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Abi Drew's plan


My Pueraria Mirifica is here! Yay!

OK... So... I'm gunna be a bad girl and just go ahead and start using this now... instead of waiting till the rest of it gets here... Patience is one virtue I do not have much of.

OK... just took my first dose, three drops, diluted with a glass of water... and DANG that stuff's got some strong flavor to it! I think I'm going to split my doses up more in the future, so it's more diluted. Dunno about anyone else, but that's some sour tasting stuff.

I could swear I'm already feeling growth sensations... Maybe between the fact that I've already been suppressing my T for so long plus the increased strength of the extract it's responding more quickly? Well. I guess we'll know for sure when I post an official status update next month...

Everything's here. Plan officially begins tomorrow!

I've changed my mind slightly, going to go with 3 drops of PM for the entire month of Sept from the time I started it, go up to 4 drops in October, and stay with 4 drops all October... 5 drops in November... so on. I'll be increasing my drops monthly.

Also, going to go with wrists and thighs on the PC... applying to either of the places I originally intended to is apparently a bad idea. So I'll be alternating lefty mornings and righty evenings, wrists on day one, thighs day two, wrist again day three, thighs again day four... so on.

Oh, and I'm going ahead and leaving my PM at full droppage at once, just diluting it with a smaller amount of water and immediately washing THAT down with yet MORE water! That stuffs strong I tell you!

Here's to full feminization by the end of next year! Big Grin

Oh... and... let's ask for full B cups by then I guess? I think I want to get full C cups eventually... But lets be realistic, I'm starting pretty flat. Blush

OK. I am definitely already experiencing changes.

The first one that I noticed was the sensation of breast development. I can confirm that I have indeed gotten some more boob already. I can tell just looking at it. I haven't measured, I'm going to wait to do that until official progress report time. Even though I started this mid-month, I'm going to be making my first report on the first of October or thereabouts. My official progress reports from then on will always be at the beginning of every month.

Today... Well. I last did a thorough body shave on Saturday. I touched up my arms and back and torso on Sunday. My leg hair still hasn't grown back. This is absolutely amazing, when I was just T-blocking my legs would need to be shaved like every other day typically. Three days atypically, four days absolute max! It's been FIVE DAYS! WOW. I am finally starting to get some stubble growing back tonight... but I'm not gunna shave it. I wanna try to get someone to wax me this week while it's free. I'm a beauty school student and this week we're working on skin, so lower leg wax is FREE! I'll shave my upper leg after my lower leg wax...

I've also had an absolutely incredible change in mood and energy. Before, I was almost perpetually lethargic. I just couldn't shake it. Even before I started messing with hormones at all I had this terrible lethargy.

My past attempt with soy and chasteberry and T blocking helped. I dropped the soy because of cost, and my mood and energy seemed to get even worse than before.

Now... It's like.... WOW. I just cannot describe the feeling, it's like finding the fountain of youth, after feeling old ever since the day I was born. Kinda corny, I knowwwwwwww.... but... yeah. really. It is that amazing.

Congrats!! I am excited to hear that you are getting results!!

AbiDrew85 Wrote:My internal goals:

Bring my Testosterone levels down to as close to or within female range as possible.

I feel ya. :|

Looks like you've really got things figured out! I'm surprised you're feeling changes so quickly! Congrats to you! You might hit a B or C cup sooner than you think! ;P I want to know how it works out for you, because it's something I'm seriously considering for the future if my current plan can't get me my last cup of growth. And isn't the difference in shaving fantastic?!??
Good luck!

(13-09-2012, 09:10 PM)Doll Wrote:  
AbiDrew85 Wrote:My internal goals:

Bring my Testosterone levels down to as close to or within female range as possible.

I feel ya. :|

Looks like you've really got things figured out! I'm surprised you're feeling changes so quickly! Congrats to you! You might hit a B or C cup sooner than you think! ;P I want to know how it works out for you, because it's something I'm seriously considering for the future if my current plan can't get me my last cup of growth. And isn't the difference in shaving fantastic?!??
Good luck!

LOL. Yeah... that's crazy Doll. My plan could actually be potentially absolutely amazing for a generalized HRT replacement "blueprint". Obviously it does need tweaking between individuals. My body was being all like. YOU WILL BE A MAN on me, so it needed some extra OOMPH in the T-blocking compared to many.

If I get big enough to need support before the end of the year, you get to tell me you told me so! Deal?! Tongue



Hello boooooobies!

So... I just took my evening shower... and... when I looked in the big bathroom mirror as I stripped off to get in, I saw something really incredible.


I mean. I've had SLIGHT cleavage for a while now, but you could only really see it crazy close up and from a top-down view.

What I'm talking about is looking in a big wall mirror and seeing cleavage.


(15-09-2012, 03:25 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I'VE GOT CLEAVAGE!

OMGGGGGG! Congrats on the cleavage! Hopefully I'll get some too lol Blush

Hm... You've actually got more breast tissue than me, but yours is like, growing more out to your sides. Weird. Mine is literally growing straight forward it seems. At least, so far. Is this a good thing or bad thing? Or just individual differences in breast shapes?

(15-09-2012, 01:25 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Hm... You've actually got more breast tissue than me, but yours is like, growing more out to your sides. Weird. Mine is literally growing straight forward it seems. At least, so far. Is this a good thing or bad thing? Or just individual differences in breast shapes?

I am almost positive that is it a good thing for you because I think with the way my boobs are, I would need to be quite a bit bigger to have good cleavage even with a really good push-up bra! And idk...maybe my boobs would be better if I did push ups or chest exercises? Not sure...

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