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Still looks amazing. I was never considered a manly man, and with changes in my body brought on by medical problems. Wider hips really would help, but I am learning to be thankful for the body I do have.

Little bit of a life update, rather than boobs or transition stuff.

Coming months will be extra busy and I might not be able to post as much. Me and my partner have been on a lookout for more affordable house and went to see a place today which is amazing! Big old house with so much space its crazy and its cheap. I'm sold, we will know more details later this month and very likely end up deciding to go. That would mean April being super busy with cleaning and packing and moving stuffs and on May first we will be in the new place. Its amazing, I want to get rid of this house and the circus it has been dealing with our dumb ass landlord who doesn't take care of anything.

Also I got the information about voice therapy, as my vocal chord surgery follows the usual protocol, I will get voice therapy sessions booked, not that I will benefit from it, its unlikely, but its part of the deal so I'll take it. I'll get on booking it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get that done in rather quick succession so I'll be on the waiting list quickly. I'm aiming for getting the surgery booked near end of the year if possible which should happen as planned.

My one month check up of the body contouring didn't happen as my surgeon was sick, high fever and feeling like crap so we decided to just pospone it, do the three month check instead as my recovery is going so well. Anyway, I'm going to try to get that booked with him soonish, it would help a lot knowing early when it will be so I can plan ahead as there's so much coming up with moving to a new place what else.

I have some neat NBE stuff planned out, I'll update about this later, but first I need to figure out some things and make decisions on what to continue and what to drop and so on.

Then on top of the busy to do list is my dog, he's obviously getting old and slow lately, he might be sick with something or its just him growing old. He eats much less, sleeps almost all day and his legs are obviously far more tired than before. Otherwise he's been happy and silly as usual. I know the time will come soon. I'm just hoping my poor pupp would have energy to live this summer so I can take him out to enjoy sun and sniff the wind once more. And to a beach and all that, walks and running are all done for him, but I want to give him a lovely last summer. I don't think he will make it another year. Poor puppy has been my best friend for last ten years, I want to give him happy and painless days until he's too tired to keep on going. So far its ok, typical old dog problems. I just don't know for how much more until its his time to walk the bridge of stars to go run with my late dachschund to the biggest dog park there is. Heart

The house sounds amazing, there is so much you can do remodeling to make it your own-- sounds exciting -- happy for you. Having a dog is having a member of the family. When my dog passed I was crushed, depressed for weeks --so hard to go through no matter how much you prepare . On a happier note you are looking great as I said your face has changed beecoming more feminine and beautiful  Heart Heart Heart Heart

the e key on my computer is sticking

Omg !! Just caught up with all your changes.
You are getting shape that you desired, looks
Amazing, will get even better once you are all
Healed up . 

home is a nightmare. Wishing you 
Best of luck on that . I am going to do house clearance 
And think will have loads of trips to charity shop
Aad dump yard  Sad Sad

The scale, bottles. L-Ornithine and L-Carnitine arrived today. It is almost at the 3 hour fast mark. We shall see how it goes.

Hello everybody. Hug 

I'm at thirty three months on HRT today, that's one thousand days. And forty days post op. I thought this is a good time to update my timeline and show what's going on because I'm having a really amazing development going on right now.

Remember when I talked about having a lot of swelling after the fat graft which took some weeks to go away, well I lost that and likely some of the transfered fat. I think I retained maybe around 75% or slightly more, there wasn't any major loss after the swelling was gone and now I've surpassed that loss and likely grew bigger than I was right after the surgery. So I made a comparison to month ago, note that 32 month picture was taken ten days post op when I still had a load of swelling going on. Look at the width. Wink 
[Image: 32-33.jpg]

And then the year three timeline updated.

[Image: Year-3-timeline.jpg]

I measured first time in ages and what do you know, I hit 38LL in UK sizes, 85LL in Ewa Michalak which is the likely place for my next bra purchase. Interestingly, my band length has gone a tiny bit down. I expected a bigger change on it, but then again my back hasn't been fully operated yet and I'm still slowly slimming down so that ain't done yet. But at the same time my bust measurement has grown larger. The change wasn't huge to how I was before, but most of the latest development and fat transfer both are hitting the inner and upper breast mostly, also bottom part as you can see in this picture below.
[Image: 4-1-12-3.jpg]

[Image: 33kk-38-LL.png]

[Image: 33kk-85-Ewa-Michalak.png]

Here's what's going on with my waist to boobs ratio. There's still a whole lot of swelling especially on my flanks, so much to go and so much to work with.
[Image: 13-3-24-5.jpg]

I'm really happy with the results so far. It is obvious now that the swelling takes at very least two months to go, likely three to be completely gone. And this isn't the end of the road. I'm actively working on slimming down and trying to boost my curves at the same time. Even after visibly slimming down my hips still measure at 136cm/53,5", my thighs at the thickest part have gotten huge, left and right 80cm/31,5" 81cm/31,8". I didn't measure my waist yet as there's still so much swelling and so much to change. Waist to hips ratio will get really interesting once the second phase of body contouring happens. Before then, I'm gonna push my NBE to the max, slim down slowly what I can and try to get in better shape. It wont take long for ice to be gone so that means easy walks again.

My breast development has been amazing! I didn't think I could reach and surpass the size I had right after the fat graft in a month! But hey, boobie fairy surely loves me. Wink And there's some neat stuff I'm doing to make it happen. I'm just about to start a very interesting experiment about which I don't talk more just yet as first I want to see if it works. Don't worry, I will keep teasing about it and post updates every now and then. One part of the said experiment is already doing its magic as you can see on the latest pictures, but there will be more... And that's all about NBE today. Rolleyes 

On other transition related things, I got voice therapy booked. Two sessions coming up and I might take few more or then not, depends on how it goes, but likely it wont benefit me much, this is just part of the protocol so I'm just tagging along. Its going well, I'm very likely to get on the surgery waiting list rather sooner than later. I should soon reach my plastic surgeon and book three month post op check with him. That'll be early to mid May if everything goes right. On that date I will try to get the second phase also booked so I know to prepare in time. I will likely try to ask it booked around end of August, at the time when summer is already on the way out and its not too hot for recovery. Thank gods for short Finnish summer for this. I'm also starting to learn makeup and its quite a lot of fun. I've figured out some simple tricks that work for me well and I will at some point post pictures. I have some fancy new stuffs I want to show some time.... Oh and quite soon it'll be time to order a new bra, Elomi Molly has done its job and I'm at the end of the road, my boobs are bursting out of it. Good bye L cups. Wink I'm not sure if next one will end up being LL or M cup in case I go for a sister size. Not long ago somewhat worn 36 band fit perfectly so we'll see. 

I guess i'll update my forum title a bit... Btw, 38LL corresponds to 5560ccs in volume, that's 22lbs or 10kg of big Hello Titties. About 9% of my body weight currently. These girls are heavy. My back hurts a lot as I'm still mostly braless, go figure.

Girl you look amazing and you sound in such a better frame of mind--happy for you. Boob development is nothing less thanspectacular, simply Wow. Boob to waist ratio is looking good. Glad to hear the makeup is going well and the surgery date :heart is  moving along sooner rather than later--sounds like everything is falling into place.  Heart Heart
        favorite picture of you great smile

The update is fantastic.  You're looking great and I will say that you can see the change that the surgery has made.  Your breasts are rounder and look awesome.  The boob to waist is great.  Wishing you continued success.   Heart Heart

It’s mind boggling what you have achieved.
Your dedication to rigours are amazing.
It’s not easy with Diaspora and mental 
Stress it puts on you .

I have enjoyed every step of your journey,
And wishing you best of wishes for your 
Target achievement you wish for Hug

It’s really inspiring. Good for you.

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