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question for the ladies


I am a 26 male. I am growing my breasts and feminizing my body. I am not transgendered though I have always felt incredibly feminine. From far as I can remember it was barbies, not gi joes, paitned my nails not chalk on sidewalk, etc etc. Long story short I always felt female but never really had the desire to be a female so to speak.
That's just a foundation to hopeful understanding that I'm not a pervert, troll or weirdo, just a male who desires a full buttocks and breasts and nice hips. Taboo im sure, but I am who I am.

Situation: I have a gf, who is very understanding and accepting. I had slight gynecomastia that never went away, no bother just maybe a 34aa cup with space to fill. But still bothered me cause I feel female but I still present myself as male so swimming and such was weird when my breast grew slightly. She doesn't mind, I have made comments about if they were to grow larger would she mind (testing waters before dipping into breast products suchas pm and natureday) reply, "long as it was a condition not a forced act to make them larger" I have told her I feel female inside but have no desire to transition im just ok with my fem side.

If you had a boyfriend you were serious with would you mind if he had full breasts, not man boobs but breasts that needed support of a bra. I'd like a mild/full B cup at least C cup at most. I dont mind the stares i'd get i dont mind the ridicule. I'm a tough cookie. I do mind losing someone I love, but while I understand I shouldn't go under the radar about it and just tell her, I'd like to be a bit more curvy and feminine in my appearance theres these herbs and such I could try to do so would you mind me doing so. I also know she wouldn't be happy about it at all and probably leave. So I guess

REAL QUESTION: Sorry realizing this is longer than I'd like it to be :/
If your boyfriend suddenly grew breasts, but knowing he had them a lil bit but nothing noticeable when ya'll met, and later on (going on a year dating) they grew to curve and be a full say B cup. Would you be freaked out and leave him, or act like its nothing even though he would need at minimum a sports bra for support?

Lastly: I ask this cause I am just curious how many women would actually be ok with a man with not man-boobs or flab but legitimate breasts. Wearing a bra etc. I am not a crossdresser by any means but obviously with full breasts a bra would be needed just like a woman would need one. I'm not ashamed to wear one if needed but I understand where a woman may feel inferior in femininity to a man with breasts as well.
Just curious what a womans take is on men with full breasts.

Also: Any advice about the girlfriend would be helpful would love a womans point of view.

There's a lot I have to say on this topic but I think I'll just answer the question.

Yes, I would leave if the man I met and fell in love with decided to grow his breasts without telling me. I would probably feel betrayed and unable to trust someone that kept a secret as big as body transformation from me. But I am a person that values trust and needs to feel secure in relationships.

Advice: Tell the girlfriend, let her decide whether she wants to stay or not. If she does, maybe you'll have someone to support your NBE in real life.

Well put very honest thank you. Feel free to add what you'd about.the topic
while being.honest is always the way to.go definitely the embarrassment and shame of to a loved one is sky high and I wish I was ballsy enough
Sorry for the periods phone adds them.some reason.
Onto other question cause I agree gf her body without telling I'd be furious and leave but if she was upfront and.I.knew its her personal need and desire sincerely then.I'd be ok.with it
if you had a bf and he was honest would you be ok with it or wish him.luck.give and be on.your way

I have a boyfriend and I have been open with him about NBE. He's not as supportive as I'd like (he doesn't see the point in big breasts) but he knows and accepts it. In the past he'd did things to modify his body and I was supportive/accepting of them. But he did not aim to feminize his body. If he had I don't know if I would stayed. I'd like to think so but I don't know how I would react. I'd definitely be a bit shocked. Probably glad that he'd told me the truth though.

In the mind.of a man we assume creating a believable.lie is best cause experience don't like men who shave legs wear female fashions etc. Not so much cause its "weird, gay, taboo" but cause it takes away from.their femininity.
I for one used to shave my legs cause I worked out and ran a lot so.I enjoyed showing it off. Current gf hated it saying.its what defines a woman one of many characteristics. I feel she on the head with that. Thus saying if shaved legs is a no.go why would breasts a question of consideration hence my asking.females opinions
I assume she will get up and leave if I bring it up usually are wrong lol usually.if explained and given.time.women seem.reasonable. its the fear of.losing someone u love over doing.something.that will.make.u love yourself and.feel.more whole.
Not betray just fearful. Any idea of how.from a woman's perspective you would be reasonable on as in how would someone have to.word u in.disgust or flee the relationship. I want to be honest. Just scared don't want to lose her but tired.of.losing.myself

If I had a boyfriend who told me he wanted to grow breasts, I would probably laugh because the thought of it is quite silly. I would accept him and respect his decision though, for we all have the right to the persuit of happiness.

Mmm that's tough. Seems like your girlfriend is into you as a manly man. Me, not so much. My boyfriend tweezes his eyebrows, has about 5 thin chest hairs, prefers his face to be freshly shaved and also used to shave his legs (he played sports). Doesn't bother me because he still exudes MAN. I don't know how to put into to words. I don't see how he could do that if he had bigger breasts than me and wanted to wear bras as well.

Sauterelle kudos laughter is expected concern is a given the accept and stay in a romantic relationship and be accepted as we are is what we strive for.but rarely get.

I am.the same as your boyfriend I eyebrows actually.had laser removal.of beard and stache I.never keep hair there anywhere so why not. Shave chest and stomach and underarms not tl be feminine.I.just perskanlly.find.body hair gross. Gf has no.issues there she actually pays waxing.when.I.go with her sometimes.
I'm not looking.for a c cup or bigger. Small b cup full a enough for play but.enough to.hide still. Since I was a kid I wanted breasts hated seeing women.develop.and.waiting turn. I'm.not a pervert or taboo fantasizing just want what I feel.will help me.feel ya know. Kind of like a female body builder may not be cute to.others but.its

I would want him grabbing on mine not me grabbing his or him grabbin his. But I am pretty open minded. I find females and males attractive. I guess my thing is , If I fell for you as a man, I want you to not change. If I fell for you as a female whether you were born one or not, I would still not want you to change. But no matter what, I would accept you as a human being

I guess in this NBE journey, I would like to be the "ultimate woman" in the relationship as it was so hardly worked for and I would like to be highly admired for it by my mate not side by side competing in a sense.

But Tiffany, you are who you are and dont ever feel guilty for wanting what you want. If I were in your shoes, I would fully develop myself as I wished to be as the "UltimateTiffany" and if the person beside me still wants to be with me at the end of the day, fantastic. But if not, I would move on and find someone who FULLY accepts me.

Just my opinion


Wow. Speechless. Truly.inspiring.words you are very sincere in.those words I can.tell. I can't express how.much it means to hear a woman say that. Obviously.other men developing.or.not encourage it and embrace it 1) if.not.developing.their.imagination.runs free 2) if developing they are in.the same.or.similar struggle and there as well. kindly for.those words. I completely.agree. gf was on.a regimen I wouldn't want her to.think.I.was.competing breasts and.their.identity
As it is in our society breasts are just to.public.eye I'm.either a faggot, trans, or freak.
Read a story of 3 Dominican.brothers who.naturally.developed.large and were a ok with them.and.then.the town bullied.and beat they save themselves. Very sad
But I.understand the versa or.together just hope my gf doesn't freak out and run slight growth has become round noticeable.breasts.
She is way or.highway girl and its a shame she feels.on.things cause I.believe women are very open.minded.long as their.femininity.isn't in challenge of their partner (shaving.legs eye brows body mass breast size etc) understandable but still.a.shame how.we are our our.hearts

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