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Curious about fat distribution


Just a curious question can any of you give your results with how long it takes for fat redistribution and skin softening to occur while on PM. Ie on chest hips but etc. please include PM dosage. Also has anyone experience a difference in how you feel when taking PM, do you feeling different soon after taking PM. I understand we all different and results depend on many factors just like to how things worked for you.

Like you said we all are different in our results and quickness in which it takes for things to occur. For me personally when I had used PM i noticed the softening of overall skin almost immediately, within 5-7 days at 1000-1500mg a day from Ainterol. Noticed it first on my hands lol. After about 2 weeks i had noticed the hair growth back on my arms (gf didnt like the shaving arms thing so i let it grow back) i had noticed the hairs had turned a lite white color which happens with females forget the name of the hair follicle. Around 1 month I had noticed fat redistribution in my butt area, started getting more of a "flap" for lack of a better word in the bottom area of my butt and more of a curve. Around 1.5 months-2 months I experienced pain in my testes which is apparently a sign of them shutting down. Cut it out completely after learning that cold turkey, which in a day or so later I had noticed I was completely impaired in obtaining an erection, penis was flaccid, and felt rubbery, mid shaft to head was cold and a black vein was seen visibly thorughout the shaft which i read is a sign when dysfunction is occuring. My ejaculate went from a thick white and quite a bit to a clearish cloudy white and not much intensity. Within about 2 weeks I was normal again, took stinging nettle twice a day to speed it up.
Feeling on pm, i felt it almost immediately within a couple hours for sure, i felt relaxed, piece of mind, calm, my work angers me alot mainly cause i hate it and its stressful (steel worker) and things that would normally make me want to chuck a cro bar no longer bothered me, it was honestly the best feeling in the world to be so at peace with self. I had noticed my attraction to men around 1 month of taking it was much stronger, my gf was much less attractive to me, I would see a guy and before which did nothing for me suddenly did everything for me. The erectile dysfunction did a strain on my relationship in which we broke up for a short while (she loves sex) and out of hurt i actually hooked up with a guy which i never in my life thought i would do, and was honestly the best sex i've had. PM is very powerful if you take it talk to people who have been using it for a long time for sure to get to the nitty gritty about its pros and cons..if i didnt have a gf I would definitely be on it.
I definitely notice that those on PM their breasts definitely take shape and fullness of a womans breast a lil more then those i see using breast creams and such. Perhaps its the pure estrogen mimic effect opposed to a weaker isolated topical cream of some sort, idk.
It works, its powerful, if you have a gf or a wife i would highly advise talking to her about it, because of the fact it can and if taken long enough at a higher dosage will make you sterile and possibly impotent, although i'd imagine impotency permanently would have to be a quite dangerous level dose. I took it for an overall of 6 months off and on, saw no permanent breast growth and when i got off of it fat redistributed to that of my male body, my butt stayed a bit larger then before and curvier, and my penis shrunk about 3/4 of an inch, which i love. Ejaculate is still cloudy, testes have regained size it seems. But from what I see and read it takes PM awhile to kick in for the breast growth while everything else seems to come quicker, but once it does kick in, IT KICKS IN lol.
Sorry for the novel but hope this helps somehow or another.

As you say, everyone is different, and as I've said before, for me I've seen very little of the 'side effects' that others report. i.e, No significant mood change ( my wife agrees, it isn't just me), I dont feel any different whether I take it or not and certainly not immediately after taking it, no significant skin softening, no fat deposition in hips/bum/legs area.

I have noticed a reduction/softening in body hair, but no improvement in my MPB and no reduction in facial hair.

For dosage of PM, my standard dose has been 2x500mg twice a day, but I increase that to a total of 6 per day and drop it to 1 or 2 day on a 4 weekly cycle so maintaining the average of 4 caps per day overall and i've been doing that for almost 2 years now.

(21-09-2012, 01:33 PM)Melani Wrote:  Just a curious question can any of you give your results with how long it takes for fat redistribution and skin softening to occur while on PM. Ie on chest hips but etc. please include PM dosage. Also has anyone experience a difference in how you feel when taking PM, do you feeling different soon after taking PM. I understand we all different and results depend on many factors just like to how things worked for you.
Hi Melani,

I started with SP and Fenugreek for about 3 months before switching to PM (when I found this board). Fenugreek, for me at least, seemed to really get the fat redistribution going, as well as making my skin softer, but it never caused any budding. I was taking the recommended 6 capsules/day (2,2,2). On PM (for about 10 months now), I've gotten plenty of steady growth and I've noticed some fat redistribution to my hips, but I'm not seeing it on my waistline like I was with Fenugreek. Mentally I think I'm pretty much the same as I've always been, possibly a little more at ease (I've always been easy-going). As for hair growth, I used to shave every other day. Now it takes about 4 days to reach that same amount of growth. I think that's more from the SP than PM, since I noticed it slowed when I went from 1 320mg of SP extract/day to 2/day. I'd love to get back on Fenugreek, but I really don't want it interfering with my current growth from PM. My PM dosage is 2,500/day (3 morning, 2 night).

Everyone's different, so YMMV, but hopefully you find this information useful.

Thanks all this good info I really appreciate your sharing

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