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Lurker Here, Looking to Transition


Hello everyone! I'm Ribbon, 26 year-old male living in the US, and I found this forum about half a year ago when looking up how to feminize my body and begin my transition. After lurking around, learning how to read the site, and trying out numerous supplements and methods, I feel like I've hit a little dead end. I thought that maybe involving myself in the forum could help with that. I'm not sure how often these introductory threads get replies, but if anyone could give me their thoughts, I think it would help me find what I've been doing wrong. Sorry I'm asking questions right off the bat, but I figured I might as well ask here. No need to answer questions if you don't want to! Just, say hi, or whatever else forum people do.

For starters, I can give a little more personal background. Late last year, after much thought, I determined that I could be transfeminine. I feel happier and more comfortable when I'm perceived as being feminine, so I've wanted to explore that more and more, to the point where I want to permanently change my body. My overall living situation makes it difficult for me to attempt hormone replacement therapy, as there are expenses and hoops to jump through, but the natural supplement approach felt very appealing as an alternative. I would definitely like to try HRT in the future.

As I am now, I'm not very large, or strong, or traditionally masculine, but I'm still quickly identified as such. I've got a big nose and plenty of body hair that I don't want, but I'm also relatively small at 5'4" (~163 cm), weighing around 116 lbs (~53 kg). I have features that could go either way, so I'm hoping to push them in the feminine direction. More specifically, I'd like a more feminine fat distribution, less body hair (preferably none!), wider hips if possible, and, of course, breasts. I know some of those are harder to obtain than others, but I know at least one of those can be achieved by using the information in this forum! I'm not very concerned about feminizing my behavior at the moment (honestly I think I act kind of androgynous/feminine by default); I just want to focus on what I can do about my anatomy, because that seems like the hardest part to me (and the most interesting!).

So, as for what I'm doing about it: I took my time navigating this site, reading through all the important threads, and doing my best to unravel all the information that's scattered around. Over the past several months, I've tried many, many things, most of which did not noticeably do anything, but a lot of that can be blamed on my own "growing pains" with trying to find out what works for most people, as well as my own impatience.

Listing everything that didn't work would be a pain, but I can say what has seemed to work:
  • Reishi Mushroom [capsule] at 2g/day
  • White Peony [liquid extract ~333mg of dry raw material per 1 ml] at 2ml/day
  • Pueraria Mirifica [capsule] at 1.1g/day
And those should not come as a surprise to regulars on this site, I'm sure. Of course, I've combined these with various other helpers, but I think the combination that actually started doing something was when I combined them with these:
  • Milk Thistle
  • Vitamin D
  • Fish Oil
  • L-Lysine
  • GABA
  • Estrogen Cream
  • Progesterone Cream
And the effect was my breasts beginning to "bud," as I've heard it called. This was really exciting for me, but this was after at least 5 months of experimenting and using PM very consistently, albeit from different brands before staying consistent with one. I'm also still curious about the efficacy of Bovine Ovary supplements, which seem to be in a bit of an inconsistent spot, based on what I've read around here. I've tried them myself before (with iodine and checking temperature), and am actively trying it again now in case something has changed since I've budded, but I'm on the fence about it. So, now I'm at a point where I have a few pressing questions I feel like I can't answer myself.
  • If I went back to the combination I listed above, is there anything I should change?
I get quite bogged down with the sheer number of supplements to try, but MSM is one I have yet to try, and I wonder if that's a key element I'm missing. The same goes for Calcium, though I'm less convinced on the importance of that one (I haven't read the science for either of these, I know I should). It's also possible that my dosages of Reishi, WP and PM are all a little low, which might be why it took a while for me to see results. My body seems to have a high tolerance for things in general. Any opinions on these thoughts would be appreciated!
  • Are there any reasons for me to put faith into BO and try it again, if I couldn't get it to work before?
My active plan involves running through about 2 months of BO with the minimal supplements I have (not with PM, I know taking both is the worst idea!), just to see if anything changes, but like I mentioned, I don't know if it's worth my time. I hear that it just doesn't do anything for most people, and even if it does, it might take half a year to see results. Although, with that said, I guess I'm a bit hung up on the possibility that it'll work its magic for me. I don't think I'd mind dropping it, but that depends on the answer to the last question...
  • Is PM enough to achieve the feminization I'm aiming for?
This refers to my background information, but I'm just wondering if I'll have to put in a lot of extra work to achieve my personal goals. I know PM can't make my nose smaller, or anything miraculous like that, but if I'm accidentally expecting miracles from something that will only give me breasts, I'd like to know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. Basically, is PM a package feminine deal, or is it just the breasts?

Okay, that's all I have to say right now! I did my best to keep it short, but I still feel like I'll scare people away with a wall of text with questions as an introduction. Feel free to just ignore my questions, or ask me your own, whatever you forum people do around here. I look forward to learning more about you all!

Hello Ribbon,

Welcome to the forum!

Are there no informed consent clinics in your area? That would probably be the fastest/easiest way to get HRT. Speaking as someone who has been on NBE herbs for years, about 1.5 years on pill forms of HRT, and 6 months now on injections, I would say injections win hands down with the most potent form of feminization. It's not until I got my hormone levels to cis female levels that things finally started changing for the better! I started NBE right about when I was your age. In hindsight, I wish I would've started HRT in my 20s versus waiting until I was 35.

Cost-wise HRT might be comparable to NBE herbs, especially if you DIY and otherwise would be buying a large number of herbs.

If you want to pursue the herbal route, my experience has been:

*2,000-3,000 mg of PM at a minimum per day. I always used Ainterol. I know some people are particularly sensitive to PM, but otherwise I think most bio-males need a hefty dose of pm to really trigger breast development

*400-800 mg of spearmint. I've found spearmint to be especially effective at nuking my masculine libido. This may or may not be of interest to you.

*I apply progesterone cream every few days. Can't say how effective it is. I now have a pill prescription of 100mg per day of progesterone, so once the cream runs out, I'll just be using the pills from now on.

Overall, I would say PM is mainly a breast herb, though it can also trigger feminine fat redistribution elsewhere and lower your masculine libido. But since you're looking to transition, HRT is your best bet IMHO.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, flamesabers!

You make a good case for prioritizing HRT. I personally worry that going that route would be difficult for me, because I don't have my own method of transportation beyond walking at the moment, which severely limits how far I can reasonably travel for care, and I don't currently have health insurance, so it may not be affordable for me. However, it is a good point that the price of NBE herbs over time would likely be comparable, but not nearly as effective as HRT. I don't want to waste time and money, so I'll try to stop making excuses and seriously research how I can get treatment like that in my area. Thankfully I'm not stuck out in the wilderness, so there's a good chance I'll find some options.

Until then, I'll likely continue what I've been doing, tweaking based on your suggestions. I originally kept my dosage low due to my relatively low weight, but I'll try ramping it up slowly. I haven't tried spearmint, but I believe I've already experienced a drop in libido with PM before, so perhaps it wouldn't be necessary for that purpose. I might try it out anyway.

Thanks again for replying! You were very helpful.

Your welcome Ribbon!  Cool

Have you checked to see if any of your local clinics offer a telehealth option? At least that would get the ball rolling, and you would only need to go in-person to the clinic once every 3 months for the bloodwork. Or perhaps there you could outsource the bloodwork testing to a clinic that's within walking distance of your home? I haven't used it myself, but I've heard others suggest GoodRx to help get a discount on prescriptions like for HRT. I know costs vary greatly by location when it comes to paying full-price for medication. I've heard some say injections are the most cost-effective as needles/syringes in general are pretty affordable, and a single 5ml vial of estradiol can last for numerous injections. 

I started my HRT journey with Planned Parenthood. If you have one in your area, and if they do provide HRT services, one option is to speak to their LGBT coordinator for guidance on how to begin your HRT journey. (You wouldn't be the first uninsured trans person asking for help with getting trans healthcare).

I know this may sound like a lot of obstacles to work through. However, if you're in a mindset of wanting to commit to medically transitioning, now is the best time to do so!  Smile

I did a quick little search online, and it does look like there are a few Planned Parenthood locations that are within a reasonable distance, as long as I figure out transportation (shouldn't be a big problem). Looking at the website, at least one of them offers transgender services. Should I just call to make an appointment at one I can reach and ask about trans care? Is it that easy? This sounds really silly to say, but I haven't been to a doctor in a really long time (don't worry, I feel fine), so I feel like I'm missing some steps. Maybe I assumed that this would be far more complicated.

And I forgot that GoodRx exists, that's a good suggestion! I haven't used it either, but it's good to keep in mind. You're also definitely selling me more on the injection method, it sounds pretty enticing.

I scheduled my initial appointment online, but calling them should also be an option. 

If you're also looking for anti-androgens, that might be a bit of an issue. Last time I checked, Planned Parenthood only offered Spirolactone and finasteride (neither worked well for me). They did prescribe me progesterone pills after I was on HRT for 1 year.

Hmm. That might not be a big issue for me, but I'll have to look into that more. Thanks for the heads-up!

And I really appreciate all the help! I think I can muster the confidence to take these first steps.

[unnecessary quoting removed

Do it, its worth the effort.

I often have a regret... Regret of not starting out earlier, being a coward with it for the last few years before I finally did. Regret of not figuring everything out earlier as signs were all over me all my life. I started at 37, I will likely be somewhat ready when I'm 42.... I feel that I'm late and I have huge grief of lot youth. If you can trample the path at late twenties, that's extremely lucky and you should do it. Not going all in would become your biggest regret later on, not actually doing it.

I've heard about that same regret from someone I know recently (she's 35), and I've been thinking about it myself. It does feel quite tragic, feeling like a large portion of time has been wasted... I even feel it myself a bit, thinking I might've been able to start even earlier, if only I had known about myself more. But I know I don't gain anything from thinking about the "what-ifs," and moving forward is what will help me now and in the future. I know there are no magic words to erase that kind of melancholy, but I like to think that it's possible to focus on the positives enough every day to overshadow it. Well, "most days" would be a more realistic goal, but I'm going to say "every day" anyway! Aim for the stars, et cetera.

Perspectives like yours are what encourage me to get off my lazy butt and make change for myself, so I really do appreciate you taking the time to comment! And if it means anything, you really do look spectacular! (I took the liberty of peeking at your personal thread, hope you don't mind!) I'm hopeful that I'll end up looking beautiful like you and all the lovely ladies around here.

Hello Ribbon,

Not everyone needs an anti-androgen while on injections. At the time, I was hoping Planned Parenthood would prescribe me bicalutamide after it became obvious that spirolactone and finasteride wasn't cutting it. Leuprolide was what finally suppressed my testosterone levels, and in less than 2 months! (I'm very thankful I'm able to get that medication through the VA).

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