of transsexuals into thinking and acting as though there were "normal":

"or they fell into a terrible depression that they couldn’t describe; as though they were still deeply troubled by something, but couldn’t place why"

This! This describes my entire life from the time I was MAYBE 8 at the oldest until just a coupla years ago. I can't verify it to have started any younger than 8 because I honestly have no real memory even now of my most formative years. I just know that my earliest memories (where I also remember what age I was) are around 8 and even then, I was deeply troubled by something but couldn't place why. It'd get worse and ease off in an almost cyclic pattern, but it was still ever persistent. I actually even managed to convince myself I WASN'T being depressive during the eased off periods... But... Looking back now after finally freeing myself... All I really knew then was anger and depression, just at varied levels. I even know true despair. And trust me, it ain't pretty.

Thing is, I did it entirely by myself, to myself, and broke free from it entirely by myself, from myself. Sounds kinda confusing, I know, but it's exactly the way it went. Self-hypnotism IS real. All hypnotism does is program the conscious mind to perform certain responses to certain stimuli while preventing the subconscious mind from interfering. That subconscious block is the source of the "deeply troubled" feeling and also why you can't place why. WHY is in the subconscious, and is being blocked.

Some people take to hypnotism better than others, and for those, it'll last until it's broken. For some it'll naturally deteriorate on it's own without consistent reiteration. The ones where it naturally deteriorates are the ones that start showing signs of tg again in that article.

And when a part of the subconscious actually takes an active part in the constructing and maintaining of the program residing in the conscious and in blocking another part of the subconscious... Which is what happened in my case...

Someone recently tried telling me I had no idea how powerful my mind is (someone who self-identifies as being "in-between" and insists there's no such thing as full transsexuals, only men, women, and "in-betweens"... But I know EXACTLY how powerful my mind is. I also know without a single doubt in my mind, heart, or soul, that I am a woman. Heart, mind, and soul. My stupid body can say whatever my stupid body wants to say, and my conscious mind can be tricked into saying things that aren't quite true as well, but the fact is, deep inside me, at the very core of my being, resides a woman. End of story.

A few years ago I dropped out of college when I came face to face with true despair and still, even then, had no idea why. A couple years ago I went on a deep soul search within myself with the aid of a very mild opiate herb. I had no idea then that I was in fact a woman... But at the end of the search when I finally found myself, my true self... Wow. What a revelation it was. And it changed everything.

I'm now transitioning... Very early in the process, but when I came to from that long nightmare there was no doubt in my mind that I had no other choice. Period. End of Story.

Anyone still failing to understand... Let's face it. You'll NEVER understand. I'm not asking nor have I EVER asked anyone to "understand". All I ask is that you accept. Accept that I am not and never truly was whoever you may have thought I was. It was a lie. A very carefully constructed and maintained lie.

And if anyone thinks there's no freaking way someone so young could possibly have created such a construct within their own minds... You're an idiot. It may not happen often, but it's definitely real, definitely possible, and I'm LIVING PROOF of the concept.

(19-08-2013, 03:01 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(19-08-2013, 08:44 AM)viloletka Wrote:  Do you think this approach - of losing weight and then gaining it back can work for a female? You are extremely methodical in your approach, I admire you !

Potentially... The two biggest keys to the approach are: First, making sure you don't over-do it. While cutting you still need to make certain nutritional minimums. Juicing won't cut it. I don't care if you're taking several vitamins WHILE juicing... It just does not work. As soon as you stop juicing your body will go NUTS. For losing a ton of weight super fast it's OK, but you'll need to go on a more balanced cutting program shortly before you hit your goal or... Second, making sure once you start putting it back on you have your hormones perfectly balanced and in sync and keep them that way ALL THE TIME.

Another pretty important detail is when you start eating more again, slowly increase your calories from your deficit, don't just suddenly gorge yourself just because you shed all that weight.

Your body SHOULD tell you how much increase is the right increase, if you pay attention. Pay attention!

A good rule though is 1/6th to 1/3rd your current caloric intake == increase per every couple weeks until you reach your ideal intake again. Then add no more than 1/8th to 1/4th OVER the ideal for building up.

So if your ideal intake is, say, 1600 calories, your building intake should be no more than 1800 to 2000 calories.

Also! Putting weight on doesn't necessarily give you a license to eat junk! Make sure you're eating the right foods!

Your body type AND lifestyle MAY permit you more carbs than others, but for the most part you really do want to keep carbs a LOT lower than most nutritionists these days presently recommend. And avoid sugars altogether when at all possible. No ADDED TABLE SUGAR! EVER! If you need additional sweetener, learn to use stevia.

In my opinion... The hard part for you will be keeping your hormones in check. Since you produce most of yours naturally and aren't feeding yourself basically all of them, yours will be harder to control. They're going to want to do whatever they've been programmed to do. And there's a lot of natural variation there and they aren't necessarily "ideal".

Yes in some respects you guys have the upper hand, maybe that is why a lot of you get amazing success in comparison the the biologically born female, because nature does screw things up...

(20-08-2013, 10:06 AM)viloletka Wrote:  Yes in some respects you guys have the upper hand, maybe that is why a lot of you get amazing success in comparison the the biologically born female, because nature does screw things up...

Well... I hesitate to say "screw things up" myself. You are who you were meant to be as long as you don't have a soul crushing dysphoria like me. In my case nature did screw up. Wink

Actually, even in my case... I know I'm bringing a bit of religion into the conversation now, but I may be a scientist, but I also have a very close relationship with my Maker and with my spiritual elder brother (I'm Christian). So. It's my very firm belief that I am exactly as I was intended to be. Including being smart enough to correct it.

All bodies are beautiful. It's just that the media has portrayed certain bodies as "more" beautiful than others and so that's what most of us want.

For guys they want to be these solid blocks of rippling muscle.

And for girls we want to have soft hourglass curves.

I happen to be truly lucky and everything about my skeleton shape, body type, frame size, etc, make my ideal female body shape THE ideal female body shape as portrayed by the media.

But there are different body shapes, like it or not. And your ideal body shape is just as beautiful, just different. Don't let the media convince you otherwise.

Also bear in mind... despite the hourglass supposedly being the "ideal" body shape, it's actually HARDER to find inexpensive clothing for that body shape because it is so very rare. Most cheap clothes are made for pears or banana's. Even apples have an easier time, they just usually need to go to the "XL" or plus size ranges. A true hourglass is hard to find clothes for.

Hey Abi, I saw your plan and would please like to know when and for how long do you (me) cycle off PM. Currently, I've done 11 month's of NBE (4 of which is PM,PC,ST) thank's.

Being a lesbian trapped in a man's body, I love to girl watch and, although SOME of the super model types are very gorgeous and sexy, I think I still prefer the ones that just look normal/average. Other than a little eyeliner, lipstick and maybe a touch of rouge or blush, I'd rather my girl not wear make-up. I'd MUCH rather look at HER instead of this mask she carries around with her every day. Besides, the high dollar/high maintenance ones are usually too stuck on themselves and plastic. A girl without make-up and $100.00 jeans is usually an honest and more happy girl.

(24-08-2013, 01:23 AM)Djz Wrote:  Hey Abi,I saw your plan and would please like to know when and for how long do you (me) cycle off PM.Currently,11 month's of NBE 4 of which is PM,PC,ST thank's

Currently, somewhere around the same amount of time. My family are genetically slow growers. We don't bloom suddenly and then quit.

(24-08-2013, 01:23 AM)Djz Wrote:  Hey Abi,I saw your plan and would please like to know when and for how long do you (me) cycle off PM.Currently,11 month's of NBE 4 of which is PM,PC,ST thank's

Oh! I think I didn't quite completely grasp what you were saying before for some reason! LOL, sorry!

I've been doing this for around a yearish altogether and started cycling with my doses somewhere around january or february. I don't ever actually go OFF pm, just reduce the doses. It's all there... Somewhere. lol. I've put a full dosing schedule on at least a couple of my updates. So look through the thread for them! There've been some tweaking, but not too much!

Anywaays! My update! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if that's expressed my excitement sufficiently or not, but... yeah... I am VERY excited to have found that ebay listing! This is someone who is HAND MAKING every single gaff she sells! And you know what that means???????!!!! I CAN FINALLY GET UNDERWEAR THAT FIT! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've sent her a message asking about custom sizes and hopefully I'll hear back soon and then we can work out exactly how to make ones that'll fit me right and then omg omg omg!!!!!

Her prefab size range only goes down to an XS mens, with waist sizing the same as other lines I've seen, so I'm pretty certain her prefab would be a fail. But I'm not going to be getting prefabs. Clearly. They would NEVER fit me right with my usual body shape (for a genetic male).

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