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Glade you got all your. tuff moved, I would say your ale friends from the past can't be much of a friend if they can't see a pretty woman.  To expect you tao have the same strength as in your previous life is rediculous. would they expect there cis female friends to be as strong as them --I think not  AS far as th whole BMI thing I don't know who came up with such nonsense everyone is different and doesn't fit some artificial standard. There are any countries that do excellent SRS Thailand, India sure there are others

Well, all heavy ones, there's a lot of easier to move stuff still left + cleaning and all arranging in our new place...

Its a mindfuck, but people generally fight against all changes tooth and nail and they also refuse to see and hear the difference. Lot of them cannot help themselves. They never even truly accept transsexual women to be actual women, even when there's obvious intersex traits involved which makes it biologically even closer to typical cis XX woman. That shouldn't even matter as most of the underlying biological, chromosomal, genetic traits do not matter a damn thing in everyday life. Most people don't even know every single biological fact about their own bodies because there's no need to. The problem is in their minds, their attitudes, unwillingness to get their heads around it. And that's something you or I cannot do a thing about, people around need to do their own mind transition when someone close to them transitions their body.

Another piece of this is that people do not know how gender/sex transition works, they don't understand it and the physical ramifications of literally recreating everything except chromosomes and reproductive system. Literally everything else changes given the time and surgeries to make it. They still expect the same old "dude" when I'm completely different person now except for most of my personality and I'm not even halfway done yet as HRT will change my body for the rest of my life and most of it takes five to ten years to finish. Even if I did rigorous strength training, I could not attain such strength, I'm hormonally female now so its much harder and I can't reach male strength levels any more.

The BMI thing being overly strict is ridiculous. IT alone is ancient and dated way to determine who's fit for surgery because it discards such things are body composition and build. We're so unique, we cannot be measured with a simple height & weight ratio. I'm tall and sturdy built and I suspect my muscle mass and bone density being naturally high as I always weight more than I seem, even at my slimmest I look like I should weight 30lbs less, when I'm buffed out and super fit, I appear obese by BMI! right now that I'm decently fit but chubby with big feminine curves, I appear VERY obese by BMI, but I don't look like it and my weight is not hampering my movement or physical activities, so what gives? I bet its my body composition being naturally heavy built no matter what I do. The decision to have extremely strict BMI requiement in Finland is 100% purely political decision, its an excuse for saving money by classing all public healthcare plastic surgery as "easthetic" which is a lie as all plastic surgery done in public healthcare is based on diagnosed medical needs, none are aesthetic as that's what private sector does in Finland! Its a clear cut difference, but our right wing playground nazi goverment overrides medical decisions for saving money and in the process, discriminating against not just trans people, but likely more than half of Finns who's BMI totally is not below 28! Its insanity!

So my most likely plan is to try to gather money what ever way I can, my girlfriend has promised to help but she needs time to sell some lumber and the extra tractor she has to save up enough. She's an angel without wings, she's my saviour and she enables me to strive for happiness in life. I love her so much for this, I can't even pay it back, I have no idea how to thank her enough. I'm hoping to gather up part of the money myself somehow and end up with enough savings to get booked probably to Thailand, or maybe in Europe once I hear from my surgeon who promised to ask his colleagues for information about this. I can deal with wait once a plan is in place and I know it'll go forward. I've fought this far and will fight until I'm finished and corrected, I deserve anatomically correct beautiful body, including a pretty super fem vagina, hopefully a functional one too, but anything is good enough. At least now I might have a chance to get a world class job done on it. Heart

This stuff actually makes me think about something I've been feeling like posting to my other thread I haven't updated for a long time...

Understanding of transition can be different to different people. For me I have support groups and medical help. What helps me is DBSA. Depression Bipolar Support Association. These support groups are live and via Zoom. We keep our level of Depression and Mania in check. I have had issues with being Nonbinary and Bipolar. My fellow members have also talked about gender and mental health issues. Also I chat in a support group that has gender and sexual preference support chat rooms. Also I live in California where the law has three genders on the driver's license. Male Female Nonbinary.

Day 1060, thirty five months.

I don't have much to post about right now, mostly things haven't changed much, going on as usual. I took a timeline picture, but didn't do measurements yet. I'm still trying to unwind from all the stress from moving and so on. I knew it would be rough but it was worse... I didn't realise how close to a total burnout I was. I know now, sick leave and stuff isn't a joke. But it seems to be to the healthcare system my doctor keeps fucking things up, me not understanding her broken Finnish and she making up meetings I can't attend to. (I got booked a day prior when I'm not even in town so impossible to show up.)

I haven't been able to do everything, I have been forgetting which day it is, I forget plans for the same day, I even forgot my injection once which is totally unheard of. So massive, massive amount of stress... I have had to take a sedative two nights in a row to be able to sleep. I'm really not doing well and recovering from this will take some time. Its likely I wont be posting as much for some time, I'm too exhausted and I need time. There's still much to do with moving too, almost nothing is at its place in our new home yet. There's no energy for anything. And my fiance hurt her shoulder quite bad the other day so she needs to rest and that means even more delays. I have no energy for anything and I'm not even at home right now. I'm at my girlfriends place for some more days at least.

NBE keeps working ok I guess, at least picture seems to show some change. I ran out of milk thistle and soon will run out of other stuffs too and I have no money what so ever so I might be forced to take a bit of breaks from some things. I don't know for sure yet. What I do know however is that Pioglitazone + snhanced topical protocol keep working really well. I've also braodened the idea to help with my butt and hips and also wth my face, I've been doing better skincare routine lately which amazingly I haven't forgot to do yet.

I don't know when I update next time, in a month it would be obvious as I'm hitting three years on HRT. Third year has given amazing changes and I wonder how fourth will be like. More of the same I guess and my facial changes seem to be picking up the pace so that is likely to go further... Breasts will likely turn out maturing a lot and then there's the second phase of body contouring and second (BIG!) fat graft coming up. Here's the change from 34 to 35 monhts

[Image: 34kk-vs-35kk.jpg]

I just don't seee how you can improve your already perfect boobies fantastic shape, nice large areola and nipples --you must be at stage 5 so beautiful and feminine. Hope yourF heals quickly  Heart Heart Heart Heart

Its magic? Wink Hug I think its three things, hormone sorcery, genetics and just the time it takes to develop. I refused to believe the silly myth about trans female boobs being done in like two years or something stupid like that. That's not how our bodies work, YMMV, but I seem to follow quite typical timeline so far, difference being just growing a LOT of volume.

I don't think I am at T5 yet, my areolas are still very pointy when its hot enough, colder or after a touch, they look like in the picture. But the difference is that the contour of the second mound is getting less prominent, so I'm speculating this is my late Tanner 4 going on right now? Or early T5. Timeline is a match too as T4 can last for 3-5 years in total. Some of course have it quicker but for me it has lasted for about 25 months right now with no signs of slowing down, except that after about two year mark I have slowed down, but not by much. I'm making quite interesting looking graph of this which I will post here at some point, the development appears to be turning into a bell curve which of course makes perfect sense. T4 tends to give more volume which seems to be the case, T5 can be quite a lot too but it of course slows down towards maturity... I have no idea how long it'll keep on going like this, I presume I'll slow down, of course the fat transfer will make a big jump all at once.

It'll get interesting, fourth year on HRT starting soon and it just keeps on giving. Smile

You have amazing development. When and if I decide to transition I hope to achieve half of what you have been able to. 

As for tanner stages. I think you are definitely way up there, if not fully matured. You def don't have the cone on top of a cone appearance where you have breast tissue but also looks like your still budding on top of breast tissue. At least it doesn't look like that to me. I'd have to look up the 5 stages again and see which is which to be sure. But I def think your at stage 5 if not the ending of stage 4

Lara, your development is awesome.  It's good to see your update and you've so much going on that you need to step back and recup.  Wishing you continued success.

CM, the picture is a bit deceiving, when its warm enough, I definitely have the second areola mound still going on, but its not as prominent as before and getting wider and less pronounced. I'm only speculating, I think its right now late Tanner four, timeline is a match with typical development time and also the looks. I'm quite sure its at the latter part so very likely I might be in full Tanner 5 development during fourth year. There's been a lot of difference in maturity lately, of course the fat transfer changed the shape by quite a margin. I hope you get blessed with your development, its absolutely lovely when it gets going, diminishing dysphoria and looking way more fem is such a relief. Hug

Mashtenn, this spring has been insane with all stress and hurry. Right now it seems I might get lucky and have bit more peace and quiet during summer. Not many bookings either except a blood check and therapy which I've been doing double length and in person sessions as my therapist also does ear acupuncture which I've found extremely relaxing so I'm trying to see her in person every time I can. So maybe I'll get some peace and quiet to heal and charge my batteries for autumn.... Which means one surgery which is already booked and another one if everything goes right.

I'm really excited about the liposculpting + fat graft, it'll be more the same mostly. I specifically asked to accentuate my hip curve as much as possible, same with slimming my waist. It was actually nice that my surgeon suggested to keep my tummy pouch, just reduce volume and perhaps make the shape even prettier. I agreed as I think it would look silly being curvy with entirely flat stomach, it would look unnatural. Then with boobs he suggested upper and outer fullness which I agreed to, but I said to also go as big as it gets with volume as there's much space to fill in and it is likely to work out at least as well as last time. This is the neat caveat of breast augmentations in general, more to work with means more room to add more.

Before that, there's still about four months time to grow some more and I'm trying to push the limits. Without much pressure which is just lovely. My plan is to keep my current program going on the same as it seems to work so well, I need to stock up with bunch of supplements as soon as possible though and then wonder what to do with prolactin herbs, I've taken quite a liking to milk thistle which seems super nice. Goats rue I would love to try again but its so expensive I might need to pass on it. Topicals and Pio are magical and that I'll just keep going as it is. I've been thinking to possibly change my blocer from Cypro to Bica as latter might have some benefits over cypro and I could then stock up on Cypro too. Also I'm getting some prog as a gift from a friend and I'm planning to do a 15/15 day cycle on it once I get them. Cycle so that I don't blow the stock too early.

Lara, your breast growth is fantastic with which the lipo surgery has made them even more fantastic.
Do rest up and recharge, just keep looking after yourself body and in mind.
Always love to read your progress and wishing you well.

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