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Hello - My first post!


Hi Chestnut and welcome to the world of growing boobs Smile
You've got a good start here, ok over a long period, but like many have said its not a race, for me it's not even a marathon it's more of a life long walk in the park, steady as she goes...
I love being a man so very much a male staying male, my goal is to feminise my body as much as I can but continue to present as a male.
I started a few years back on PM, vits etc for about 18-months, did a couple of months on BO and now on HRT for over 12-months and really happy with what PM and now HRT are giving me.
Although, I'm no doctor, I'd suggest adding RR with the PM (and vits etc) and try those for 3-months, then review.
I'm in the UK (north west) and you can get supplies really easily, I've used all three and never had an issue other than when a product is out of stock.
Also, if you are  not doing this you might want to consider adding daily massage and supple nips to the regime as there is a reasonable amount of proof that these can add gains as well.
Ultimately NBE is very much trial and error so if it doesn't seem to work tweak the regime, such as upping the PM first and try again.
Good luck with it all, keep doing your research especially all the great stuff from our Lotus and keep persevering with it Smile

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Hi Wee2er,

Thanks for the welcome - people here really are nice, aren’t they? It is great to hear how they are all doing, and what they have achieved. It gives me something to aim for and to gauge my progress against, etc. I am in awe of what some of the more outstanding (excuse pun) member have achieved - absolutely spectacular results. I think they must represent the pinnacle amongst the members here.

I probably will resume RR as you suggest. I am hoping that my stalled progress may be due to the brand of PM  I was using. I have now switched to Ainterol in the hope that this may be the key to further growth, along with the RR, vitamins and minerals.

I’m intrigued by your progress. I have been wondering if PM is the solution for me or not, and having noted that you went onto BO and then HRT yourself, I would love to know what you think about all three methods. I’m assuming that you reached a point of stagnation with PM, causing you to move on to the others to see better gains? Would you say that PM is worth sticking with for now or is it likely that I have gone as far as that will take me?

I am interested that so many here seem to use PM as a stepping-stone to HRT, though I guess other stick with the PM and continue to see gains. I would love to hear what others think…

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement - have a great 2024


Hi Chestnut,
They are indeed a friendly bunch and very inspiring bunch in here.
My journey started in complete disbelief that a bloke could grow boobs, so very much an experiment that I was convinced would not work, I soon changed my mind and realised that boobs were indeed very possible Smile 

I developed my regime from Lotus's excellent research and others suggestions and was very happy with it, other than the amount of pills I was taking daily. I have existing health conditions that require blood tests for liver, kidneys etc every quarter / monthly if I'm not feeling well! Luckily, PM didn't cause any difference to my bloods / liver or kidney functions.  

However, I was and am very conscious of how many NBE pills I'm taking on top of my meds. 

This initially took me to taking PM etc rectally which I found to give stronger results so became my preferred method of administration.
Not sure if you've come across this in your research but anything orally is filtered by our internal organs whereas rectal administration has a far greater chance of getting straight into your bloods.

The BO experiment came about mainly due to inconsistency of a decent supply of PM, and taking two/day would significantly reduce my pill intake, so thought it worth a try.

BO seemed to kick in quickly, lots of itchy boobs etc and certainly brought on a lot of lower back pains which I presumed was the onset of the fabled hip-tilt. However, the BO that I was using was Raw Female and each capsule had a high does of zinc in each so I started to consider returning back to PM etc or possibly doing HRT.
I also noticed that I wasn't feeling too well which was confirmed when my blood doc said that my bloods are all over the place again, cant be certain it was the Raw Female/Zinc but it put an immediate stop to my Raw Female experiment.

I had some PM etc left over so dropped back onto that then took the plunge and went on HRT which I have been on ever since.

I budded quickly with PM and grew a reasonable A/B cups, now HRT seems to be filling my breasts out more to a fuller B cup.

My only concern now is that I want to feminise my lower half to match the curves up top so now researching BO and pituitary gland (Swanson as this seems the best by far) to add to my HRT regime. I'm about 83% ish sure that I'll add BO & PG sometime 1st qtr of 2024, but will see as I am concerned about losing more functionality in teh downstairs male dept. 

Other considerations, is I really need to lose the 5Kg or so weight that I gained from PM and lose belly fat as this will aid fat re-distribution to a more female shape along with general overall health improvements.

If I was to start again, I'd do the same as PM works and if you get the right regime delivers solid results. 

For me I've got my sturdy walking boots on and thoroughly enjoying a steady long walk in the park Smile 

Hope that all helps.

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Thanks Wee2er, that is really helpful and interesting. It is reassuring to hear that PM can work well if you get everything just right. Obviously my past attempts just ground to a halt, so I must have been doing something wrong I guess. I have fresh stock of Ainterol PM and have just ordered up some more MSM, calcium and Red Reishi so will reintroduce them as soon as possible and have another determined attempt in 2024.

Interesting what you say about using the PM rectally. I have read this elsewhere, and the reasoning seems to be that it gives your kidneys an easier time since it bypasses them. I may give that a try. I will try this new round of PM for a good amount of time, and if nothing happens I will look at other options. I would be nervous about BO, but then all of this carries some risk. It is just the stories here and there about infrequent drastic and irreversible changes with BO that worry me - I would be concerned if I found myself subject of rapid unstoppable feminisation!

I have so far managed a B cup, though they are not quite as full as I would like them to be. I would be delighted if I could achieve a good solid C cup at some point. Maybe if the PM doesn’t work for me I will have to follow your lead and look at HRT. I always thought that HRT was available strictly on prescription only in the UK - it would be great if there was some way to get around that.

I too need to shift around 5 kg of weight! It is that time of year, I suppose. I take some comfort in the notion that fat is required to assist in aromatisation. That’s my excuse at least!


Welcome and best of luck to you on your journey.

Hi! Thanks for the welcome, Cagedmuscle213, and good luck to you for the New Year.


Best of Luck

Hi Chestnut,
You can get HRT really easily, I use inhouse pharmacy, who ship from overseas. Just need to pay them in USD (use one of teh online money transfer sites like XE) and keep the order under £140 for customs and all is good.
Definitely, try the PM rectal route, use one of the small medicine syringes you get with kids medicines, dissolve the PM in about 4ml of water water.
Good luck with your 5kgs, my best way of loosing the pounds is intermittent fasting, just need to get into the right mind set to do it!

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Hey - thanks for the info on HRT, Wee2er. I had no idea that was possible. I will have to investigate that when I exhaust the possibilities of PM, which I suspect will be happening at some point. Meanwhile, I check out the rectal administration of PM.

I’ve made a start on the 5 kg but I don’t expect miracles any time soon! Like PM, it’s a marathon, not a race…

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