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Thanks, Mash ....

It's funny, I've gotten more negative reactions from my kilt-(skirt) than I do when people stare at myboobs. So, go figure lol.

Hey Steve, 

Your breasts look great, enjoy your vacation, and don't worry about what others think.

Best regards,

Thank you Chuck.

I love wearing mine, but I can't help but seem to get self-conscious while out in public while wearing it.

It is incredibly comfortable, though. I actually have two of these in khaki/beige.

Maybe if I had short hair & no tits I could actually pull it off w/o screaming trans, because like I've said 10,000 times before, I don't consider myself trans. Maybe somewhere in between, or, I just like being who I am.

Its not surprising, anything perceived openly trans is frowned upon. Seems that the atmosphere on this has been getting worse and US in particular is messed up. I've heard rumours that Finland is the same with attitudes becoming worse but I haven't noticed anything. Then again I'm so stealth these days poeple just have no idea.

Its so stupid, why can't people wear what they want and look the way they want? Who the fuck is to say what is allowed and what isn't? In here kilts are fine, but its typically either a punk, a metalhead or a goth guy wearing it. That's something no one will mind much, but some guy who doesn't look like part of a certain subculture wearing it would get nasty looks. Its ridiculous. I remember well how I got some nasty remarks wearing a skirt when I had my goth phase going on years ago. Mind that I looked very andorgynous at least and was "mistaken" for a woman many times back then. Most people who were confused became super nice if they dared to come talk with me, but the nasty fucks obviously do not want to learn why, they just want to hate.

I don't understand it, its just a piece of clothing and super nice at that. I love skirts, they should be made completely unisex.  Big Grin

I agree 100% about skirts should be unisex. I mean, they most certainly were during the olden days. I just don't get how freaked out even a guy in a kilt makes people at times. It literally rattles their brains.

The funny thing about kilts is when you look at models advertising them, they seem to go over-the-top in masculizing them. The constant addition of heavy boots always cracks me up. They go out of their way to make damn well sure that you know it's NOT a skirt. (Eye Roll). Even one of the photos I posted above the one dude has his power stance going on. (Double Eye Roll).

Speaking of which, the one thing I do love about this brand is how light it is. 99% of all other kilts are bulky & heavy with all kinds of manly add-ons and they just don't suit me too well. If you look at the above posted photos, I think you can see why I refer to (mine) as a kilt-skirt, because at first glance and by comfort and wear, they really are more like a skirt than a kilt. The number one thing I love about them the most is the light fabric and the 2nd thing is the "flap", that keeps me from flashing others when I sit down. They're great. I love them.

I will say that while I absolutely love this unique brand that makes these skirts & kilts, she has gotten expensive these days. I got mine 3-4 years ago from her when they were nowhere near the $99 asking price now.

I just like the comfort of them. I've been wearing them for nine years now, and my first one was homemade. The wife took an old pair of my gym shorts and cut the bottom out of them. I later sewed the gaps to make a traditional skirt. My 2nd skirt was just a normal regular A-Line. I have about 4-5 now, and they're all above and at the knee, and black in color. Nothing fancy, nothing frilly. I only wear them purely for comfort. It's amazing how much cooler they are to me than regular shorts. I'm actually at the point now where I detest long pants & slacks.

Who knows. I might wear the kilt on vacation. They really do make me uncomfortable in public, though.

I will say that last year I replaced all my men's shorts with women's. While there is a hint of fetish behind this, I chose Liz Claiborne stretch khaki cotton shorts. They're completely androgynous, which is a major plus. The other factor that I'm sure you all can agree is how NBE/HRT has changed our natural waistline. So, they just plainly fit better. Combine them with a men's shirt and no one will even think twice.

I could never wear a woman's top though. While they look awesome on Lara. Lois & Lotus, they're just not me. I don't really have the fashion sense for them, and I'd just rather not. So, I stay happy in my lane in the middle. You will never ever ever see me in makeup & jewelry, etc.


As far as LGBT sentiments go, it was forced into view about eight years ago with the whole thing about Trannies at Target at Target Stores in North Carolina. Pure Hegelian Dialect. Create a Problem, then Create a Solution. Divide the Populous for Political Gain. I'm about sick of Divide & Conquer Politics, tbh.

As far as drawing attention to one's self with a kilt/skirt goes, my longer hair, obvious breasts with large nipples, hair free legs and silver anklet that I've worn for many years doesn't help. Combine that with my ever softening face and I'm starting to stand out on my own.

The other day my wife wanted to stop by a local bar for beers & lunch while I picked up my camera from the repair shop next door. (Nikon F5, for those that are curious).

That day I was dressed in my Liz Claiborne androgynous khaki shorts, Amazon brand women's androgynous tank top, and men's white silk short sleeved button-up shirt. Casual-Dressy, and sorta cute. I was certainly not expecting that I'd wind-up at a redneck biker bar. Our local watering holes around here are somewhat limited, and this place has excellent food and cold beer on tap. I normally try to lay as low as possible.

Well, I came out of the bathroom and I noticed that the blasting A/C had my large nipples rock hard and immediately I caught laser eyes of death from a few of the biker chicks in there. My hairless legs with silver anklet probably didn't help.

The jury is still out on my pony tail, but if I was wearing boots & jeans, leather vest with a P.O.W. & Outlaws Biker Patch, the pony tail probably wouldn't matter. But, I digress.

Point being is I think I'm at a point where a kilt wouldn't matter about drawing attention to myself.

I really do need to move, but we live on land that's been in the family for 100 years.

Maybe one day . . . . .

I dug out an old bali comfort revolution wireless bra out of the back of the lingerie drawer today. It's a snug fit and kind of holds the girls a little tight.

I haven't worn this in years, but it might be a good option to add into the bra rotation, which currently consists of the same exact sports bra, that I have seven exact copies of haha.

Also I'm adding a current photo of my crooked backside and messy hair. At least you can see my waist curves and high hip haunches. It looks like HRT is actually working because it looks like I have a definite female form.

Nipples really show through the bra and like your pony tail.

Thank you, MT.

I'm just ever in awe of my changes and I hope they continue.

(06-08-2023, 10:37 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Last year the wife and I started the Keto Diet, and I lost 40 lbs but I've been plateaued at the same weight for over a year. It was a nice surprise  the other day when I saw that I finally broke through that barrier and have so far lost an additional five pounds. I might as well brag on the wife because she's lost 50 lbs herself.

Sitting on the couch during the pandemic lockdown and not paying attention to what a high carb diet would do to a body, really packed on the pounds. One thing we've absolutely done with this diet is cut-out high fructose corn syrup and seed oils. You'd be surprised how many different types of foods (breads & condiments) hide those two ingredients. We try to avoid those as best we can.

Great to see another Keto proponent Smile
Excellent work on your weight loss.

Your breasts are looking mighty fine. Do you have lots of sensitivity in your nipples? (that is what I aim for, to have orgasmic nipples)

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