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Now my wife is ok too really ok with what I'm doing

Obviously still waiting though for larger breasts to be there and then see her reaction ?

However my question is

I have just taped transamerica on sky

Should we watch the film or could it worry her ?

As I understand it the film is about a trans sexual rather than many of us 3rd gender

Basically I want too watch the film but don't want too frighten her

Thoughts please

Thank you



This is an interesting question. Transsexualism has always interested me in an academic sense long before I ever saw any adult videos or pictures of a woman with a penis. I've yet to see Trans America, but have been curious.

This is similar to the crossdresser who takes his wife or girlfriend to a drag show then tries to use it to tell her he crossdresses and is like the performers, which he probably isn't at all. Drag performers are mostly gay men who are campy send-ups of women. That's not what a crossdresser is, and it frequently sends the women screaming in horror.

I don't think there really are any movies that deal with folks like some of us who regard ourselves as male or male-ish or somewhere in the middle, maybe crossdress a little or partially, as opposed to going full en femme (it's been a while since I have because it is a lot of work and the desire isn't all that strong since I lost my sex drive in 2005), and just want to sort of be somewhere between the two extremes. Even the movie Just Like a Woman with Adrian Pasdar doesn't really fit who I am.

I don't remember if Trans America won any awards, but if it did, you could always just say you want to see it because of that or because you've always liked Felicity Huffman. You might also have to reassure your wife you aren't planning on fully transitioning, and you just wanted to see this movie because it looked interesting.

My (now former) fiancee got pissed because I watched a British series about a bunch of transsexuals, both FtM and MtF, in various stages of transition and of various ages who got together on weekends for a summer. There was no nudity or sex, but she was pissed.

You might be better off watching it alone unless you're absolutely sure your wife won't freak out or disapprove. Be prepared for her to keep hitting you with questions months down the line because it is my experience that "bitches be crazy" and thoughts just race and go around and around in their minds even when we think an issue is settled. Nothing ever seems to be settled. Just my two cents. You should know your wife by now.


My thoughts as well Monica

She is cool and accepting because we have an amazing relationship

Dont want any jolts that may unsettle her , but do not know whats in the film ?



According to IMDB, it is the story of a MtF who is a week away from SRS when she gets a call from a 17-yr-old boy she didn't know she fathered who is now sitting in a New York jail. His mother is dead from a suicide, and he's estranged from his step-father. Her therapist won't allow the surgery until she resolves this issue from her past so she goes to NY, impersonates a social worker, bails him out of jail, and takes him back to California with her.

I watched the movie a while ago and I DON'T recommend watching it with your spouse. I kind of knew what to expect but I was still shocked by parts of the movie. Her son is a homosexual prostitute and aspiring homosexual porn actor and I couldn't really identify with the main character at all. Overall, it was OK for me but I'm glad my wife was absent and don't even want her to know I watched it for fear of the questions and thoughts it might provoke.

Thank you doodlebug

Delete button time


That movie isn't one I would watch a second time. The main character is so frightened and ineffectual and yet somehow is going through transition. I didn't buy the mix. The confused storyline that had so much of the homosexuality made it feel like the two situations (criminal behaviour of a homosexual prostitute and drug addict vs. sex change surgery for someone already living full time as a woman who isn' a criminal, prostitute, or drug addict or homosexual) were related. The counsellor's supposed reason for blocking of transition was very unreal. She would have switched counsellors. Assisting a person living full time in the other gender with arranging for the last surgical steps to transition has nothing to do with forcing them to sort out family issues with estranged relatives. That would be like my wife saying I can't have a golf lesson until I make amends with uncle who never got over me moving to a different city 30 years ago. The movie took a topic that is already very poorly understood and just made things worse by implying relationships between the various characters' activities that weren't related.

Sfem, based on your description, I'm kind of glad I've never seen it. The one thing that stood out to me in the synopsis I read is that if she is a week away from surgery, she already has her letters and everyone has already signed off. To block the surgery because of this unresolved, unrelated issue seemed odd and unlikely since it takes a while to schedule the surgery in the first place, and the issue could always be dealt with post-op. This is a kid she didn't even know she had until that moment.

I agree sfem. I haven't watched the movie, but it sounds bizarre how her therapist wouldn't allow surgery until she meets her son. It sounds to me more like some sort of contrived movie plot device than anything that could happen in real life.

Monika, I have the same thoughts as you. This could have easily waited until after post-op.

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