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Success stories


Just a suggestion I think there should be a separate topic on success stories where people would post there success stories. It's hard to read through all threads and see the ones that have great results from nbe.

I would like to see success stories too!

Also maybe a guide of herbs & recommended amounts to take!

Yh it would be good I think a lot of us have had success it would be useful to compare what worked best for everyone

This would be a great help. I read through this site and chose a program to use that seemed to get a lot of good comments and commented results. I went off the herbals and went to the glandulars which showed results for me.Smile

I agree. In my opinion, a success stories section (if Eve is even willing to create one) would quickly become pretty useless for a number of reasons, but a controlled thread in the newcomers section could be extremely helpful. I think I may kick one off today, if I can figure out how to do it without the whole thing blowing up in my face Tongue The issue is that in order for a success stories thread to be in any way helpful, it has to have some sort of standards for what qualifies as successful. If there are no standards, it'll quickly get filled up with people who have had an ounce of swelling and have only been taking pills for a week, but are very excited and optimistic and eager to tell people about it (not to mention people who are potentially in puberty or who have gained a large amount of weight etc). I don't mind those people telling their stories. That's the whole purpose of this site, and some of them may actually have real growth, but I think you all can see why the thread would quickly become useless if just anyone were allowed to post, especially since a lot of newbies are prone to confuse normal luteal swelling with the effect the pills. Jeebus, it already sounds like I'm being a big meanie, and I haven't even started the thread yet Tongue

It should be obvious at this point the some people who are excluded because they don't meet the standards will be extremely offended. A thread like that could easily turn into a pointless 50 page argument. If I do start a success stories thread I'll have to add a million disclaimers. Maybe something like "Just because someone doesn't meet the arbitrary standards I've chosen doesn't mean that I don't believe they were successful". I may even have to basically make it a private thread by asking people not to post it to it directly, and just have them PM me the info of anyone they think I should add. I haven't decided yet.

BTW, obviously anyone else can start there own separate success stories thread as well. Whatever standards I chose to use, they will be arbitrary by necessity. Any other person is free to choose there own arbitrary standards, and their standards will not necessarily be any better or worse than mine.There is no gold standard that defines success, and I don't think there ever will be. There are just way to many variables to take into consideration. Any firm standard is bound to end up excluding some people who have had real growth but who's posted stats fall just barely outside one of the standards, or who failed to include certain key bits of information on their program threads.

Actually, based on my own experiences with searching for success stories, I think lack of personal info is going to be the big issue, and not necessarily that they don't meet my basic standards. For example, lots of people post a starting weight, but never post a final ending weight when they stop NBE. Since this board obviously mainly attracts women with small breasts, there are a disproportionate amount of women who are underweight and trying to gain. If I don't know if they gained weight or how much it was, I have no way to come to a conclusion about whether their growth was caused by weight gain or not.

I hope you guys can see this is gonna be seriously tricky business. If I do start the thread, I hope people don't start to think I'm a big jerk who thinks they're all liars and is only out to crush their dreams Blush Just to be clear, I don't intend to call anyone out and say that they weren't successful. It'll just be a list of certain people and their stats and programs and nothing more, unless the thread gets forcibly dragged of the rails by someone who thinks my standards are unfair. I really don't intend to cause any trouble. It's a shame something like this would be so difficult. Do you ladies think it'll still be worth it?


Some possible suggestions...

1. 6-9 month continuous on NBE minimum (maybe even a year not continuous).
2. 2 cup size minimum growth.
3. NBE regimen.
4. Before and after pics.
5. Starting and current statistics (measurements & weight).
6. Motivation for doing NBE

While I believe that if you sort through the picture pages, you will find all of this information. However, It would be nice to have a "trophy" gallery for motivational purposes.


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