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First attempt at PM


Good evening everybody. I just purchased a "3 month" supply of ainterol this evening and can't wait for it to get here. If you all don't mind this will be somewhat out a virtual diary/ suggestion box for anyone that is willing to offer any advice.

I will start out with some basic info about myself. Unfortunately I do not have a body tape so I will be giving rough estimates in regards to my current measurements. As I previously mentioned these estimates are rough but hopefully precise ~34,28,30. Weight ~ 158-160 lbs. Height 6 feet. Family background is a little hard to decide. My little sister is really the only reliable possible measurements. 36D,26,32. Once again those are rough estimates except the breasts (she's asked me to go shopping with her.)

My main concern with taking PM is how much my metabolism will decrease the effectiveness of it. I was born with asthma and have been on medicinal steroids the whole time. And with such an issue certain things affect me quite the opposite as most people, vicodin being one of them.

I do have several questions regarding PM.
1. Should I create a simulated cycle as I've seen with several others?
2. Due to my higher metabolism, should I take a higher dosage?
3. Should I gradually increase the dose?
4. What should I exclude from my diet?
5. Is it possible to slow my metabolism so that I may acquire a little fat to certain regions of my body to assist in the growth process?

There were many more questions thwart I can not think of off the top of my head. And thank you to everybody that offers any guidance, support and suggestion.


Hi Salania. Here are my comments for whatever they're worth. You didn't specify gender in your profile, but based on things you mentioned I am assuming that you were born a bouncing baby boy as I was. So I am writing this from that perspective.

1. I don't know about cycling. Some say that it helps to take a beak of a week or two every couple of months so that the body "cleanses" itself and starts reacting to the PM more energetically. I have no idea if that's really effective. But I doubt it's important to mimic a woman's natural monthly cycle.

2. I don't know if you need more due to your metabolism. Women start with a higher natural baseline of estrogen than guys do so I think men need more additional estrogen to compensate. Which is why I am trying to ramp up to 2,000 mg daily. Some men here are taking 3,000 mg daily and I think I saw one guy comment somewhere about taking 5,000. At that rate a bottle of Ainterol would only last 10 days. Phew

3. Definitely ramp up slowly. You're introducing a "foreign" hormone and it's best to let the body acclimate (people, please don't give me grief that men have some natural estrogen too). I started with 500mg daily for a week, then got impatient and decided that 6 days was long enough. My second "week" was 1,000 (500 in morning and 500 evening). I'm on my third "week" now taking 1,500mg daily (1,000 morning and 500 evening). Looking forward to starting 2,000 mg daily (1,000 morning and 1,000 evening) on the 28th. I think I'll stop at that level.

Many sources say that it helps the PM to be taken with dietary calcium. Milk, yogurt, even a calcium pill works. If you go with the calcium pills, don't take too much as that can be unhealthy.

4. I am sure there are things to exclude from diet and look forward to someone's answer here. There are probably beneficial foods as well.

5. Maybe you and I can get together and try to average my slow metabolism with your high one. I'd also be willing to share some of my excess fat which you can use to build your breasts. I have plenty to spare. If only it were easy to simply relocate it.

I have little faith in tape measures. I definitely feel fuller, but that doesn't take much starting from practically nothing. But the tape measure remains the same or sometimes reads lower. I think it varies too much depending on where it ends up going around your back. Move it up or down a little and the reading changes.

One last thought. I know this might be embarrassing, but have you considered talking to a doc about what you're doing? Maybe an holistic doc? You have some medical issues that might be adversely impacted. While having a nice, shapely pair of feminine breasts might be "something to die for", I think it inadvisable to take that literally.

Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate all the input and hopefully more people would be willing to help in the future as well. I actually was seeing an endocrinologist for close to a year. I unfortunately had to stop the doctor administered regime due to losing the job I had. You are correct in assuming that I am a biological male.

As to the potential adverse issues that could arise from taking the PM with my asthma, I am honestly not concerned. Unfortunately as stated I was born with it, so thankfully I have been able to adjust close to all potential issues. If anyone likes a little irony, I am an asthma patient that smokes close to a pack a day with a grandmother that died of cancer. I have read studies and saw that it is potentially dangerous for those of us with asthma.

I have not actually thought of talking to a holistic doctor. That may be a good idea.

Back to the metabolism issue. While I was seeing the endo, I was started on preparing .625 and was upped to 1.25 within one month sure to my metabolism being to high to let my body absorb as much of it as I was supposed to. So if anyone has any suggestions as to slowing my metabolism if it is possible I will try anything.

As to the slow climbing on terms with dose, should I go every two weeks and raise it by 500mg?


Sorry about any typographical or grammatical errors since I am doing this via my Android.

Salania, you said

Quote:I was started on preparing .625 and was upped to 1.25

I think the "preparing" is a typo but I can't figure out what it was supposed to be.

My rapid response was just the luck of my being on the site shortly after you posted. When I enter the site all I do is look for "new posts since last visit", which usually gives me only a couple of dozen to go through.

I told you how I am escalating my dosage, increasing by 500mg each week (ok, every 6th day). The reason for doing that is to let the body acclimate to the new hormone level. You could try going faster and see if it makes you feel bad in which case back down. Or you could go slower if you have the patience. One of the common symptoms of excess PM is headaches, another being pain in small of back around the kidneys. I have experienced both, but only for one day and I don't think they were PM related. I had just started doing crunches and back flexing exercises which probably caused the soreness in the back. Who knows about the headache, maybe too much TV or computing. It was probably caused by my wife (just kidding - she's great but a good scapegoat).

One person in here was on 3,000mg PM daily (1,500 morning and 1,500 evening) and had some adverse reactions. He eventually wound up with the same 3,000 mg daily but taking one 500mg pill every 3 hours throughout the day. Apparently, for him, the trick was timing. I only mention this so you can have it in the back of your mind as your dosage increases. I couldn't decide what to do when I went to 1,500. I asked around but got no response. Since I take my PM along with calcium, instead of taking 500mg morning another 500mg noon another 500mg evening, it was just easier to take 1,000mg PM in morning and the usual 500mg evening and see how I felt. And that was the day of my headache, but it happened around 10 at night so it's hard to see how it could be related to the extra PM I took at 8 in the morning. Fortunately it was just that one time.

To slow your metabolism, you could do what I did. No physical activity, continually stuff yourself with junk food, watch lots of tv and gain 100 pounds. That might do it, but that "cure" would be much worse than the original problem. Big Grin I guess you didn't like my earlier suggestion of metabolism averaging.

Okay. Good call on the preparing typo. It's supposed to be premarin lol. I wish we could share metabolic systems and weight that easily. Though if you live in the northern lake county area of Illinois, it would be a to meet anyone male, female, mtf, ftm, or otherwise.

Not exactly on point, but there is a national organization called Tri-ess which is a support group for crossdressers and their family and friends. You might google them to see if they have local branches near you. The second time I went out en femme was with a group of 5 of them for dinner. It was a terrific experience. Actually it was an interview to see if they were interested in having me join. They were but I chickened out. One odd thing was that since I had suddenly sprouted C cups, I had to be sure to not order soup as my vision to the table was blocked. Big Grin

If you can't find them in your area, you might google "Crossdresser support group" or "TG support group" and a big city near you. Another idea is to stop at a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans) bar or club. They usually have a free periodical rack near the entry and there might be some interesting items mentioned. Now how you find such a club is another trick as I doubt they are listed in the yellow pages quite that way. Maybe going to an Adult Bookstore (which are listed in the yellow pages) and seeing if they have a periodical rack or gathering your courage and asking an employee there about a club.

Unfortunately Illinois is quite a distance from Nevada which is where I am.

Though I do like the idea of support groups I do have issues with them at the same time. Especially unfortunately for the CD community, even though I do it myself. Stereotypes I have a very large problem with. Just because you at does not mean you have to be. That is the easiest way to put it. I live right by Waukegan, Illinois (local lite class area) and it really bothers me when I have a group of young black men come in to my workplace asking if we buy or sell gold teef. Please do forgive any offense as none is meant to be given. I've meet a few CD support members and all were more drag than attempting to pass. As for the tg societies, everyone had a chip on their should (before I start any issues I know not all are.)

But as I said anyone and anyone are more than welcome to contact me for a visit. It's always fun to meet people of a like mind to myself.

The club part is actually pretty easy for me to find believe it or not. Just have to contact my ex. She decided after about 3 years on and off that she is a lesbian. We're still good friends so I have all the access that I want to that sort of information.
Though I would love to visit Nevada sometime I unfortunately will not be able to for quite some time due to automotive issues.

I've always found these forums to be a better portal for support than a large group that just says "hey, we're all the same let's get together."

Anyway, talk to you all lated.

Hello again all. I'm curious as to everyone's source of ainterol. How many of you ordered from ainterol.Illinois? How long should I expect delivery to take?

I'm in the UK, and order from They get sent from Thailand to Germany to me via DeutschesPost . They take a week or two. I've never had any problems.


Someone in another site was very please with ordering from ainterol.Illinois saying that service and shipping was good.

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