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LisaM HRT Transition


Week 12

Week 3 on Estrogen

I wasn't sure exactly how I'd react to being on E, you hear sometimes that some people react badly or even end up being allergic or incompatible with it however I can say now after x weeks that I feel great!

It's hard to describe exactly, but overall, I feel nice and calm, serene and content. No rampaging mood monster Smile
I'm off the Lenzetto spray now and onto the Oestrogel, currently 1 pump first thing and 1 last thing, it is rather messier than the spray and takes a longer to dry (5 mins vs 30 secs) but you have something physical in your hand so you know the dosage is consistent.

I'm not missing having no 'morning wood' when I wake up and I'm DEFINATELY not missing the times when my prostate would enlarge slightly making it more difficult to pee than usual. I'm taking these side effects as proof that either the E or the anti-androgen stuff is doing its thing.

Life at home is the same as ever, my wardrobe and makeup box are still growing Smile
Since I discovered gel nail varnish I've found out I can grow my nails to impressive talon lengths without them breaking either. Daughter #2 at some point in the near future is going to do a comprehensive 'this is how you do make-up' sessions with me because I really don't have a clue.

I'm still getting plenty of support at home, I still consider myself very blessed to have a wife that's been awesome in so many ways with this, far more than I could ever have hoped for.

I know my waist at least has gotten bigger as some of my non stretch 32 inch waist jeans just won't fasten now but I was expecting that.

Week 12 statistics:

First the starting point.

Height: 5ft 10
Shoe size UK 9 (US11, EU 43)
Neck: 16
Bust: 42 (I have little 'moobs' already, probably an age thing)
Chest: 40
Waist: 35 (32-inch jean waist)
Hips: 38
Upper Thigh: 21.5
Ankle: 9.5
Biceps: 13
Wrist: 6.75
Hand Width: 5

Blood Pressure: 147/81

Weight: 12 stone 9 pounds (177lbs)


Now the week 12 values:

Height: 5ft 10
Shoe size UK 9 (US11, EU 43)
Neck: 16.5
Bust: 43 (I have little 'moobs' already, probably an age thing)
Chest: 40.5
Waist: 36.5 (34-inch jean waist)
Hips: 39
Upper Thigh: 22
Ankle: 8.75
Biceps: 12.5
Wrist: 6.75
Hand Width: 5

Blood Pressure: 125/75

Weight: 13 stone 9 pounds (191.2lbs)

Still no real changes to speak, then again it's only twelve weeks. bit extra on the waist , bit extra on the bust, all a bit meh really (I know patience, patience) Pleased BP is still staying constant though (same as week 8) weight has crept up another 6 pounds though from week 8  Dodgy

Month 4 Regime*:

AM (first thing on an empty stomach.)
1 x pump Oestrogel (1.25g)
1 x Swanson reishi capsule (600 mg)
1 x Swanson GTE (500 mg)
1 x sea kelp tablet (2,000 mg)
1 x milk thistle tablet (4,000mg)
1 x omega 3 fish oil capsule (1,000mg)

*Nothing (will be 1 pump of Oestrogel at the end of the month) [when I go to 3x a day I'll try and space out as close to 8 hrs apart as possible]

PM (last thing)
1 x pump Oestrogel (1.25g)
1 x Swanson reishi capsule (600 mg)
1 x Swanson GTE (500 mg)
2 x melatonin pills
Coconut oil dissolved in either chocochino or cappauchino coffee pods 3-4x a day
walnut halves, several big handfuls a day.
**** Changes to program ****
Added -
Oestrogel 2 x pumps daily = 2.5 g

Removed -
1 x Swanson Pituitary Glandular (80mg)
1 x Swanson Multi-Glandular (450mg)

Another slow build up month


(08-04-2024, 08:53 AM)LisaM so can i ask where you have soursed your estregen from without using bitcoin ? Wrote:  continued over from : LisaM BO Journey

I have made the jump from NBE to HRT wheeeeee

Why didn't this happen before?

Well transition is an ever evolving journey and things change with the passage of time and understanding.

I was also unaware of all of the means of HRT available.

Once I discovered that I could source Estrogen without using bitcoin on dodgy websites, and I found something that doesn't involve pills (liver strain) or needles (injections)
or crazy high pricing.

So here we are.

The journey begins - again!


I'm UK based firstly in case you're not. Oestrogel is prescribed to a lot of menopausal women here and it can end up on a lot of regular marketplace sites, places like eBay, Facebook marketplace and Vinted have all proven successful. Good luck (I also have 5 sealed lenzetto estrogen sprays with a long shelf life for sale, as I prefer the Gel to the spray) Search for 'Lenzetto' on Vinted ?

oh thanks hun yes im in the UK so ill check that out thanks again xx'

Week 13

Week 4 on E

Finally getting some tenderness/soreness on my nipples (and behind them) which is a good indication the Oestrogel is doing its thing Smile

I've had a fairly significant testicular ache/discomfort on and off for a few days, although at the time of writing this it has been fine for the last few days. 

My wife had a momentary 'wobble' about it all a few nights ago which was unpleasant for us both and does happen every now and then, all seems fine again now though. I must try and remember to be mindful that it's only been a few months for her to get her head around it all.

Beyond that it's business as usual Smile


Little mini update,
Back in January I asked my GP for a referral to the GIC but somehow they managed to mess up the format and it never happened, additionally my wife's initial reaction wasn't good so I withdrew the referral as the time wasn't right.
Today I re requested the referral again, but this time with my wife's support and with a very detailed Word document covering supporting information.

I also informed then that I was self medicating HRT.

I'm not really expecting anything much to happen for quite some tine as waiting times here are really bad. I did ask if my doctors could run blood tests but as expected,  this was refused. So something else I'll have to sort out for myself later on.

Oh joy, I'd swear they make it as awkward as possible to dissuade  people from going through with transition.

Lisa_M, here in the US we can pay for and order blood work online, and we just have it sent to which ever lab we want or is convenient. Pay out of pocket for it no questions asked.

Is this something that is done or I guess aloud in the UK? Might be an option for blood work at least if it is.

Yes it can, but it's quite expensive and I'm not rich, but it is an option.

Week 15

Week 6 on E

Terribly boring really, nothing much of anything to report, same old, same old. I still seem to be functioning well on E, no weird mood swings, I feel pretty serene and calm in general. As I am effectively monotherapy (no chemical T Blocker) it was pointed out to me that a daily dose of 2.5g wouldn't really do much of anything for feminising so I've increased to 3 sessions of 2x pumps a day, spaced out roughly every 8 hours. This is equal to 7.5g/E a day. I've been on this for about 1 week so far and have not experienced anything different either in a positive or negative way, so no horrible mood swings or excessive fatigue etc. This is the maximum amount I will go to (10g is generally considered a maximum safe value)

Libido is continuing to plummet, sleep is fine, still no morning wood at all. I have had the occasional  semi-panic attack/anxiety episodes, but this has been triggered by things such as articles on Reddit which has set me off rather than anything else.

Guess I'm still in the 'hurry up and wait' stage  Dodgy


Week 16

Week 7 on E

I just released I hadn't done my monthly stats, arghh. I'll do them tomorrow Smile

Lets talk boob sensitivity, namely how much they freaking HURT if you bang into them!

Oh my God I've done it a few times now, seemingly innocuous things that have resulted in really only mild impact against something, but eye watering sharp pain. I'll be sure to be more careful moving forward as I must have bits protruding a bit more than I'm really used to Smile Lying on my tummy to sleep has resulted in discomfort too, still at least it's a sign of things working.

The next thing I'm going to mention is something I've been umming and ahhing about for a week or two so I'll just say it.

Colour Vividly

Apparently Estrogen makes you see colours more vividly than Testosterone does, I'd always poo poohed this as nonsense but...

I know there may be some confirmation bias/wishful thinking here but I am seeing colours more brightly than before, particularly Red Yellow Blue Green
It's a little difficult to explain but it's similar to when you turn up the colour on your TV set. I mean it's not like I was seeing grey scale before, but everything is more vibrant, certainly enough to notice.
Maybe some other girls on here have experienced this so I don't sound liker I'm talking a load of rubbish.

My wife is still being ultra supportive, I'm so lucky. 

Getting some dysphoria creeping in, it doesn't help now the weather is getting warmer and people are out and about wearing less and less and looking great. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm only a few months in and it takes years to go through this, but I feel like a big ugly troll quite a lot of time and wondering if I'll ever be happy.

Everything else is continuing the same as normal, no  surprises so it seems that everything is proceeding as expected. I'll try and arrange blood tests in the next couple of months, I'll have to find out what's available to me here as the GP told me that they were not interested in any kind of shared care (which I was kinda expecting but was still a blow)


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