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Lara's take no shit guide to hardcore Noogling


Essential stuff to have:

Onviously a Noogleberry breasts pump system. Use their sizing guide but I recommend getting the biggest domes that you can make a decent seal with. The point is to get the entire breast root pulled in at once. Use round domes, contoured ones have horrible edges and they will hurt you, just don't do contoured domes. Get the silicone rings for softening the edges. Get airlocks, you want the convenience of being able to pump one dome at a time and to detach the pump. Get gauged pump, one without will hurt you as you can't control the pressure and wont have zero idea what the optimal is, no exceptions, get the gauged pump.

You can also use water as a medium inside the domes while pumping (I do this) which gives more even pressure but its a bit tricky, the pump will break if water enters. I use the long Y-connector tubing with one end sealed, other in the pump and third one has air lock plug which attaches to the dome, this way water drops will go to the lowest part of the Y and not the pump. After use, open the sealed end, squeeze pump end shut and blow some air through to get the water out. Old fashioned audio plug adaptor is perfect size for sealing the bottom end of the tubing.

Optimal program:

3-5 hours per day. One to two days off each week for healing and recovery. The idea is to not let the swelling go completely down except when you sleep and of course on break days. These hours divided to 3-5 sessions to keep the frequency high enough. Use lubricant or lotion of some kind for better seal and to keep your skin elastic. You may or may not use water as a medium, if you do, be careful to not ruin the pump and do the session lying on your back obviously.


Start slowly, do not overdo it, do not rush, don't be stupid. You don't want to hurt your lovely titties but to grow them. Wink Place the domes as centered as possible and maybe also as low as possible. The most typical spot when men and trans women miss fullness is bottom and centre. Also by doing this you ensure you wont be sucking your armpit in. In your armpit and at the edge of your pecs, there are big arteries and ton of nerves! You DO NOT ever want to get those nerves pinched (permanent nerve damage may occur!), so keep the domes away from there. Its not difficult as those areas are sensitive and you will get massive brain splitting pain if you hit the wrong place for too long and too hard. Trust me, never pump your armpits in, you will regret it. Centered is the best way and center + low is even better if you're missinng bottom fullness. One trick to make sure the domes stay together is to use a rope or a belt to tie them next to each other. This makes sure they stay centered even if you lie on your back.

Frequncy first, time second, pressure last:

First build up the frequency, meaning that you do enough short sessions that the swelling wont completely go down during the day. Of course when ever you have the time for it, more is more. I recommend doing 3-5 sessions per day with few hour intervals. Awesome when ever you have a lazy day at home and nothing to hurry about. So start by doing 15-25 minutes per session, then add five minutes to each session once a week. Take one or two days a week completely off, for example Wednesday and Sunday or Monday and Thursday. DO NOT rush adding in the time, be patient. Five to ten minute increments once each week and you'll be blasting full hours in no time.

Always keep the pressure at optimal or a bit lower. I've started doing lower than optimal since I got the XXXL domes as these things are very challenging to tame. Optimal pressure on Noogleberry gauge is with the needle facing right, that's approximately -5 inHg (Black) or -0,2 bar (red) so going one or two notches lower than that will guarantee you're not hurting your girls. The idea of this pressure is that it excites cell division while not causing damage. But there is a theory that tiny cell level damage may elevate local growth hormone and growth factor levels which is of course beneficial for breast development.

First build up frequency to keep the swelling going, then build up time, I would say the most optimally effective total time is 3-5 hours a day, but less will also give you results. I'm seeing massive changes using the new domes doing only 2-3 hours a day. Then lastly, you can build up the pressure, but NEVER exceed the optimal, just don't do it! It would give better swelling but it will also cause damage which shows as tiny blood blisters, sore spots with broken skin, long lasting dome edge marks and worst of all, very long lasting discolouration. I've had these all and have some right now so I know what not to do. Right now I'm slowly healing from all this while keeping the program going, being much more gentle with the new domes has been the key.

Pain is your best friend, listen to your body:

Pain is your friend, discomfort is normal and to be expected, but actual pain is your body telling you that its too much, you're overdoing it and should take a break, lower the pressure or do shorter sessions. Never ignore the pain, its your body telling you that you have reached the limits. Don't feel bad for stepping back with session duration if its too tough, Noogling has a learning curve and slowly building the tolerance is essential for making it work.
Big Grin

Wider the domes, slowler and longer the learning curve will be, keep this in mind when updating to bigger domes, its like starting all over again each time. Don't rush it! Take your time. Don't pick too small ones, pick the widest you can handle. Remember that depending on how much air there is inside the dome while pumping, that changes how intense the pressure is. Using a medium like water makes the pressure more even so more to the sides, less around areolas, this makes pumping with water much more demanding and intense, but it also might give better swelling. Update to bigger domes in time, don't wait until there's zero space left, doing that will make your boobs more prone to injury. The thing is about space in the domes while under pressure and the dome width being enough for pulling the entire breast root in. If its too narrow for your milkies, it will cause blisters and discolouration easier, I will post pictures to demonstrate this problem. I had it with XXL domes which I have totally outgrown by now, I used them for too long.

My history with Noogling:

I started with a cheapo brandless pump back in 2019, quite soon updated to Noogleberry, XL contoured which was a mistake, no airlocks which was a mistake, no gauged pump which also was a mistake. I also overdid it very badly and got to learn what blood blisters, dome edge marks, busted broken skin, near permanent sores and long term discolouration are. Do not repeat my mistakes. Later I updated to XXL round domes, gauged pump and air locks and started using water as a medium and not exceeding optimal pressure by much. It was much better but I still got injury from just being too rigorous and too much of a nutjob. I only lately retired the XXL domes when the situation had become unbearable due to my breasts having massive wide roots and lots of volume. Me and Melissa were lucky to be able to source the out of production XXXL domes as Lucy at Noogle was so awesome to send out to dig up their manufacturers corners for them and they found a pair for both of us. Talk about getting lucky. The XXXLs have inner volume of five litres in total or 5000ccs, so that will be the end of the road for my noogling, there's still quite ways to go there. I've been kinda nuts, right now I have recorded bit less than 1500 hours on it in the last two years, most of that during the last ten months. Its gving me amazing results and the key is to be resilient and slow, turtle wins the race. Listen to your body and have fun with it. It works. Its a growth amplifier, it will enhance your NBE and HRT results to another level if you persevere.

First picture showing the difference of the XL contoured, XXL and XXXL domes. Each is approx 1000cc jump in volume. Second is Mar 5th, third Apr 15th and the last Feb 8th Note the difference in discolouration after switching to correctly wide domes. Also I've used medicine cream and Bio-oil to help fix it. Its still fading all while keeping the program going. Gosh these aren't the best examples... Anyway, I guess the point comes across. In the oldest the discolouration from the dome is very visible and on later ones its already fading, notice that reddish ring around my areola, that was the only spot that was not hugging the dome wall when I switched over.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Detailed guide to using water as a medium.

Ok so I mentioned using water in the domes while noogling. Why do this you may ask, simple, more even pressure, better swelling and in the long run possibly better growth. Also the warmth of the water is highly beneficial for breast growth and it keeps your girls moisturised and does much less blood blisters and less discolouration. Its a bit messy and tricky to do, but worth the effort. Doing it the old fashioned way "dry" works too obviously but I think with water its just simply better.

Setting up

You need to have gauged pump, airlocks with each dome sealed individually and the long Y-connector tubing that comes with your pump. Attach one end to the pump, the lower end of the Y should be sealed, old school audio plug is perfect size for this. Then the other upper end of the Y should have the male plug of the airlock attached. This will make sure no water enters the pump, be careful with this, water WILL break the pump.

Add lube/lotion around your boobs for forming a good seal. Hold a dome with the tube shut so no water escapes. At this point the dome end of the airlock should be attached to the pump, pour in warm water, just enough so there will be enough space for your boobs to swell and some air. 

2. Lean forward, place the dome so that there is seal, see that the placement is as centered as possible and no water escapes. Lean backward while holding the dome, at this point allow the tube to open so you can pump up the pressure. Pump it up while using your other hand to adjust the placement. Keep leaning backwards so no water goes inside the tubing. This is the tricky part and it takes some practice. Once you're at your preferred pressure, detach the tubing and repeat the process with the other dome.

3. Lie down on your back. At this point if you're using a rope or a belt to hodl the domes together, put that in place. Start your timer. After few minutes, check the pressure to your preferred one, this is easy as water will not enter as its on your boobs unless you know how to change gravity. Besides your boobs should be the most massive objects with their own gravity field anyway.

4. Keep checking the pressure once every 5-10 minutes. If you start to run out of space that means you likely used bit too much water and should use less next time.

5. Once you're done, get the heck up and go detach the domes, attach the airlock while holding the tube shut again to avoid water getting in, release the pressure and use your hand to control the airflow back inside while leaning forward. Try to make sure that not much water goes inside the tubing. Remove the dome, pour water out and repeat on the other side. Detach what ever is plugging the lower end of the tubing, seal the end going to the pump, blow air inside the tube to empty all the drops and then plug the lower end again.

6. dry your lovely titties and use lotion on them to avoid your skin drying. There's amazing skin care product called Bio-oil which you can use for this, its perfect for also curing discoloured skin, adds elasticity, fades dome edge marks and it smells awesome. Big Grin Its also expensive but a 200ml bottle lasts for ages.

There you have it. Go noogle, make them BIG. Kiss

What makes negative pressure pumping work?

Its heck of a good question that I've been asked more times than I remember. Usually coming from the pre determined opinion that it doesn't work. Which is of course load of crap because negative pressure has been studied and proven to have bunch of uses in healthcare because it has the most peculiar way of exciting cell division. That means healing and growth. There are some studies done on this, but I can't quote them out of memory, its one internet search away but right now I'm too lazy to do your job for you so go look it up yourself. This btw is where the optimal pressure comes from.

Negative pressure when applied correctly with enough frequency, using optimal pressure is known to excite cell division. This is scientifically proven stuff about what does it. But there's more, there are some interesting theories which I think are worth a mention. One is tiny cell level damage causing elevated HGH(growth hormone), IGF-1(Insulin like growth factor 1) and HGF(Hepatocyte growth factor) levels. Especially the latter is interesting, that stuff goes sky high where there's a healing wound. So does HGH. What if those tiny blood blisters which are tiny cell level inuries, while they heal, do these essential pieces of breast development skyrocket? Logic says yes. Especially HGF is known to be very difficult to boost, the only known way I'm aware of is some drugs used for recovery aid after major surgeries but obviously stuff like that is difficult or near impossible to obtain. HGF is known to get elevated around what ever healing injury there is and cell damage is one of the known causes that can trigger macromastia(excessive breast development).

Another interesting one is a theory about tissue density, that our bodies have a peculiar way of wanting to keep tissue density optimal which is of course determined by our genetics. This theory states that negative pressure pulls and loosens our breast tissue which given the time will start building more connective tissue to get back to its natural density. Would make sense, would it?

Then there's third theory which is very logical one, Noogle pulls in plasma, blood, water, all liquid stuff we have in our bodies which is carrying hormones to their receptors, nutrients and stuff, building blocks... So the pull is stimulating all this by pulling in more liquids that carry all the goodies around.

Its really interesting subject, I would love to see more studies done on this as there's only the thing about exciting cell division and that's about recovery from injury or surgery and what else, but not about growing boobs. Then again, we well know that this works and it especially does when its coupled with effective HRT and or NBE programs. I have noted a peculiar correlatio. My volume gains went much higher on average once I started to do 70-130 hours of noogle in a month and that seems to be further amplified with better optimised NBE program. In particular I seem to have better growth while combining my self induced hyperprolactinemia along with rigorous pumping regimen. This might well be a chicken or egg question of course as I can't know which piece of the puzzle is responsible for how much of the development. But this is the beauty of it, the magic bullet, there's no one thing that works and no one things that works for everybody, its about finding perfect balance and combination of things.

But obviously noogle done right works like a charm. Wink

Thanks for the great information and insight on Noggling.  You're an inspiration.

(26-04-2023, 01:54 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  Thanks for the great information and insight on Noggling.  You're an inspiration.
Awww, you welcome. Heart I had wanted to write a guide on this for a long time. I thought why not now as I mentioned a lot of this in Jennifer's thread. I will keep adding in more details and what ever stuff comes up about it, Noogle is awesome piece of the boob puzzle and a lot of fun but I've seen way too many either under or overdo it and repeat the same mistakes. Most of which I have done too and learned the hard way, so I thought to put down a decent guide on how to make the most out of it without injury.

I can relate to taking steps in using the Noogleberry.  I've gone back to using my Supple Nips and have to slowly work my way up to extended periods of time they are on.

Sorry to use the Didi name but I do love it so.
Anyway Thanks for doing this and Admin should pin this one to the top of the pumping section.
You hit all the correct points, without exception.
Lube is key, time is key, pressure is key and you cant suck out DD in a weekend, so dont bother trying.
TIME and patience.

I'm so proud that I got to know you many years ago, and I got to watch you struggle and suffer and blossom.
You truly are an amazing woman and I pray for your ever lasting happiness.

It might seem sappy, but its one of those days when love is in the air, and your thread just filled me up.
bobbi  Hug Hug Hug

(26-04-2023, 02:12 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  I can relate to taking steps in using the Noogleberry.  I've gone back to using my Supple Nips and have to slowly work my way up to extended periods of time they are on.
Gosh I wish I could do that too... But I have to pick my battles and that's noogle for now, as long as I can last on the XXXL domes, once I've outgrown them... Omg that will be so crazy, then I don't know what to do. But for me supple nips and nipple pumps seem to be too rough and I get blistered and hurt no matter how patient I am. Maybe I should start with them doing just like five minutes at a time or so and go absolutely super patient and slow. That's pretty much what I've been forced to do with the new Noogle domes as they're hard core. Its no wonder they never became a good seller as the XXXL dome is huge and very demanding to get used to.

(26-04-2023, 02:15 PM)Happyme Wrote:  YEA DIDI
Sorry to use the Didi name but I do love it so.
Anyway Thanks for doing this and Admin should pin this one to the top of the pumping section.
You hit all the correct points, without exception.
Lube is key, time is key, pressure is key and you cant suck out DD in a weekend, so dont bother trying.
TIME and patience.

I'm so proud that I got to know you many years ago, and I got to watch you struggle and suffer and blossom.
You truly are an amazing woman and I pray for your ever lasting happiness.

It might seem sappy, but its one of those days when love is in the air, and your thread just filled me up.
bobbi  Hug Hug Hug
Awww, Didi or Lara, both are fine. But hey, Soon I will literally become L cup Lara once I reach the goals. Big Grin

Yea why not? There wasn't a guide like this here before... Lotus? Eve?

I want to keep on adding more details in here and perhaps talk about figuring out right size for the domes to use and so on. There's a whole lot of fun stuff about boobie pumping.

Hey thanks. Hug Heart I'm still ages away from completion and I have quite a lot of ambition too. But getting there, one day at a time. My plan is to feel somewhat complete and able to call myself being post transition once I hit five years on HRT. All the treatment that's coming from the healthcare system should take another approx. two years to complete and body changes are of course a 5-10 year project on average so there's plenty of road ahead. And my boob greed so far knows no limits, I want to reach the sky and see how far I can go. The thing is that quite soon I'll run out of easy ways of finding bras which is a bit of an issue, otherwise why not just keep going and see where the limits and potental are. Blush

notveryinteresting, you asked about lube, I use run off the mill Nivea body lotion, the creamy kind which has vitamin E in it. Its mild, slides enough and is very good on keeping skin moist. I usually apply only around bottom and middle so that the cups pull the most right there where I've been missing most, this also helps them from slipping too far to armpits to avoid pinching nerves. There's one known case of someone on Nexus getting actual nerve damage from pumping so this is a valid concern to pay attention to. So yes, lube or lotion is great idea to keep the cups in the middle and for a good seal and also for avoiding broken skin and lesser irritation. Smile

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